Checkpoints Class News
5423 Myrtle Wood
Sarasota, FL 34235-4824
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
"The Gang of Six met at Chandlers Crab House in Seattle on 19 September for some great food and better conversation," wrote Chuck Diver. "Willy Zersen from Southern California was with us. We solved the problems facing the US, and nobody got crabs at the Crab House. Next meeting is 25 October at the Museum of Flight in Seattle to inspect retired Air Force One." (Photo, Below, L-R: Nels Delisanti, Vic Yoakum, Jim O'Rourke, Dennis O'Keefe, Chuck Diver, Bill Zersen, George Luck).
Andi Biancur: "The Colorado Group met at CHAMPPS Sports Bar on Wednesday, 19 September 2012 for lunch. Commandant BGen Greg Lengyel joined us. Greg is an Air Force Brat who graduated from Texas A&M and served as a helicopter pilot. He informed us that his core mission is to return more discipline to the Wing. To sum up our thoughts--it is OK to bring more A&Ms to USAFA. General Lengyel seems to have the right approach, since early impressions expressed by the cadets are that he is 'A Hard Ass.' (I enclose TWO photos documenting that Ron Yates, Tony Bilello, Jim Glaza, Wayne Kendall, John McCullough, Bruce Mosier, Fred Porter, Dick Schehr, Dick Sexton, Jim Waddle, Denis Walsh, and Andi Biancur--all made it to the trough. (Photo #1, Above Left, R-L: Waddle, Lengyel, Kendall, Yates, Walsh (behind Yates), Glaza, McCullough); Photo #2, Above Right, L-R: Sexton, Mosier, Bilello, Schehr, McCullough, & Porter. Missing were Brush, Bujalski, Hodson, Roe, Savage, Schwank, & Pupich).
"The ceremony for Gary Sheets was very nice. It took place in the Cadet Protestant Chapel," wrote Andi Biancur. "Gary's extended family all attended, which consisted of Sylvia, four children & spouses, 19 grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, and four of his five surviving sisters. They were accompanied by his local pastor, Reverend Jarrett Stephens. Classmates in attendance: Denis Walsh, Dick Sexton, Jim Glaza, Jim & Mary Waddle, Bruce & Caryl Mosier, Wayne Kendall, Fred Porter, Bill Hodson, Andi & Carole Biancur, Dave & Camille Sweigart, and Dean Vikan (Dean's daughter Wende is married to Gary's son Jeff). The photo was taken at graveside in the cemetery. Sylvia hosted a reception following the service at the Eisenhower Golf Course, which allowed us to further ensure our support to the family (Photo, Below, Front Row, L-R: Dean Vikan, Carole, Sylvia, Caryl Mosier, Mary Waddle, Camille, Dave Sweigart; Back Row, L-R.: Biancur, Glaza, Waddle, Kendall, Mosier, Sexton, Walsh. Hodson and Porter did not make the photo). An explanatory note: the reason Sylvia looks so joyful has to do with the way the family has approached Gary's death. They see it as a joyful ending to a wonderful life. There was very little grief shown, but more a celebration of his life.
On October 4th, Sylvia Sheets sent me (Rosie) the following message: "I just learned yesterday that Gary has been chosen from Texas' Third Congressional District for an award called the Congressional Veteran Commendation, a nominations-based program designed to recognize the wartime sacrifice and peacetime community involvement of residents of Sam Johnson's District. I called Sam Johnson's office to tell them that Gary had died, and ask if he were still eligible, and they told me that out of sixty nominations, they chose ten recipients and Gary was # 1. I'll receive Gary's award for him 10/20/12."
"The ceremony for Bill Goodyear took place in the Academy Cemetery at 1030 hours on 28 September 2012," wrote Andi Biancur. "Bill was cremated, and a portion of his remains were committed at the Academy Cemetery today, where he was accorded full military honors. The family group consisted of his widow, Linda, and her daughter's family; Linda's brother, Bill's daughters Lorelei and Angelee, also Bill's grandchildren. Classmates attending: Denis Walsh, Dick Sexton, Jim Glaza, Jim Waddle, Bruce Mosier, Wayne Kendall, Pete Roe, Jim Bujalski, Bill Hodson, Andi Biancur. The family remained for the Homecoming Memorial Service later in the day for graduates who had passed away over the last year." (Photo, above, seated, L-R: Linda Goodyear, Bill's daughter Angelee; Standing: Wayne Kendall, Dick Sexton, Bill Hodson, Bruce Mosier, Andi Biancur, Jim Waddle, Denis Walsh, Jim Glaza, Jim Bujalski (Pete Roe missed the photo).
"I didn't get any of the 'old guys with drinks' photos, but there seemed to be plenty taken at Andi's dinner," says Gordy Flygare, referring to the AFA-Navy game weekend October 5-7. "It was a really great night. The game weather was not too nice, and we lost to Navy; but, the tailgate and get-together at TGI Friday's were both great!"
(Photo, Below, L-R, standing: Luck, Schwank, Savage, Hope Schwank, Schehr's forehead behind Hope, Sharon Schehr, Boyington, Carol Kaley, Kaley, June Colgan, Biancur, Waddle, Deke Johnson, Sexton, Kendall, Sue Woodward, Van Inwegen, Pat Van Inwegen, Fries, Bujalski, Judy Bronson, Mosier, Carole Bilello, Bronson, Becke Fries, Flygare, Bilello, Haney, Liz Haney, Yates, Glaza, Sweigart; L-R, seated: Carolyn Luck, Mary Waddle, Carole Biancur, Barbara Kendall, Connie Yates, Camille Sweigart--more pics on Web: "MiniReunions.")
Tony Burshnick: "Another great DC-60 luncheon, thanks to Tom Burke. Twelve stalwarts showed up. We sent GJC Fries and Mike Loh to USAFA to win the AF/ Navy game, but, they blew that! Ralph Lalime is stuck on Okinawa trying to get a Space-A flight to Virginia. Norm Haller is taking care of his daughter, who is fighting a bout with soft tissue sarcoma. Doug Rekenthaler and Jack Schira didn't make it.
"Bill Carnegie is fine, but had problems getting here. Ken Alnwick watched the AFA lacrosse team play in the local area this weekend. Leon Goodson accompanied his grand- daughter and her choir on a tour through England, then played tourist in Italy and Paris. Al Johnson is 'iffy' on MiniSki 2013, having hurt his back by lifting too much. Bob Badger's latest book is coming along. Les Querry and Marty are wrapped up in elder care for Marty's mom and dad. Bob Fischer is still involved with the air museum his friends and neighbors are running at the old Willow Grove Naval Station. Bill Hockenberry is busy working with the unions and industry in the aviation world. Mike A. Clarke is doing pretty well, and he sold two of his houses. Jerry de la Cruz is taking a fused glass class with Ken Alnwick. Tom Burke has another company he spends time with." (Photo, front, L-R: Badger, Burshnick, Mike A. Clarke, Querry; back, L-R: Hockenberry, Goodson, Burke, de la Cruz, Carnegie, Fischer, Alnwick, Al Johnson).
POTPOURRI: Fred Morton, Minister, younger brother of Eddie Morton, sent his book on Eddie in Vietnam. ... The autobiographical Pacific Cockpit is now in "final draft mode." Contact George Lester. ... Class of 1960 has 174 living classmates, following burial of Gary Sheets
"My grandson, Nicholas Kornitzer, was commissioned 2nd LT in May from ROTC at the University of Connecticut and is at Del Rio, Texas (Laughlin) in pilot training. His Dad, Steven, is a Colonel on the PACAF staff," wrote Bill Kornitzer. "Linda and I had a super trip this past year to Vietnam and Cambodia, touring Angkor Wat and then a Viking cruise down the Mekong for seven days into Saigon. We left for Rome in October to tour Umbria, Rome and Venice."