Checkpoints Class News
690 Winding Hills Road
Monument, CO 80132
Home: (719) 488-2504
There hasn't been much mail this go-around so I am afraid this is going to be rather short. I've had a very busy summer at work and also the misfortune of three funerals to attend; so, I didn't get in touch with but a few of you to pry out a few bits of news. Unfortunely, I also must report the death of Willard (Mac) MACFARLANE. He passed away on 3 Aug 92. Ed HAERTER has more details elsewhere in this edition.
At the end of July I received a call from Norm HALLER. He and Liz were in town visiting her sister here in the Springs. They had been to Liz's high school reunion in Aurora, CO and also visited her brother in Boulder. Norm had been the study director for a project for the National Academy of Science which was funded by the Department of Energy. He participated in publishing a book on nuclear power in the future. Apparently the Congress was after information on that subject, and Norm and his "beltway bandit" friends were deemed the experts. The Hallers are the proud parents of an '88 grad who is a C-21 pilot stationed at Randolph AFB. A second son is a recent college grad looking for work. And to balance the family there are two daughters, one of whom is living in the D.C. area and is the parent of the seven grandchildren I mentioned in the last issue. Norm also mentioned that George PUPICH called Jock SCHWANK at the AOG office while Norm was visiting. George was in town but alas didn't update us on happenings in California.
Jim GLAZA provided the following input from his travels. Jim and Bev O'ROURKE have gone to Ireland on a temporary basis (I believe). Jim has been teaching ground school in Seattle for Boeing. He has been detailed to do the same for the Irish (what kind of luck?). Bob ODENWELLER still slips the surly bonds of earth and plans to see many of you at the Army game. Dick SHEPARD is doing well with no recurrence of cancer but is undergoing chemotherapy. Perhaps some of you could drop him a line or call to lend him some moral support.
Andi and Joan BIANCUR were at the Rice game and are still planning to make their break from the Denver area to Salt Lake City. The house is almost ready, and the pool is almost dug; so, sometime late Sept or early Oct will find them both tucked away for the winter in Utah. Andi wanted me to mention the third annual mini-class gathering in Salt Lake. It will commence on 3 March and continue thru 7 March. Last year's gettogether was deemed a booming success by those 12 classmates who attended, and the arrangements for '93 are similar. He feels prices will not change much with hotel accomodations running approximately $60 per night and lift tickets should cost around $21-$23 per day at rhe four slopes; Brighten, Snowbird, Alta and Solitude. There may also be an opportunity to spend a weekend some 50 miles north in a facility operaled by Hill AFB MWR, Snow Basin. Info will be sent in letters which Andi expects to go out mid-October. If you didn't get a letter or would like to hear it from someone other than Andi, call any of the following: Jim Glaza, Bill Gillis, Jim O'Rourke, Dale Thompson, George Pupich or Dick Shepard. Andi also saw Tom and Carole SEEBODE at the Rice game, apparently visiting their daughter Elizabeth who is stationed at Pete Field. They also have a son who recently graduated from college with a commission and is presently taking on the challenge of flying the T-38 in the pilot-training program
And from an update of our Bio Info from the AOG; Charlie THOMPSON has changed jobs. He bailed out of the C-17 business with McDonnell Douglas and is the business operations manager for the MD-12 propulsion Products Center.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS; J.R. CARTER, 5417 S. Oneida Way, Englewood, CO 80111-1606. Harrison KING, ll2 Huntington pl, Bonaire, CA 31005. Sid NEWCOMB, 1804 18th Lane, Lake Worth, FL 33463.
My thanks to you who contributed to our column. Those of you who can't, won't, or refuse to write, notice I now have an ad in Checkpoints, and it includes an 800 number. Please call, and if I am not available, leave word on my voice mail. This column is only as good as the information you provide me. Let's make it better!