AOG Magazine Class News
Qtrs 4410 B
USAFA, CO 80840
Great news this month: a classmate returns from flying as a Sandy on a rescue mission in Laos 5 years ago—Welcome Home Ed LEONARD, it’s good to have you back.
Generally, everyone seems to have settled down this winter; so, not much class news. Three of our classmates did receive some well-deserved accolades according to some recent press releases. Chris WARACK, our representative on the Academy football staff, received a Bronze Star for his outstanding management and leadership in the airlift control business in SEA. Paul VALLERIE got the Meritorious Service Medal for his great job at the Pentagon on the missile operations staff. Don ALMANZAR, who is now flying choppers at Tyndall, received the Commendation Medal for his rescue work while at Kadena. Congratulations to all of you.
There is also another classmate of ours at Tyndall, Bill GILLIS. Another recent press release indicates that Bill is the commander of the Southern Defense Forces there. On the other coast, Charlie THOMPSON has left Wright-Patterson and is now in the Air Force contract management business in Culver City, California. Joe HIGGINS also departed Wright-Patt and is now at Randolph with several of our classmates. Reb GUILLOT graduated from Arizona State and is now at Hq TAC working in a computer squadron. Mike MCCALL has returned to the Chem Department here at the AFA from his tour in C-130 gunships.
A couple of notes from overseas: Gordy FLYGARE is flying in Ethiopia. He has his own C-54 (1 of 5 left flying) and is looking for an 0-4 to replace him in the fall. So, if you’re looking for some of that fun and travel you were promised, you might drop a line. In case you’re wondering, previous C-54 time is not required. Also heard from Sid NEWCOMB who is working for 7AF/MACV in target management and as the Rules of Engagement Officer. That last part sounds like a real bummer these days—I’ll bet Sid would rather have the 0-2 job back. From the sound of Sid’s letter the one thing that hasn’t changed over there are the working hours.
Since there aren’t any other changes I know about, I thought I’d spend a few lines telling you about the current aptitude or Military Order of Merit (MOM) system. It has changed considerably since we were cadets. There are still the peer ratings, but also the AOC rates each cadet on a scale similar to the peer ratings which is a forced distribution, including a top and bottom quarter. In addition, there is a performance report (not dissimilar from an OER) which each cadet with a job has filled out on him by his cadet superior and endorsed by the next ranking cadet in the chain of command.
For all classes the AOC’s rating is worth 50% of the final “score.” The remaining 50% is divided between the peer ratings and the performance report. For a 4th Classman, peer ratings carry, by far, the greatest weight (40%). However, by the time a cadet is a 1st classman, 40% is based on how well he does his job as indicated by his performance report and only 10% is based on his peer ratings.
Although there are quite a few cadets on aptitude probation--currently about 180--since academics started last fall, no cadet has been dismissed from the Academy strictly because he lacked military aptitude. However, since the resignation rates for the classes of ‘74 and ‘75 are higher than normal, perhaps there is more self-generated elimination by those cadets who lack the desire and qualifications to become officers.
You-all take care, and drop a note when you have a chance.