Checkpoints Class News
690 Winding Hills Road
Monument, CO 80132
Home: (719) 488-2504
Greetings from the balmy Rockies! What a great place to live and visit. Come out and spend a grand weekend or week in the shadows of the Rampart Range. Yes, it is reunion-planning time, and I have the latest info from Andi so that you can make initial plans. We have settled on 13-17 September 1995, which is the weekend of the CSU game. The Antlers Doubletree Hotel will be the holding pattern for our activities. It is well appointed, centrally located and has proved an excellent site for other class reunions as well as the '59 Cotton Bowl Team's most recent gathering. This reunion is a bit less structured than past years with a variety of optional events. On Thursday we plan several day trips (Cripple Creek for gambling), golf, and tours with informal dining at the end of the day. On Friday more golf and an open house in the cadet area for those who haven't seen the plant recently. In the afternoon will be a State of the Wing briefing and a memorial service. Later at Doolittle Hall we will dedicate the Val BOURQUE Memorial and hold a short class meeting prior to returning to the Antlers for dinner. Saturday's activities will be centered around a tailgate get-together and the football game. Discussion is still underway concerning parade attendance with the class forming a reviewing party. An informal buffet would close out the planned activities. Sunday we will likely have chapel, a good-bye brunch and return travel. As the time gets closer there will be several committees appointed to make sure everything gets done. If anyone has suggestions please let Andi, Tony BURSHNICK or me know, and we'll get the info to the appropriate committee for review.
We decided the most appropriate reunion gift from our class was to expand the Val BOURQUE Memorial. That entails enlarging the original gift to encompass the entire alcove of the Board Room. You'll need to see it to fully appreciate it. This means that we need to increase our original commitment to $35,000, which I might add is a modest amount in relation to other alumni classes. The average sum of $200 per person would cover us. Consider starting now to mail your checks to the AOG and designate it for the Class of '60 memorial.
Received a letter from Ted STUMM. Ted, I'll take the blame for any misinformation in previous Checkpoints, but it did get you to write! Ted writes, "I completed my doctorate in political science at Texas Tech in July of '94. My focus was in public administration and more specifically in municipal financial management. In August I moved to Jacksonville, FL where I am an assistant professor at the U. of North Florida. I teach public administration, mostly urban politics and administration at the graduate level and undergraduate political inquiry and analysis. The job is good, enjoy the students, and have time for golf and fishing. It doesn't get any better than that!" He goes on to say Dona would be moving from Lubbock after Christmas which was to allow Ted to finish having their new home completed. Their new address is 3001 Prescott Falls Dr., Jacksonville, FL 32224; and the latchstring is out.
A Frank MAYBERRY update: Frank and Eve are settled again in the Australian outback. They have done some camping and hunting for gemstones. They have time for some golf, tennis and swimming. He is into making his own beer since booze is outrageously expensive. They have been in touch with Jim KERR and bride, Erika. Frank will work on getting them to attend the reunion. Anyone heading down under can contact them by phone, 61-89-529-083 or write 15/33 Adamson Ave, NT, Australia 0870.
Tony BURSHNICK continues to be the source of information for the D.C. area and points of travel. He reported that six of the '60 Beltway Bandits: Ralph LALIME, Mike CLARK, Joe HIGGINS, Richard HEAD and Bill TAYLOR attended the AOG's AFA-Army pre-game luncheon. Ralph won the door prize, a white jacket. Guess the trademark blue one can now be cast aside. Ralph spent much of the fall election campaign working for a number of candidates for congress. Apparently did great for the members of the House but failed to bring Ollie North to Washington. Now that you know how to do it does that mean you'll be running Ralph?
Tony and Karen made a trip to upstate New York in late October to marry-off son Joe. Joe and bride, Kem, honeymooned on their way to Mountain Home AFB, ID where Joe will fly KC-135s. Tony is staying busy consulting for Chrysler Technologies (CTAS). They are exploring replacing the 89th Wing's aircraft with 767s. He is also working on the C-17 buy. On one of his trips to Texas, Tony talked to Jerry CASKEY who is in real estate in Austin. Jerry located a lot for Dale THOMPSON to build a retirement home. The Thompsons plan to move to Austin in April. The Caskeys recently welcomed grandchild number four. Son Scott now has two, and so does daughter Terry.
CTAS provided an excuse for Tony to go to Wright-Pat where Ron YATES hosted a dinner party, which included Dale THOMPSON, Ron DEEP and Charlie HART. The Yates are planning to retire in Monument, CO this summer. Ron DEEP is still at the U. of Dayton inspiring the next generation of mathematicians, and Charlie is still at it as a gentleman farmer and farm equipment salesman. Dr. Dean BRISTOW was in D.C. for a conference and had lunch with Ralph LALIME. Al JOHNSON told Tony he had lunch with Charlie HOLMAN but failed to get more info. Tony and Karen traveled to Langley AFB in November to have dinner with Mike and Barbara LOH. The Lohs reportedly are planning to retire in the Langley area. Mike and Barbara do visit the Denver area since son Mike and family reside there. They have two grandchildren, one of each. Mike the younger is flying for United, and he keeps his hand in the fighter business flying the F-16 for the Colo. Air Guard.
Jim GLAZA continues to travel in work and play. He made a trek to West Point for the Army game. He, Andi BIANCUR and Marsha Shepard were hosted by the KALEYs at their Connecticut home for a pregame kickoff. At the game they visited with K.D. and Leanne MILLER, up for the game from their Pennsylvania digs. All had a good time and cheered the Falcons to victory. Late this fall, Jim spent a couple of days in Phoenix and had a chance to visit with Bill GILLIS. Bill is a house husband while Kathleen is working. Bill also cares for a grandson as well as doing the household chores, but still found time to play a round of golf with Jim.
I saw Andi BIANCUR at several football games this fall here at the AFA. Apparently he has his own airplane and flies over for the weekend when time and weather permit. The weekend of the Utah game was a bit different though because something unusual occurred on takeoff. Rumor has it that the airplane is on display at Peterson Field with unusually shaped propeller blades. Somehow the tips became curved. He did fly it over uneventfully without any severe vibration or loss of fuel economy. Apparently did a very professional job redesigning the prop. Look for a rebuttal or explanation in the next issue. Or if you can't wait, call Andi.
Thanks to all you contributors for bringing us the news. Remember now is the time to get travel and time off arranged for the reunion. I look forward to seeing you all here.