Class of 1975

Bottle Rocket Wars at the Old Dublin House and Ramada
Posted 8/26/2001

Subject: Re: 5 Jul 71
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 07:51:06 -0400
From: Scott Smith


Thanks for the reminder of when it all started [5 Jul 71]. In fact, I
wouldn't have the lovely family I have today if not for the Academy.
(Yep...met her at a cadet party, married at the Chapel two days after

Jul 5, 1971:  Dink Yurko, myself and one other guy [old timer's moment]
from the Col Ferrari (ALO) group arrived on the 4th together on the Old
Continental and road a cab along a gravel road (later Academy Boulevard
and Powell Road) to the Ramada next to the Hungry Farmer.

Spent the Fourth of July at the Old Dublin House shooting off bottle
rockets (at each other!?!) and eating ice cream from the Old Shamrock
gas station.

Sadly only the Ramada and Hungry Farmer remain as was.  Thankfully, we
haven't. God bless miracles.

Scott Smith
(703) 590-6021
15980 Kensington Place
Dumfries, VA 22026-3159

-----Original Message-----
From: Perry Lamy []
Sent: Thu 7/7/2005 6:47 PM
To: Carlson, Jim


I was reading the email messages you received on the web site and seeing Goody Gudmundson's reference to bottle rockets . . . I couldn't help recalling this story from 4 years ago when Scott Smith mentioned taking part in the bottle rocket fight. Ours began in the parking lot of the Old Dublin House and migrated back to the parking lot of the Ramada.

Anyway, the story below from the Lamy archives.

'75 Best Alive
(753411K / PO Box 3596)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Thanks, for the memories!!
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2001 12:25:46 -0400
From: "P Lamy"

Scott [Smith],

Reading through my large batch of email and updates from Jim Carlson, I came across your recollection of those first days in C-Springs . . . the Ramada and Dublin House caught my eye.

I've told the story about shooting bottle rockets many times but could never remember who was there. I arrive with the NH "delegation" on Saturday, 3 Jul . . . we flew from Boston's Logan Airport.

In the group (about 7 of us as I recall) were Dale Smith, Mark Stickney, John Ladieu, a guy named Wadsack (boy, did he catch hell!), a couple of other guys, and me. The NH parents group had arranged for us to stay at the Ramada Inn until Monday. As I recall, there were bunch of other guys staying there as well.

On Sunday afternoon, a couple of us hitchhiked to the Academy . . . a 2-degree and his "girlfriend" picked us up on I-25 and drove us to the cadet area. The 2-degree had to report back in from his privilege (we would see him again in a couple of days) and left us in the able hands of his "girlfriend" (bad call!). The "girlfriend" showed us the sights and then drove us back to the Ramada Inn.

She decided to hang around with us . . . one of our classmates was already playing out the definition of "bird dog" . . . although since we were not yet cadets, I guess it wasn't technically a "bird dog".

Somehow, we must have hooked up with you guys, because that night (4th of July) we were at the Old Dublin House in the bottle rocket fight! I think the "girlfriend" was the source of transportation.

Anyway, I'll always remember the bottle rocket war in the parking lot because I got hit in the head with one of the bottle rockets . . . just above my right eye.

Unbelievable how close I came to getting hurt and ending my AF career before it even started . . . but we were young (17 for me!) and carefree.

I remember getting back to the Ramada and someone having some beer or liquor with the suggestion of an all-night party . . . or last night of freedom, so to speak . . . but I turned in.

The next morning, aghast, we found out that one in our travel group and the "girlfriend" had spent the night together!!!!  We were horrified at the consequences of running into the cadet boyfriend and being fingered as one of the group.  We did see him during 1st BCT several times, as a matter of fact, but nothing ever came of it.

I hope this sparks some additional memories about our last night as young civilians!


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Thanks, for the memories!!
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 07:42:52 -0400
From: Scott Smith
To: P Lamy


Thanks a zillion for "filling in the gaps." One of the unfortunate things I have realized over time is how focused I was on the future and not on the present. That has involved me with numerous foibles over time; most specifically, not being able to remember when and where I met friends along the way.

Perry, I always knew you were one of the first "other" smacks I met, but could never remember when and how. My apologies to all those along the way I met and could not remember. I'm past embarrassment now and simply ask when we meet. (Even Roy Rice, one of the first drummers I met in the "Beaters and Blowers," has been kind enough to reconnect that synapse (sp?) for me. I do remember all the rest.) I can only hope this is not the early signs of "old-timers," but instead a final maturation.

Perhaps it's really the realization of how important it is to "stop and
smell the roses along the way." Each one of you has helped me to be the person I am. For that, I am eternally thankful.

Thank YOU for the memory,

'75 Best Alive

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: '75 Note to Class (29 Jul 01)
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 09:01:43 -0500
From: "Kelley Bishop"


Ah, yes, Jul 5, 1971. What a day! I remember it like it was yesterday.

I remember flying into C-Springs, solo I might add. [I did not know that
would be a big deal in the future
].  Stayed in the hotel on south Academy
Drive, the Galaxy or Solar System or something. I was pretty nervous,
except my oldest brother had attended Annapolis and I knew I was smarter and
tougher than he was. He struggled through all four years and almost got
kicked out in April of his firstie year.

Anyway, I digress.

Did not know anyone or meet any other classmates until the bus ride to the
"zoo". I remember thinking the place looked like an old medieval castle as
we drove up the winding road around the south side of the parade field. Got
out at the good old "BOTR" with the "Bring me men" sign and started the day.
[What does it say today?]

Do not remember the name but after all the in processing garbage my first roomate never showed. Bright golden name tag and all by the door and he never shows. Geeeeeezzzzz. Bad omen.

I remember Arnold Hall and reforming on the terrazzo. Suddenly, there was a mass of blue suits underneath the old dorm (read Vandenburg Hall) who marched smartly out at us. With the loud signal they started the hazing and yelling. I was never so glad to be in the middle of the doolie squadron (CS-18). Hardly got touched.

But by the end of the night I was sick to my stomach. Reported smartly and
sharply to the cadet muckity muck in charge of me. They arranged for me to
go to the hospital where I was examined by the DOD's best medical staff
..... the result.... nothing wrong, just send him back.

AAAhhhhhhhhh. No!!!!   At least find a hang-nail or something. Needless to
say, from Command Post back to CS 18 I was harrassed by every upper classman
that I ran into. God finally saved me as I had a sudden urge to urge to
hurl. Best news is I lived right by the latrine.

It was a manly sight and I felt much better and rejoined the rest of the
"Best Alivers" for the remainder of four glorious years.

Thank God for snow and skiing.
