Checkpoints Class News
1846 Baywood Dr
Salt Lake City, UT 84117
(801) 277-1239
John MACARTNEY now runs the Intelligence Management Division of CINCPAC at Camp Smith, HI. His son has been awarded a full Army ROTC scholarship at Colorado State University. Reb GUILLOT is now at Davis Monthan with the 355TTW. Remember our class field trip to the bone yard?
While passing through Albuquerque on a recent trip, I called Paul VALLERIE who said he had just looked out his office window at Kirtland and there was big Buck CONGDON just emerging from the building across the street, going out to jog. Buck has transferred from D.C. to Minot with the Defense Nuclear Surety Agency, and was TDY to Kirtland at the time. Alex ZIMMERMAN retired from AFTEC in August. Don PATCHETT, a full bull now, has transferred from HQ AFSC to Andrews. Vic YOAKUM retired last summer and lives in L.A. (Torrance), and Herb EKWEILER, who's been out of AF a long time, is in the spook business, living in Orange County, CA.
Linda GLAZA wrote about a bash at the commandant's quarters featuring Nulli Secundus and their cadet offspring last Labor Day for "parent's weekend." Mac MACFARLANE's son is a doolie in the same squadron with Ed HAERTER's son, a first classman. (Ed is still with TWA, is commander of the tanker squadron at O'Hare, and lives on a farm near Chicago.) Walt SWEENEY is a minister, and father of two little girls, in Cortez, CO. The Glaza family is all settled in Colorado now, with the three oldest boys in college, and the two younger kids at Air Academy High and Junior High School. (More letters from you wives are sure welcome!)
Duck WADDLE has moved from Maxwell to Robins, living on base. Mike CLARKE moved from Ft. Walton Beach to Orange County, CA; Earl VAN INWEGAN, from Virginia to C-Springs; and Charlie HART, from Wright-Pat to Fairborn, OH, close by. John PEEBLES quit TWA and is now North American sales manager from Universal Instrument Corporation in Binghampton, NY. Hoyt and Di PRINDLE celebrate their first wedding anniversary soon at McGuire, where they were married and where he is DP. He says that '60 has three more who've made brigadier general. Please put me on your Xmas card list for next year, everybody.