Checkpoints Class News
2 Sycamore Lane
Littleton, CO 80127
Home: (303) 979-2228
I know that you are obligated to read the Class of '60 column before you lay this magazine down. Well, you should also read the Class of '59 column and their separate reunion article for the flavor of a 30-year reunion. R.L. PENN and his crew convened at Colorado Springs on the first weekend in June to honor their 30 years of passage. The reports that I have heard indicate that all went well with the exception that the Cadet Chapel was too busy to support a class picture on the steps. It seems that the perennial "Rush From The Rockies" is now more applicable to couples than to singles. It has been reported that Pappy BOYINGTON and Bill GILLIS exercised their special dual-class status as full participants and should be in fine form for 1990. Hell, they needed the practice.
We have roughed out a schedule for our 30-year get-together and set the date for early fall 1990, in conjunction with a home football game. Our tentative thinking would have the reunion begin on Thursday, 6 Sept (Hawaii) or 13 Sept (Citadel). We will headquarter at a hotel/motel in Colorado Springs which has the correct atmosphere for plenty of unstructured time to renew old and cherished memories. Friday morning will be available for those who would like to chase the little white ball. We will try for Friday lunch at Mitch's after which we will devote some time to business meetings and status briefings. Friday evening will contain something akin to a happy hour with heavy hors d'ouvres, and possibly a late-night buffet dinner. Saturday we will try to incorporate a memorial service with the weekly wing parade, followed by a tailgate and the football game. Saturday evening, we are considering a dinner (details not yet determined). Sunday we will schedule a casual brunch and the opportunity to attend chapel services. Sunday will remain unstructured and serve as a chance for us to gather future memories prior to departure. We have attempted to meet all the issues defined by the survey yet still accommodate the primary demand for unstructured time. As we lock in the final schedule, we will forward a registration package outlining the agenda and the options along with other pertinent information. By the time you get this edition, it will be about one year prior to the reunion. You should begin to make your plans now to attend.
Mr. James R. Boyd; organist, choirmaster, and long-time director of the cadet chorale program passed away in March of this year. We, as a class, in recognition of his special contributions to our time at the academy, made a donation to his memorial fund.
Along with the survey responses, I received several notes which I will share with you as the length of this column permits. One note from Ed HAERTER outlined his career and described his long-time commitment to the Reserve components of the Air Force. He left active duty in 1967 and joined the Iowa ANG just in time to be activated in 1968 in response to the Pueblo Crisis. After the unit's release from active duty in 1969, Ed transferred to the Illinois Guard. There he made his way up through the ranks to colonel by the time he retired in June 1988. Other than holding down a "real job" as a pilot for TWA and living on a small farm, Ed and Nancy have raised two sons: Chris, who graduated from USAFA in 1983, and Matt, who at 14 aspires to follow his dad and his older brother. The Haerters are truly an Air Force family.
As long as I am discussing TWA pilots, Bob ODENWELLER writes that he is presently moving through B727 captaincy to instructor on his way to B747 instructor. The two Odenweller girls are setting a very fast pace for any of our mortal siblings to follow. Older daughter is on a National Science Foundation Fellowship for her doctorate in anthropology at Yale--working on her dissertation--and has recently returned from a dig at the Pyramids and the Sphinx in Egypt. Younger daughter is in Rome on a Rotary International Paul Harris Foundation Fellowship with graduate studies at the Conservatorio di Santa Cecelia to further her career as an opera singer--lyric coloratura soprano. As if that wasn't enough, Bob has achieved international status in the Federation Internationale de Philatelie (sort of the U.N. of stamp collecting). I'm sure Jane has her hands full managing all that activity. Who says the Class of '60 doesn't have it all covered.
Bob HEIGES also managed to coordinate a few of his fingers well enough to type out a note to bring us up to date on his life. He and Judy relocated to northern Kentucky where Bob is serving as a vice president of Engineering in a firm whose name I missed. From Union, KY, he can easily get to work, do some boating on the Ohio River and still refrain from going totally hillbilly. He mentioned that Wright-Pat is only an easy 70 mile run on the interstate. He can get to the O-Club quickly if anyone is visiting and needs company. It's the drive home afterward that presents him some problems. I am sure those problems are not unlike problems we have all experienced under like conditions. Bob and Judy did promise me they would attend the 30th reunion, a promise I plan to hold them to at the cost of a beer or four.
Also, I have commissioned an agent to contact John and Deanne McCULLOUGH in the vast openness of Minnesota to make sure that they are urged to make the trip to Colorado in 1990.
In case you notice something different about this issue, it could be that it lacks any visual stimulation. I thought about running a pinup, but I am not sure what age range you would appreciate. It may only be the season, but the news lines have dried up. In order to make this column a bit more lively, you could remember to drop me a line if something of interest happens or you have the opportunity to photographically record the gathering of any members of the clan.
Remember that not all of our classmates are members of the AOG and, therefore, do not receive the Checkpoints. If you do run into classmates, please keep them up to date on reunion plans. It would be nice to have everyone back together, and the best way I know to promote that is by making a positive effort to keep information flowing. I'll do my part, but I need your help to spread the word.