11 July 2016
Sitting L to R: Ken Alnwick, Tony Burshnick, Jack Schira and Tom Burke.
4 April 2016
Seated rear: Pat Warack, Judy Bronson, Cathe Hockenberry, Betty de la Cruz, Mary Ellen Burke
Seated front: Gale Johnson, Tony Burshnick, Karen Burshnick, Judy Alnwick
Leon Goodson was there, but his wife Marin was in Cleveland working on a project for the United Church of Christ. They were working on economics divestment and the enforcement of US foreign trade. Bill Carnegie is enjoying his time in the Front Royal area He plans on a trip to the West Coast this summer to visit with his kid. Howie Bronson's leg and hip are better after his skiing accident No more skiing for a while and he still needs two days a week with a therapist Our resident lawyer, Bob Badger, regaled us with work he is doing for the Masons to protect young kids Jerry de la Cruz enjoyed the mini ski and told us there will be no more mini skis Guys will still go out that way to ski but it will not be organized as before He had a nice mini vacation in Mexico a few weeks ago. Tom Burke is still working part time He met Ralph Lalime's son Chris at a local restaurant last week Tom is now working on his church's golf tournament Ken Alnwick is working steady on the class news He needs your help so send him lots of class info. He is still coaching high school lacrosse He will be going to England in the spring Bill Hockenberry had a good time with his kids, His daughter is a CEO for a local company He visited a few breweries last month and still finds time to do law work. Al Johnson just enjoys time spent with all the guys Les Querry had to fight the snow out west this winter. His wife's Mom passes away in Feb Marty is now working with a genealogy group.
Our sixtieth class anniversary will be held on Jul 11th and Les Querry's Roosting dinner will be Oct 22nd.
Thats about it Look forward to seeing you at the next session.
11 January 2016
Seated: Jack Schira, Tom Burke, Tony Burshnick
What a great get together for the New Year LUNCH Bob Fischer could not make it since he was traveling to Va Beach, Williamsburg and maybe even Kitty Hawk Odenweller was busy with his stamp business. Mike Clarke could not make the drive. Bob Badger had a great time at the first meeting of the Masonic Lodge. That is a brotherhood of man group After a long discussion on ancestors he decided he is a descendant of a polar bear Ask him about that Al Johnson is giving up skiing and now wants to bronze his boots Howie Bronson's ski accident convinced Al to quit Ralph Lalime enjoyed the Christmas with his 6 &1/2 grand kids His son Jay is still making movies and doing well. Bill Carnegie spent the holiday with family in California Leon Goodson was with the grand kids in Seattle Bronson's hip is getting better but he still needs exercises and the help of a physical trainer Jack Shira moved to Maryland for his wife's job They too had a nice holiday with all the kids. The conversation then turned to law and lawyers and just about everyone had a comment to make Especially the class lawyers Bill Hockenberry is still just thinking about retirement. Ken Alnwick needs all the info you can give him to keep up with the web site and Checkpoints HIS LATEST CHECKPOINTS ARTICLE IS TERRIFIC!!!! Jerry de la Cruz tells us his hip replacement is going very well. His granddaughter is doing very well with her acting She is in a school for performing arts Tom Burke enjoyed the holiday with his 13 grand kids He went to Chris Warack's sons retirement Great time Not much new with me The spinal stenosis has really slowed me down I barely get around even with the two canes OH, I turn 79 tomorrow Two gents there today are older Do you know who they are???
Right now we plan on celebrating FOUNDERS DAY on the fourth of April. That session will include the ladies. I will confirm the date in late March and get your replies at that time.
Enjoy the new year and do not hesitate to let me know if i made any mistakes with this note.