AOG Magazine Class News
Qtrs 4410 B
USAFA, CO 80840
Greetings from Venturi Valley where the snows blow in September and the current doolie privileges seem to bare a strange resemblance to what we had as firsties. As many of you are going to and from intermediate schools and Pentagon assignments, I begin my second year of teaching psychology (if you can believe that) and T-41s. As this is my first try at writing this column, and since meeting Fred’s deadline is somewhat akin to doing a term paper the night before it is due, you are about to read a strange mixture of rumors, conjecture and information gleaned from change of address cards. It seems that even the Wright Wing Flyer went out of business for the summer. So, if you guys want some accurate info in this column you’re going to have to write or call, as my trusty T-41 only goes as far south as Raton Pass and as far north as Cheyenne (and even that is doubtful, as we have put nearly 10% of the flying fleet in hayfields over the last couple of months because of engine problems).
Here at the Academy, Hal BROST and John BRUSH still reside in the Department of Econ and Management. While John was at UCLA, he talked for a few moments one night with Dr. Dave LUCE under a “darkened street light.” But, try as he might, he was unable to track him down later. California seems to be swallowing up our classmates. Under somewhat less mysterious circumstances, John also saw C. T. DOUGLASS who is doing well as a pilot for Western Airlines. Cres SHIELDS has departed the Math Department for Arizona to get his doctorate in Ops Research and then will return here. He will be sorely missed by his department as he was one of their leading aces with the Form 10. He was credited with single handedly preventing many cadets from successfully completing 100 missions through math and mech departments in a state of disrepair. Cres joins D. D. STEVENS in Arizona who will be returning here in the not too distant future with his Ph.D. Bill TAYLOR and Ron DEEP still remain in math. For those of you desiring a 28-mile tour of the Academy on foot, Ron is offering guided tours on weekends—just bring your own shorts and running shoes.
Ron passed on the word that Aaron THRUSH is now at Randolph and cranking out audio-visual training aids for ATC. He also heard the rumor that Rich CARTER and Roy JOLLY, the big egg-and-butter man from Deer Trail, are going to join forces and create an investment tax shelter for all of you rich guys—perhaps they are going to start a deductible falcon farm. More on that after I see them at the football games. Ron also heard from Dick MROSLA who, bouncing around with several national guard and airline outfits, has finally settled down and decided to get a masters degree in EE at the University of South Carolina. Good luck, Richard. Also, Gary GULBRANSEN, who is flying for Pan Am in sunny San Francisco, is the proud father of a new baby girl.
A few weeks ago, the AF lost a heck of a nice guy when the civilian world gained another of our classmates, Bill OUELLETTE. In July, Frenchy turned in his blue suit for a white coat and is now attending the Massachusetts College of Optometry in Boston. Seems like I heard that Dr. Jon DAY is also in the eye business somewhere out east—maybe he and Bill can join forces. Since I can’t seem to find any current info on Jon, we’ll make him the lost soul of the quarter. An eye doctor shouldn’t be wandering around lost, so if any of you see Jon let me know. The Navy apparently gained another of our classmates recently; J. P. BROWNING seems to have grown tired of civilian life and went into the Navy as a Lt. Commander. No other info than that; how about an update, J. P.? The real AF also gained another of our classmates back, Wayne KENDALL. A few years back, Wayne started med school at the University of Arkansas. Among other things, he had to resign his commission and then be reaccepted into the AF. He graduated this June and is now doing his internship at Travis AFB. Wayne and Barbara extend an invitation for one and all to come visit, whether they are sick or not.
Russ MACDONALD, in addition to his teaching duties, is now the admin officer in the Political Science Department. Russ mentioned that while Sid NEWCOMB is off flying 0-2s in SEA; Marvann and their 4 young ones will remain here In the local area. Russ also passed on the word that John MACARTNEY is now at UCLA for his Ph.D. and then will return here in poli sci. Perhaps John will be able to continue the search for Lew PRICE and Dave LUCE.
With all of the USAFA departures, we did have one new arrival, Chris WARACK. Chris joined the football staff in mid-August; He’ll be coaching freshman football, as well as recruiting and scouting. His primary recruiting area will be Michigan; so, if any of you know of any hot prospects up there, drop Chris a note. He also has the tough job of scouting Colorado this year; needless to say, he is hoping to see them play both Nebraska and Oklahoma. While in SEA, Chris ran into Tony LONG at Phu Cat and Saigon. He reports that Tony now has a special job with MACTHAI in Bangkok. Perhaps Tony and Ken ALNWICK can set up a State of the Wing dinner while they are over there together. Chris also saw Dick SEXTON, and noted that part of the reason that he is doing such a great job with CHECO is that Dick is living with a Thai family in Udorn in order to get better acquainted with the local problems.
I spent some time with brother-in-law Neal REAVELY this summer while on leave in Montana. Neal has decided that he is not a cattle rancher after-all. He says he’d be happy to give any of you an extra special deal on 425 acres of mountain ranch land in Montana, especially if you happen to have a spare quarter of a million dollars laying around. Neal is currently teaching high-school science in Corvalis, Montana, and he is also the wrestling coach and assistant football coach. In his spare time he drives to Great Falls and flies F-106s for the ANG. Neal had dinner one night in Great Falls with Charlie DIVER and Edie, but he didn’t know for sure what Charlie’s official job was. However, I talked to Jim WADDLE the other night, and he said that Charlie is on the ADC Manpower Management Engineering Team--whatever that is. Perhaps he is looking for jobs for fighter jocks who can’t find an empty interceptor cockpit. Duck is still here in Colorado Springs working for ADC out at Ent AFB. By the way, for all of you big Colorado Springs investors, Ent is closing up and everything is being moved out to Pete Field in the near future.
Greg BOYINGTON is now at MPC working with Rated Career Development. He has only been there for a few weeks, and he thoroughly enjoys it. If you need to talk to someone about your future in the AF, give Pappy a call at 487-5063 (autovon). If he can’t give you the answers you need, he can sure put you in touch with the right people. By the way, Pappy says that the future for our class looks very bright indeed, and there are many good things on the horizon. He promises to write a blurb for this column and go into the specifics as he and others see it from the personnel business. If any of the rest of you are in a job where you have access to info of interest to our classmates, drop me a line, and I’ll put it in the column. Some of you are in positions where you could really give out some good advice; so, don’t keep it to yourselves.
The current AF Times carried an article on Mike LOH, who has just gone to MIT on a grant from the Order of Daedalians. Mike was awarded a special R & D award from the Secretary of the AF for outstanding achievements. Good show, Roach. Also a couple of address changes: Paul VALLERIE is in the current AFSC class, and Ted STUMM is at Newport News. Also in AFSC, Ted? Ralph E. MILLER also sent a change of address card that he is back in California. What are you doing, Rem, working in a hole at Vandenberg?
That’s about it for this edition. You-all write when you have a chance. By the way, new office autovon number: 259-3118. See you at homecoming against the Fighting Irish. If you can make it for the game and festivities, let one of us in the Springs area know so we can put you up.