Checkpoints Class News
690 Winding Hills Road
Monument, CO 80132
Home: (719) 488-2504
I am still at the same address and hoping that the boom in the economy isn't going to have a lasting effect on the amount of material you will send me! Combined with a very busy time and some of you not coming through with the letters as promised; this is going to be the shortest column I've ever written. Maybe I'll be able to head off the summer crunch by having a guest writer take the helm next issue. I am open to a volunteer at any time. Realize that when you read an issue you are very close to the deadline for the next issue.
Pat and I had a neat opportunity to join 35 other grads at a 100th-nite party here in the Springs. It was great to see old and young friends, dine and dance, and have an enjoyable evening with others who share that common thread of AFA beginning. Peter BURTON was the only other fun-loving member of '60 to attend, but it was a grand time, and the two of us will be the only ones from '60 who can claim attendance from the beginning. The gathering is proposed as an annual happening so mark your calendars for March of next year and listen up for the specifics!
Now about people! Peter BURTON is still in Denver and operates a business called "Trim Tab." There is a story about that, but I'll let you contact him to get the facts. Peter is a budding author and expected to be in print by March 23, 1994. He has written a book titled, "Kids Dealing with Change". It is meant to be a guide for parents to get them through the tough times of the fractured family of this modern era. He suggested that you call or write should you like to purchase a copy for your children who have families. He concedes that except for C.T. DOUGLASS there isn't a pressing need for the rest of us to read his work. He has begun a follow-on book called "Change Pain"; it's planned to discuss why people don't want to change and what one can do about it. In his spare time Peter is undertaking a plan, with the help of others, to purchase land for an "Intentional Community". This would be a group of people who have a common reason for wanting to live in a community with shared values and common interests. What an undertaking ... Good Luck!
Late January Pat and I hosted an evening with George and Diane PUPICH who have a house under contract in south Black Forest. They should be settled in by the time you read this. Both George and Diane work for Delta Air and are based in Los Angeles. Joining us were Wayne and Barbara KENDALL. Dr Wayne is still occupied with a HMO here in the Springs, and Barbara is involved in several volunteer programs. They live in nearby Woodmoor.
The one piece of correspondence I received was a Christmas card which arrived too late to make the last issue. It began, "Chris, I try to drop a note at least every 10 years or so ..." Steve and Mary Ann HOLT are livĀing in rural Milford, VA on a five-acre plot called home. They board a couple of horses and keep busy during the slow times renovating their 1914 farm house. Most of the time Steve can be found in the shop doing woodworking while Mary Ann works away in her studio putting her thoughts on canvas. They both sell the fruits of their labor. Mary Ann is the president of the local Decorative Painters Club. Steve is a hobbyist and president of the local American Numismatic Association. They have three grown children; Mark, 32, with two sons; Kevin, 31, with one of each and Julie, 29, with one daughter. Steve sez being grandparents and country gentleman farmers can be demanding and keeps them busy most of the time and enjoying every minute of semi-retired life.
On the grandparent theme, Pat and I have recently been blessed with a new grandson, Mark Christian Lee Warack, who arrived on the scene in Fayetteville, NC to parents Capt Mark, '87 and Karen Warack. Mark takes after his two brothers weighing in at 9lbs 12ozs. In addition, on Sept 25, 1993, we welcomed here in Monument a beautiful granddaughter, Sarah Elizabeth Warack. She is the daughter of Capt Christopher and Karen Warack. They live close by so that Sarah visits us often. Christopher, No. 1 son, is on the faculty at the AFA.
Well that's a wrap! For most of you, using Steve Holt's measure, your 10 years are up. I hate to beg, but just imagine an older-than-most classmate on his football-damaged knees each night praying for just an occasional letter to use in the next Checkpoints. I hope to have a guest writer for the next issue, but continue to send all materials to yours truly. Have a safe and prosperous summer.