January - March 2023
As Compiled by JT Smith
"Just had an adventure that I do not recommend to anyone. On Sunday morning, after a Saturday night with GI symptoms, I was taken by ambulance to St. Francis Hospital with severe dehydration and sepsis (infection in my bloodstream). I was in the ICU for four days where I needed IV medication to keep my blood pressure up. The exact bug is not certain, but the best guesses were shigella, salmonella or Norovirus.
"Just got home yesterday and am doing OK but very tired. One does not sleep in the ICU! I look forward to seeing all at the luncheon next month.
"Lt Col (Ret) Anthony Long - Class of 1960, CS-05, [died] on February 13, 2023 - Informed on February 24, 2023."
Details are not available at this time. Updates will be provided when received.
Tony will be interred on 3 March at 1330 at the USAFA Cemetery.