Checkpoints Class News
1846 Baywood Dr
Salt Lake City, UT 84117
(801) 277-1239
Dick MEYER has moved to Clovis, NM, as chief of safety of the 27th TFW at Cannon; Walt FUTCH retired to Lompoc, CA; and D.L. WALSH, an old pre-AFA Navy salt, has moved from HQ SAC to Pease as 509th Bomb Wing vice commander. (D.L. and I were the two fools who forfeited graduation leave to get to Bainbridge AB pilot training early.)
Dave REED is having a 40-foot wood sailboat built in New Zealand and plans to sail the Pacific for two or three years, beginning in October of next year. Don't forget to send us pictures, Dave. He's radio ham KAOMGV in case you want to call him.
Will MACFARLANE was just elected to the Utah Aviation Hall of Fame, and is now vice commander of the 18th TFW. His son, Steele, is a member of AFA Class of '86. Gary KARSCHNICK, co-pilot with Delta on L-1011s, and wife, Diane, have become cruise ship fanatics and highly recommend the Norwegian ships.
We airline types sure sympathize with our Braniff brothers, and I look forward to tracking them down for some news once the dust settles. I have moved to Salt Lake City, where Western seems to be establishing a successful hub. As a junior co-pilot on 727s, I'm renting the upstairs of an old Victorian home near the University of Utah. Come visit us!
Tony BURSHNICK's new address is QUARTERS 6950, USAFA--commandant's house! Don't forget to call him when you pass through the Academy. George COLLIER has moved from the Armament Division of AFSC at Eglin to Washington, DC, as chief of the Survivability Analysis Section of the Joint Cruise Missile Project. And Ted HOPKINS received the "General Manager of the Year" award for 1981 from Sherwin-Williams, the largest paint manufacturer in the world.
Keep those cards, letters and pictures coming, folks.