Checkpoints Class News
4855D El Camino Dr
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
AV 259-2270
Our 20-Year Reunion will be held during the regular alumni Homecoming weekend, 18-21 September 1980, rather than this June as previously announced. Tom BURKE, our Reunion Chairman, extends our apologies to those who may have been inconvenienced. Let me explain: Two things arose here last week (late January) that led Tom to decide to change the date. First, the Academy, in an economy move, formally adopted a policy that would have restricted the amount of support available to us or to other non-cadet groups. Specifically, we could not expect bus transport and the Mitchell Hall banquet looked very questionable. (The regular Homecoming in the fall will be exempted from these new cutbacks.) While we were considering that problem, the second shoe dropped. It seems the Academy may host a Summer Sports Festival, and it could even be the site of a version of the 1980 Olympics. Either eventuality would put our reunion out of business. Tom BURKE, Jim WHEELER, Jock SCHWANK, and I had a hasty telephone conference and tentatively decided it would be better to switch than fight. Tom then activated his telephone network and got a straw poll from about three dozen Classmates. The majority concurred in the decision, while only a few objected. So, plans and room reservations have been changed. Mark your calendar anew--it will be in September, with our main get-together to take place on Thursday evening, the 18th.
CLASS CREST. Jock SCHWANK reports that we are about half way to our goal of collecting funds for the crest. Fifty-eight of the 163 classmates who are AOG members have made their 20-dollar (or greater) contributions. That means about one-third of us now have holier-than-thou countenances, while about 100 need still another kick to the posterior as a reminder. If you fall into the latter category, please mail your 20 bucks to Lt Col Jock Schwank, c/o The Association of Graduates, USAF Academy, CO 80840. Come on guys, do it today while it's on your mind, and please stick in a news note for the next issue of this column.
New Bird Colonels. Congratulations to seven more Full Bulls: Jerry DE LA CRUZ, Karl JONES, Ralph LALIME, Fatmac MACFARLANE, Don STEVENS, Alex ZIMMERMAN and Jim WADDLE (BTZ).
Gossip. George FRIES called from Langley the other day to say he had PCS orders to go to Seoul in May as Chief of Computer Ops for US Forces, Korea. Let's hope you can catch a hop back for the 20-year reunion, George (check with Tony BURSHNICK at Yokota). George mentioned that MACFARLANE and Jim ALEXANDER were also at Langley--Fatmac in Fighter Acquisition and Jim in the Interoperability Group. CT DOUGLASS III is flying for Western Airlines, lives in Minneapolis and recently acquired CT the IVth, Sierra Hotel! Chuck WATERMAN is a C-5 IP at Travis, where Tom SEEBODE is the Wing Vice Commander and Charlie LIGGETT is in the air refueling business. Doug RECKENTHALER was by here last week. He's at Offutt AFB but expects to retire in April and take a job in Washington, DC. Also planning to retire this summer are Frank MAYBERRY, Cres SHIELDS, Gordon FLYGARE, Bill HODSON and Jack BRUSH. Who else? (I hope neither the Ayatollah nor the Russians frustrate those plans.) Gordon will probably be remaining in Norman, Oklahoma; Cres will be staying in Colorado, as will Bill who will be reincarnated as a defense consultant. Jack recently looked into the possibility of being a ski instructor at Aspen but was told he faced two problems: one was image--either he needed to be young, vigorous and handsome with lots of hair, or he had to be a craggy and distinguished combat veteran of the 10th Mountain Division of WWII fame, preferably with a Norwegian or Austrian accent. His second problem was skill (or lack thereof)--you have to be able to ski. Disappointed on both counts, Jack is looking elsewhere for his second career. Denis WALSH writes from Maxwell that I keep messing up his first name which, he says, rhymes with a prominent portion of the male anatomy. Speaking of which, Denis W. writes, Denis HANEY is on the staff at ACSC, while marine Howie WHITFIELD is being re-blued at AWC; and all attended a Christmas open house at the home of Don STEVENS in Montgomery. Hoyt PRINDLE wrote from Naples where he is Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff of AFSOUTH ... Carol is studying Italian and doing lots of travelling; and their daughter, Cindi, is a freshman at the University of Maryland, Munich. Hoyt and Carol recently co-starred in a little theatre production of "California Suite". How 'bout that!! Also abroad and learning a language is Ted STUMM at JUSMMAT in Turkey. Janet Griffith, widow of Dave LACHELT, is living in Stillwater, Oklahoma where her husband is a businessman. She writes that Dave's son, Jon, will graduate from high school this year, a National Merit Scholar with exceptionally high SAT and ACT scores. Wayne and Barbara KENDALL are still in jolly old England, but they are more than ready to return stateside.
Quickies. Bill KORNITZER is the new ADO of the 437 MAW at Charleston AFB. Ron PATCHETT has PCS'd to Andrews where he's Chief, Fighter Division; and Paul VALLERIE has posted to Kirtland. Jerry CASKEY is in the TAWC at Eglin, where Karl JONES is also to be found. Steve BISHOP has moved to Santa Fe from whence he commutes to Denver to fly for United. Miles KASPAR is Commander of the 150th Air Refueling Sq at McGuire, and Hal BROST is Deputy Director of Budget for ASD at Wright-Patt. Finally, the newest returnee to the Pikes Peak region is Jim WADDLE down at NORAD.
Conclusions. Plan to be at the reunion! Send your check to Jock and, meanwhile, let me know what you've been up to so I can let my private detective take a holiday.