Checkpoints Class News
RD 2, Box 85
Ottsville, PA 18942
Home: (215) 847-5719
I wish I had more news, but ... no input gets no output. C'mon folks! Drop a note!
Bill HODSON changed address in Colorado Springs. Dick MEYER moved from Clovis, NM to Lancaster, CA where he is involved with B-1B production. Bruce and Caryl MOSIER are still in Overland Park, KS with TWA. Bruce made Col in the Reserves. Rumors are that Russ CURÂREY is married and on a full-time honeymoon in Tequesta, FL. ComÂments, Russ?
Gary GULBRANSEN is enjoying being an A300 captain with Pan Am and is preparing to be a 747 captain soon. He'll be based in Los Angeles. The same airline has the MAYO brood heading back to San Francisco hopefully--747 first officer.
I'm now preparing postcards for each of you. I'll use your Register address and perhaps you will return them with a short note. If not ... oh well! I'm sure you will. Thanks, and have a great 1986.