The Quarterly Class News
6980 Baker Road
Colorado Springs Co 80908
Our tenth anniversary gathering was a successful and happy reunion. I'm sure those of you who were able to join us here for the occasion would extend your thanks to such key workers as Aaron THRUSH, '60 (class coordinator); Tom ELLER, '61 (overall honcho); and Lee BUTLER '61 (banquet chairman), who invested "an" extra hour or so to help make the entire weekend quite memorable. There were others too, not least among them some hard working wives, who did more than their share. In the last analysis, those of you who made the effort and spent the money to get here are the ones who really made the event what it was. To all of you who worked and came, '60 says "Thanks!!" Perhaps the most typical greeting of the weekend went something like this: "It's really good to see you. You look great--you haven't changed a bit." All in all, in spite of the standard reunion weather (rain, slush, snow, and COLD), it was a fine weekend.
At school (again?): Quite a gang at Maxwell for intermediate level indoctrination: Bill GOODYEAR, Bill CURRIER (another regular slot scarfed up by a reservist) , John GIFFEN, Don SINGER, Mike (A) CLARKE, Tony JONES, .and Nels DELIWOP. At the schools for gentlemen: LCDR John HUHN, Naval War College, Newport, RI, and Denis WALSH at Norfolk in the Armed Forces staff College. Of the AFIT studs, I know of only three this report: Ted STUMM at Texas Tech, Herb ECKWEILER at Southern Cal. and Earl VAN INWEGEN at San Diego State.
In the Real Air Force: Joining ZIMMERMAN and HIGGINS at Udorn in the recce business is Gordie SAVAGE. Also, over there in recce but in Hq, 7AF, Jim WADDLE. Andi BIANCUR is in that neck-of-the-war tour with the 834 AD. Jerry GIRARD is at Phu Cat, RVN, flying Phantoms. With the 480 TFS Stateside, we have several Hq tapes: Paul VALLERIE, Missile Staff Officer in the Pentagon (and with a new job, the Valleries have a new daughter, Tonya); Jerry MASON, Steve HOLT, plus, I think, three or four others at MAC Hq. Scott AFB; and George FRIES, Systems Analyst at Offutt. Jerry CASKEY is again holding down a command slot as Commander, Det. 20, 4500 Support Sqdn. Bergstrom AFB. Pete ROE just arrived in cool, colorful Colorado, at Ent AFB, in the 1151 Special Activities Sqdn. Gary CREW is an IPIS instructor at Randolph, bemoaning the impending loss of the T-39s. Previously, I reported Mike (J) CLARKE’s last move backwards: He recently left Holland for Edwards, instead of the other way around (either way sounds great to me).
The Silly Villians: Tony LOVELL recently left RAND CORP to become a research associate for the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education at Boulder, Colorado. Jon MCCLURE is doing the guard-airline bit with the Georgia ANG and Eastern Airlines. And I understand the JP GONSKY and Ed HOPKINS are both with General Electric.
Again the standard apology for possible inaccuracies above, as much of it is by word-of-la-boca and second-hand change-of-address notices. I know you don’t have time to write; so, when you send in a change-of-address card, please make it as informative as possible--use the remarks section to poop us in. See you at the Cotton Bowl!
Where are you Walt SWEENEY? Anybody know?
Recent honorary members of '60 are Samantha Kate (what a name!) FISCHER born to Bob and Lutzi sometime last year, and Gordie and Carol SAVAGE’s third, also a late-1970 arrival. (Gordie has moved from recce ops at Udorn to recce staff at Saigon.) Ralph and Loretta MILLER expect their first in the spring. The GILLISs have #4 in the hangar, also due in the springtime. (Did you see Bill’s picture in a recent Interceptor??)
My super filing system just uncovered an old letter (May 70) from PAUL VALLERIE who, after getting shuffled around, ended up in the Strategic Missile Division of the Asst Ch of Staff/Studies and Analysis shop, Hq USAF. Perdóneme, Pablo
It’s blowing and almost snowing. From now 'til April, please write.