Checkpoints Class News
690 Winding Hills Road
Monument, CO 80132
Home: (719) 488-2504
With football season here, when any of you make a game remember that Jim GLAZA and a group of us meet for all of the home games for a pregame tailgate party as well as postgame refreshments. Look for a '60 flag near the top of parking lot # 2, east of gate # 1, about three rows back. Come and join us!
Regretfully, I have to start this column with sad news. Received word that Herb ECKWEILER passed away after a bout with cancer. He died on 4 June and was cremated in a private family ceremony with interment at Pacific View Cemetery in Newport Beach, CA. More about Herb should be in the "Gone But Not Forgotten" column. Also on a somber note, Mike HYDE was finally laid to rest on 10 June. He was a KIA in Vietnam, and his remains were returned earlier this year. Jim GLAZA, Doug MILLER, Jock SCHWANK, Dick SCHEHER, Roy JOLLY and I had the honor to be pallbearers. Fred PORTER and Dr(LTC) Dean BRISTOW were also in attendance. Dean was on his way back to Salt Lake after having been recalled for Desert Shield. He spent his four-month tour at Offutt.
After the burial I had a chance to visit with Roy and Barbara JOLLY. Roy isn't busy enough with TWA; so, he and Barbara are working hard to get a business started. Later that day, Neal and Nicki REAVELY came into town to visit with sister Hope and brother-in-law Jock SCHWANK. Neal retired from the Montana Air National Guard last year and has reached top scale as a math teacher; so, [he] had his first summer off in a long time. He keeps busy coaching the girls high school softball team, and to develop that group he also has a summer team. He and Nicki have gotten their two eldest married and out on their own and are now contemplating a similar scenario for the four younger children.
Paul and Kay VALLERIE served notice that all is well in the state of Washington. Paul is at Boeing, and Kay is teaching at a private school near Kent. Two paychecks are needed to get daughter Tonya through her last two years of law school at the U of Wash. Son Paul is living at home and searching to find his place in the job market. But it hasn't been all work, since Paul and Kay found time to take a Caribbean cruise to escape the overcast skies and wet weather of spring in Seattle. Sounded like a great trip.
Bob ODENWELLER sent a fact-filled letter. He is a TWA airman and spent a good bit of time flying CRAF missions returning troops from Saudi Arabia. During a two-month period he flew 20 trips between Rome and bases in the desert bringing out about 429 each time. While he was in Rome he visited his daughter Liesl who is starting a career as an opera singer (lyric soprano). She is studying with Paolo Montarsolo. She got her start by winning a Paul Harris Foundation Fellowship from Rotary International. Oldest daughter, Joy McCorriston, is finishing her doctorate in anthropology at Yale. She had her first "refereed" paper in a scientific journal on the subject: the discovery of agriculture. It caught the attention of the New York Times and the likes of Carl Sagan. Bob said he received word that the British Philatelic Federation had selected him to be the 40th American to sign the Role of Distinguished Philatelists. It is the "Nobel Prize" of stamp collecting. The ceremony will be on Sept 21 in Cardiff, Wales. Congratulations! A sidelight: while in Rome, he met with Doug REKENTHALER who was in and out frequently. His wife is with the embassy there and is reported to have termed his status as a working spouse.
This was the TWA edition. Bruce MOSIER called from Pete Field one evening on a short ground time. He had just returned a load of troops from Desert Shield. I was mostly asleep but did understand that he and the other TWA troops are very concerned about the health of the airline. Only Bert CROFT failed to contact me from those who work for TWA.
Ken BIEHLE called and reported he and Carol are still enjoying the sun and fun of Roseville, CA. Ken still slips through the raindrops in the C-130 flying out of Travis AFB for Southern Air Transport. They are planning a trip to Europe this fall to visit the oldest son, Jeff, who works for Compaq computers in Munich, Germany. Sons Kyle and Brian live in the Bay Area but are on the go with their rock band "Helen Keller Plaid". They had just finished a tour to promote their second album playing to the college crowd in cities west of the Mississippi. Carol has stayed busy managing the homefront and doing volunteer work for the American Cancer Society.
Changes of address: Tony BURSHNICK has a temporary address: P.O. Box 534, Scott AFB, IL 62225-0534. Clark WALKER from Lancaster, CA to 2702 Lakefern Ave, Orlando, FL 32822. Phil MEINHARDT from Reseda, CA to 2105 1st Ave. Apt 413, Seattle, WA 98121.
As I write this, I just got word from # 2 son, Mark '87 (IP at Laughlin AFB), that he and his wife, Karen, are proud parents of their second son, Nicholas Andrew, born June 18 weighing 9 lbs 14 ozs. He joins his brother Adam, another husky little guy. Looks like a couple of good recruits for the Falcons a few years down the road. Grandparenting is great!
Hope to hear from more of you soon. One thing that you may not know is that as you read this, the deadline for the next issue has already passed. So anything you send now will not appear in print for approx¬imately six months.
So don't wait until it's time for the next issue to come out, write NOW. I really appreciate all the calls and letters this time around... Keep them coming. GO FALCONS!