AOG Magazine Class News
160 Arequa Ridge Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
In the last issue, I asked for mail so that I would have some news to pass on. The response has been less than spectacular—good correspondents we are not. (By the way, my autovon number is 259-2864, and the next column will be prepared in early December.)
Bob ODENWELLER, who flies for TWA, wrote to say he is moving from Bermuda to New Jersey. Bob has been making a name for himself in the world of philately. His collections of Samoan and New Zealand stamps (both collections are presently the best in the world) have been winning gold medals in international competitions. Congratulations, Bob, and thanks for the letter.
Bits and Pieces: Two JOHNSONs, Al and DK, were observed toiling in the Pentagon this summer. Tony BURSHNICK is a student at Air War College, Maxwell AFB. Gary SHEETS is flying B-52s at Kincheloe AFB. Dick CARTER is in Denver flying for Continental, and Cres SHIELDS reports Dick may be getting into the movie business. Sid NEWCOMB has just PCS’d to Chile, where he’s an F-5E advisor.
Professional Students: Some people never seem to get enough education. Dick SEXTON recently earned a second master’s degree (international relations) while serving as a Plans Officer with Third Air Force at RAF Mildenhall. PhD degrees were conferred on Dr. Roger LENT, Dr. Jock SCHWANK and Dr. Cres SHIELDS this summer. All three are stationed here at the Academy. My own dissertation has (believe it or not) been accepted by UCLA; so, I will hold a PhD before long. Other 1960 grads who are still hanging around the schoolhouse include Bob HEIGES, who has checked into Wright-Patt for the AFIT resident school, and Bill CARNEGIE, whose New Jersey change-of-address card indicates "Mr."
Two of our number showed up at the Academy this summer to learn how to be Liaison Officers. Liaison Officers are reservists who help recruit cadets for incoming classes. Jon McCLURE came from Atlanta where he flies for Eastern, is a building contractor and now an Academy Liaison Officer. In his spare time, Jon is also a big wheel in Georgia youth athletic programs. Dale MAYO was also here learning how to provide Academy liaison to his Northern California stomping grounds. Dale flies with Pan American and says that he runs into fellow PanAmer’s George LESTER and Miles KASPAR from time to time. It seems all but inevitable now that the class of 1980, which enters next summer, will include a number of women cadets. When and if Congress completes action on that matter, Jon and Dale, plus other Liaison Officers such as Clem DOUGLASS out in Los Angeles, will be seeking young women who want an Air Force career.
Second Hand: I’ve heard that Walt SWEENEY (whom I erroneously assigned to the New Mexico ANG in an earlier column) has left the Arizona ANG to enter a theological seminary in the Dallas area. How about a letter, Walt?
Two of our fast-burners have recently taken command of fighter squadrons. Reb GUILLOT has the 354th TFS, an A-7D squadron at Davis-Monthan, and Dick HEAD is commanding the 909th TFS, an F-4 squadron at Clark AB, the Philippines. Congratulations are in order.
Guess who I found wandering among the tourists here this summer? Bob FISCHER, Lutzi and three little Fischers. Bob, who I last saw "preventing forests" at Bien Hoa, worked briefly for TWA and has, for the last five years, been living in Pennsylvania and flying C-141s out of McGuire as an Air Reserve Technician. He’s just taken a new position with the FAA where his job will be to give what amounts to no-notice-stan-eval-checks to airline crews. You airline guys better keep a wary lookout for Bob!
Keep all those cards and letters coming.