The sixth annual DC '60 Roosting was a 2-day event on October 3-4, 2009 and was the largest and, possibly, the best yet. We started on Saturday with a smaller group watching the AFA-Navy game on TV.
[For person IDs check the group photos]
[For person IDs check the group photos]
Some of the gals relaxed upstairs, above the game crowd.
The game wasn't so great, but we enjoyed the sunset on the deck afterwards.
L to R standing: Bob BADGER, Bob FISCHER, Al JOHNSON, Brian KALEY, Bill CARNEGIE, Marty Hiatt and Bill HOCKENBERRY
L to R sitting: Bill and Barbara HALES, Cathe HOCKENBERRY and Carol KALEY.
(not in photo are Ace HOLMAN and Les QUERRY [taking picture])
L to R sitting: Bill and Barbara HALES, Cathe HOCKENBERRY and Carol KALEY.
(not in photo are Ace HOLMAN and Les QUERRY [taking picture])
Next day, Bill Goodyear brought his Navy friend, Norwood Gay, and we (Gale and Al JOHNSON) just laughed off the game.
We had good weather and 32 attendees on Sunday, all happy to see each other. Several of the heartier gathered for a hike on the mountain trails.
Here we are sitting on a rock perch overlook on the Appalachian Trail. On the return trip, (up the mountain) we stopped for refreshment with drinks that had been stashed in the mountain stream.
Upon return we gathered for a mini-class meeting with Andi BIANCUR to discuss issues relating to the 50th reunion.
Of course, during our meeting, Marty and the ladies were upstairs preparing the tables for dinner, these overlooking the Shenandoah Valley.
Norm Haller seems concerned about Liz's scooping technique
as Gale is about to help.
But before eating we gathered for a photo for Rosie. Nice Group. Smile for Rosie!
(click photo to enlarge)
L to R standing: Norwood Gay (Navy friend of Goodyear), Goodyear, Fries, Bristow, Fischer, Hockenberry, Carnegies, Badgers, Kaleys, Burke, de la Cruz, Alnwick, Johnson, Haller, Biancur, Barbara Hales
Sitting: Gale Johnson, Betty de la Cruz, Cathe Hockenberry, Mary Ellen Burke, Karen Burshnick, Holman, Weese Holman, Marty Hiatt (Querry), Liz Haller, Burshnick, Querry, Hales, Carole Biancur.
Out-of-towners this year included Dean Bristow, Andi and Carol Biancur, Brian and Carol Kaley, Bill and Barbara Hales, Ace and Weese Holman, Al and Gale Johnson, Bill Goodyear, George Fries and Bob Fischer. We were very sorry that Judy Alnwick was not feeling well and could not join us, and Lutzi Fischer was recovering from surgery. Mike and Nancy Clarke planned to be with us, but Mike's legs said, "not yet fellow. You're being to brave"
Sitting: Gale Johnson, Betty de la Cruz, Cathe Hockenberry, Mary Ellen Burke, Karen Burshnick, Holman, Weese Holman, Marty Hiatt (Querry), Liz Haller, Burshnick, Querry, Hales, Carole Biancur.
Out-of-towners this year included Dean Bristow, Andi and Carol Biancur, Brian and Carol Kaley, Bill and Barbara Hales, Ace and Weese Holman, Al and Gale Johnson, Bill Goodyear, George Fries and Bob Fischer. We were very sorry that Judy Alnwick was not feeling well and could not join us, and Lutzi Fischer was recovering from surgery. Mike and Nancy Clarke planned to be with us, but Mike's legs said, "not yet fellow. You're being to brave"
The fabulous food provided by most of the attendees was enjoyed by all.
After dark our neighbor, Bud, arrived with a trailer full of fireworks and we saw an aerial display close up.
(Sorry, no photos.)
(Sorry, no photos.)
But the last treat of the weekend went to Marty. After finishing in the kitchen and turning off the lights before going to bed, she watched in the moonlight as a large black bear pulled down the birdfeeder outside of her office.