Checkpoints Class News
690 Winding Hills Road
Monument, CO 80132
Home: (719) 488-2504
(Editor's note: The first eight paragraphs are by Andi Biancur.)
Our 30-year Reunion is now history, and for those of you that couldn't make it--those of us who were there sincerely missed you. You were in our thoughts often during the weekend. And since you were not there to defend yourself don't be surprised if you are now legendary. A description of the weekend is contained closer to the front of this issue.
In the mail this quarter, I received a note from Ken ALNWICK who convened a group of '60 grads for lunch at the Pawn Shop in the D.C. Area. Attendees included: Joe HIGGINS, George ELSEA, Tom BURKE, Mike (A) CLARKE, Ralph LALIME, Bill TAYLOR, Norm HALLER, Phil MEINHARDT, Gerry DE LA CRUZ, and Ken ALNWICK. Being resourceful but frugal, they each wrote some words on the cocktail napkins; however, it is also clear that they enjoyed more than iced tea with their lunch. George mentioned that he is slaving for EDS Corporation--there to sponsor college educations for his children while still finding some time to fly a Tiger Moth he has owned for several years. Bill and Ralph both work for Doug REKENTHALER who they both depend on to keep the company cash flow positive enough to finance their hobbies. My understanding is that Doug spends much of his time out of the country and sends back work assignments which keep those two fully occupied. Gerry is working for Anser as a senior engineer while Tom is pushing the wagon uphill for Decision Science Application Inc., and Joe is employed with Resource Consultants Inc. Ken is currently designing and executing manual war games for the DoD and doing special ops work for USSOCOM along with some Army and Navy stuff. They plan to reconvene on a regular basis; so, next time Ken, get those guys to be a little more specific about their lives.
OK, it is about time we were updated on a few classmates. Ken BIEHLE, you can't just go off and fly--for Southern Air Transport without letting us know what you and your family are up to. The same is true for you Jerry GIRARD and Rog LENT. Jerry is supposedly in the Wright-Patterson area, while Rog is listed in Spokane as a member of the Chemistry Department at Spokane Falls College. Come on you guys, what's the deal?
As this column is going to press, Bill and Kath GILLIS are weathering the storm of a son Mont with some cancer problems. The situation was serious enough to cause them to cancel out of the reunion at the last moment; so, it deserves our concern. I am sure that Bill and Kath would like to hear from us so if you would like to call its (602) 979-2174.
In the change-of-address department, Dale and Cherie THOMPSON are moving from Wright-Patterson to Hill AFB, where Dale assumed command of the Air Logistics Center on 24 Sept. George and Carolyn LUCK have followed the Boeing call from Wichita, KS to Everett, WA, where he will be a stabilizing factor on the contingent of '60 grads already there.
I received some words from Jim ALEXANDER who, following retirement on 1 Feb 1990, remained in Sumter, SC, where Martha has a wonderful job teaching in the local high school. Jim is splitting his time between building their dream home and serving as general manager for Economic Development of Sumter County. I'm not really sure what that entails, but if we see high-rise buildings going up around Shaw AFB, I guess that means that Jim is doing a good job.
Those of you who reside in or near Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio are probably aware, but for the rest of you, Jack SHIRA is fully involved in a race for the Congressional seat for that district. Keep your eye on the papers, and I'm sure he would be more than appreciative of any and all moral support and encouragement that we can give him. Good Luck Jack.
As an element of our 30th, it was decided to elect permanent class officers. Part of that decision included combining the class scribe duties with those of the elected class secretary. Chris WARACK was elected to that position and will be putting together this column for future issues of Checkpoints. As we all know, the column is only as good as the information that you provide. Your support is essential; so, give Chris a hand and keep him informed on your activities. It does make his job a whole lot easier. When you read this column, it will be close to the Holiday Season; so, as you are completing your Christmas card list, scribble out a few words and send them along. This recent reunion again confirmed that each member of the class has a genuine abiding interest in every other member. We may not even understand the depth of the bonds that were formed among each and every one of us.
Greetings from Monument, CO! As your duly-elected class Secretary/Scribe, I promise to give it my best shot. A math major and footballer! What were you people thinking about?
I wasn't able to spend as much time at the reunion as I would have liked. I am a student again, and it becomes more difficult the older one gets. I am picking up some odd math and computer courses as well as refresher courses in math to perhaps become certified to teach high school math. However, I attended the major activities and enjoyed the opportunity to renew old friendships. Andi covered the happenings in his article and last column, but I did want to include some pictures and comments. Roy JOLLY, who lives up the road in Lakewood, is still with TWA and doing a lot of flying. He is looking into an opportunity to go on loan with Nippon Airways to freshen his perspective of the world.

One of the real surprises of the reunion was to see someone I hadn't seen since Vietnam where he was keeping the Red Cross honest was Alan STERNBERG. He left us during our 3rd class year to fight a war or something, but as you can see he is still one of us.
Alan has kept in contact through Charlie DIVERS and made this a more meaningful reunion for many of us. I want to thank Doug MILLER for the photos. He had the foresight to bring a camera to many of the activities and took lots of pictures. I visited with Howie BRONSON in Big Bear, CA, just above San Bernardino. About this time of the year Howie goes to work. He is a ski instructor on the slopes at Big Bear. Charlie GEORGI and wife Sandy came from Orange, CA, where Charlie is working for a firm that manufactures computer workstations for many of the major computer makers.

Send cards and letters. I have gotten promises from several of you to provide input to this column on a routine basis. If there are others of you who might want to plug your classmates in your area, I'd be pleased to hear from you. Those of you who didn't make the trek to the Rockies owe me a letter so that we can all hear the latest. Merry Christmas!