
Phil Meinhardt

The world's population increases by 211,000 per day. The Chinese sold 18 million cars last year. Projections are for sales of 30 million cars in China by 2020. Each car emits six tons of CO per year. The U.S. supposedly emits half of the world's auto CO and sold 12 million cars last year.

Wars, famine, disease and obesity are just not keeping up with new births. Over half of new births in the world are never recorded. A professor at UCLA Business School has established a non-profit organization to record births, fingerprint, and eye-scan new arrivals in third world countries. He wants to offer $100 to each newborn who submits to registration procedure. The money would be put in a bank for the newborn payable at age 16. Launching from that idea, how about offering $100 and a free vasectomy to each male in the world who volunteers? Any better ideas before we run out of water, food and it gets really hot? Drought and heat are burning up the corn in the Midwest--corn price is up 17% in June. Corn has burned up before, but Lake Meade used to have water and it keeps going down.

To the "Best of All Possible Worlds". Phil