Checkpoints Class News
690 Winding Hills Road
Monument, CO 80132
Home: (719) 488-2504
Ok Guys, football season is over, and we are well into 1993. I hope this epistle finds you all enjoying a happy and prosperous year. As is always the case, I can use more material. I am very appreciative of the efforts of those who provided me with "STUFF" for this issue.
I've received information that two of our group need our support. George FRIES who is living in Hawaii has had to curtail his activities because of a battle with skin cancer which was discovered in Nov. The other, Jerry FARQUHAR is persevering through a tough l 1/2-year battle, fought by his wife, Joyce, who is terminally ill with pancreatic cancer. She has already beaten the odds by a year at this writing. Please keep these families in your prayers and a call or letter would be comforting.
Tony and Karen BURSHNICK went to Yokota AB, Japan where Twan, the former Host Base Wing CO, was the guest speaker at the 50th anniversary gala for the 374th Airlift Wing which is now the host wing. They spent approximately two weeks in Japan which gave them an opportunity to visit with many of the locals whom they had gotten to know. Many of you remember PONY's for its deals on electronics; well Jack Inagaki, the owner, was one of those who Karen and Tony visited. They were the guests of Jack for the weekend in the beautiful historic area of Nikko. Jack is no longer in the electronics business, but owns a Mosburger, which is a fast food spot like McDonalds. They also visited Ron and Kay SANDHOLZER. Ron retired at Yokota where he had been the Wing DO and later in the 5 AF Plans shop. He has remained there in the position of the chief of Bilateral Affairs as a civil servant. Kay teaches English at one of the local universities and also works with industry teaching "social" English. They plan to stay in Japan until their two youngsters; Dan (16) and Katie (10) finish their schooling, or the job market dries up. Ron plays a lot of golf, and when Kay finds time, they travel the Far East.
Received a letter and photos from Andi BIANCUR about the AFA-Army game at West Point. "Brian and Carol KALEY hosted us in their beautiful home in Brookfield, CT for the weekend. They had Bill and Marylyn OUELLETTE, Dick and Marsha SHEPARD, Jim GLAZA and me as guests for the entire weekend--it was wonderful. We couldn't keep Brian from running off to the store. Just about the time we thought we had exhausted his supply of any item, he would disappear and return with a fresh supply. After a great evening Friday, we, along with some local friends, mounted up and headed for the Point. After the usual tailgate and a close win, we returned for a Saturday evening of hot mulled cider and chili. By midnight, and the informal contest to outlast one another, Bill OUELLETTE started the move for the rack. Before he could get up the stairs, we all had followed. The KALEYs were perfect in their hospitality. It could not have been a better weekend. Other Class of '60 folks at the game were Dick KINGMAN, Cliff LOVELL and Rich "Duke" and Katheryn CARTER." Thanks Andi.

Roy and Barb JOLLY were seen at several home football games. Roy was suffering some back problems and was grounded. He is still with TWA. He mentioned that any of you thinking of moving to Houston should contact Jerry CASKEY who is in real estate there. A card from Gordie and Ann FLYGARE reported "ops normal'" He is in his 9th year with the E-4 and EC-135 program in Norman, OK. Sez if you need a break while passing OKC "we're all set for visitors."
CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Don WOLFSWINKEL moved to 549 Rice Planters Lane. Still in Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464.
As I write this my No. 2 son, Mark ('87) is flying his C-130 between Mombasa, Kenya and points in Somalia on behalf of the relief effort. I am sure there are other Class of '60 offspring there too. Keep them all in your thoughts and prayers that they remain safe and return home soon.
Keep the letters and phone calls coming!