AOG Magazine Class News
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USAFA, CO 80840
The class news columns will return to each quarterly issue by popular demand—though I feel obligated to mention that this support came entirely from other classes. My last column did prompt a thoroughly enjoyable letter from Steve BISHOP. He and Sally are comfortably settled in Key Biscayne, Florida, and Steve is flying for United. He apparently still has his tennis racquet strung and humming, and he was quite nostalgic about the “good (and bad) old days”.
A note from Reb GUILLOT indicates that he and Jerry DE LA CRUZ left HQ TAC for AFSC at Norfolk in February (Jerry—re the last column: I do know your name; I just can’t write it so the typist can read it). They were joined at AFSC by Andy BIANCUR and left Vic THOMAS and Ted STUMM to run HQ TAC.
Charlie FOLKART sends word that he and Joyce are settled in Lexington, Maine, after Charlie finished his MBA at Harvard Business School last June. He is currently running Folkart Associates, a consulting and venture capital partnership formed in 1972. Joyce also finished a master’s last year and is very active in Charlie’s business.
While we’re talking about academic accomplishments, there is good news from Arizona State, where Cres SHIELDS expects to finish a PhD in operations research this summer. Also Jock SCHWANK reports that all is going well in regard to his pursuit of a PhD in psychology at Oregon. Finally Gordie FLYGARE returned from Ethiopia in December to enter AFIT at the University of Oklahoma.
Will MACFARLANE dropped by a while back. He was here to brief the cadets on the F-15 program. Fat Mac is truly in his heaven at Edwards. I also visited briefly with Ron YATES and Greg BOYINGTON while they were here for briefings on a new program designed to measure the motivation of prospective candidates for the Academy. Ron recently moved to Wright-Patterson, and Pappy is still at Randolph looking for the perfect assignment.
Change of address cards yield the following information, some of which is admittedly dated. Les HOBGOOD went to the Pentagon from Webb last fall. Charlie DIVER is in 130s at Elmendorf. Pat SMITH left Wright-Patt to go to the Intelligence Office at Rome Air Development Center. Hardy LEBEL left Hurlburt for a NATO assignment at Brussels, Belgium. Phil COOKE is in 141s at Travis. George FRIES has been moving around the Pacific too fast to keep up with. Jim THOMASSON has moved from Charlotte to Mooresville, NC.
The October homecoming activities were great, and it was good to see so many of you there. I especially enjoyed the chance to have a long visit with J. R. LEONARD (Ed prefers to be called JR.), who is on his way to F-4s from Command and Staff.
Again I’ll close by soliciting your comments and suggestions regarding this column and how it can best serve your needs.