Checkpoints Class News
690 Winding Hills Road
Monument, CO 80132
Home: (719) 488-2504
As I look out my window at Pikes Peak with its new coat of snow, I wonder what you out there see and think. I am not getting anymore print from you than I am from the mountain. However, I can appreciate the mountain much more. I did get a note from Diana Pupich about one of two ski weekends some of you attended. It was a Cotton Bowl Team gathering during the week of 19 January and was attended by George and Diana PUPICH and Howie BRONSON from the Class of '60 as well as Gen. Ben Cassidy and about a dozen other members of the team from other classes. I want to thank John MILTNER ('59) for the phone call and note explaining the photo found in the '59ers article about a "gay" ski week at Aspen, or was it a "gay" time had by all?
The other more-recent skiing reunion for '60 classmates was hosted by Andi BIANCUR in Salt Lake City during the middle of March. It was not a large group, but by all accounts it was a very successful and fabulous skiing week. In addition to Andi, those attending were Dick SHEPARD (more about Dick later); Jim and Bev O'ROURKE who drove down from Tacoma, WA where Jim teaches simulator ground school for Boeing; Greg BOYINGTON, an Oakland slum lord; Jim GLAZA, our own Colorado Springs financial planner (on business); Ron and Connie YATES (still USAF); and Dale and Sherry THOMPSON, depot commander at Hill AFB. The group had so much fun that they are already planning a rematch, 4-8 March 1992. The slopes are varied to accommodate any level of experience from the beginners' green runs to the challenging black diamonds. Talk to anyone of those who attended to get first-hand information and watch for Andi's notice later this year.
I spent a bit of time with Jim GLAZA in his eighth floor office in downtown Colo. Spgs. He gave me a recap on Dick SHEPARD and his family. Dick and Marsha have two children. Shawn is a senior at Boston College, and Scott is a sophomore in the Belchertown, MA area which is home. Dick is retiring as a captain from Eastern but has plenty to do around their 210-acre horse breeding/boarding operation where they are into Morgan and American saddle bred horses. In addition, he and Marsha have a leather-goods retail outlet importing men and women's clothing as well as other leather goods from South America. In Marsha's "spare" time she is active nationally as a judge at horse shows. Jim told me that Dick hasn't changed a bit. He was especially envious of Dick's head of hair. A final GLAZA note for any of you car buffs who might be interested in a '65 Lincoln Continental, a car that weights 2.5 tons and is 6' x 18' with suicide doors. Contact Jim.
Got word from Cadet Joe Burshnick ('91) that Lt Gen Tony BURSHNICK is retiring effective 1 April. Tony and Karen will make their way back to the Washington DC area where they have kept a home and then will take it from there. From the Scott AFB Command Post (base paper): "It's been a great career--we have certainly enjoyed it. I think it is the right time ... the war is over, and we showed the world we could do it." ConĀgratulations Tony and Karen on a long and noteworthy career. You know our address, so come and see us!
On retirements, Bruce MOSIER retired on 15 Feb. He was an inĀdividual mobilization augmentee assigned to XOX at the Pentagon. Witnessing this momentous event were Joe HIGGINS, Ralph LALIME, Richard HEAD, and Gerry DE LA CRUZ. Bruce isn't retired retired; [he] is still flying for TWA. The Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard won't be the same without him.
Several weeks ago there was an article in the Rocky Mountain News which might be of interest to a number of you concerning Linda Sheppard who was the wife of Val BOURQUE. It was part of a "watching loved ones leave for the Gulf" feature in the paper. She reflected on Val and Vietnam and compared it to her son Hugh who had shipped out to Saudi Arabia in September. Anyone interested in a copy can call or drop me a note and I'll get one off to you ... but you must include some information for the column!
CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Jim ALEXANDER changed locations in Sumter, SC. He is now at 735 Torrey Pines Drive. John MACARTNEY, an associate professor at the American University in D.C., has moved to 2119 D St. NW, Wash, DC 20037.
I did send out a number of letters hoping to get some input from you guys, but did not get any response. Maybe some of you wives reading this would like to provide some info on the path you and your "roommate" have taken. If I don't hear anything, will have to fill up this space telling you about my grandkids ...