by Lew Price
Nether theory, as developed by Mart Gibson and me, would be called advanced ether theory except that ether has a bad name. The name "ether" was sullied by physicists who insisted that it conform to their preconceived notions and then, when it did what it always does, was forever tainted by their ill-founded allegations. So we have an approved version of physics today that is largely a set of rules with no logical notion of why these rules exist. The experimental physicists are very good at their experiments and the rule-making theoreticians are very good at finding the rules. However, it is my contention that those who have attempted to explain what is behind the rules have been standing upon a faulty foundation, oblivious of their long-term need to move elsewhere.
These pages give a very brief explanation of what is found in five little books called Behind Light's Illusion which were written as the first of a series meant to create a new foundation for the theoreticians. These little books of about sixty pages each are available either directly from me, ( - free for classmates), or may be ordered from any bookstore for a price.
Nether theory is actually a more conveniently uttered name for what was once called the "Unified Field Theory" and is now called the "Theory of Everything" (TOE). It was discovered quite accidentally back in 1964 when I had three spare days in a good library to research the nature of light. Since then, the back-up physics and math for it have been honed to a finer degree.
The theory would have been published by the early nineteen-seventies had there been time to do so. However, its obvious nature and my own innocence caused me to believe that any competent physicist or engineer would find it himself during the time required for me to publish it. Besides that, I was busy surviving, no physicist seemed to be interested, and I was unwilling to argue with people who seemed to have strong reasons for finding me wrong. I have since made stronger attempts to interest some of the physicists, but have been rebuffed by most of them. According to some American and English physicists, engineers are not in their club. Anyone who is not a member of their club and using their rules can have nothing to offer on the subject of physics.
In the course of my experiences with editors of book companies and magazines, including the one with my now well-tested flute theory, I have not been able to find any who could comprehend enough real science or who could reason well enough to correctly separate the wheat from the chaff. To compensate for their failings, and to sell more magazines to the in-crowd, these people usually publish only what is accepted by prominent "scientists" today. This is why it seemed more expedient to do my own publishing.
The first four little books of the series have numerous errors in them. Two very giving people read them before the fifth was published and were kind enough to do the checking, proofreading, and editing necessary for such a comprehensive subject. As a result, the fifth book seems to be error-free. A number of other people have since discovered most of the errors in the first four books so that their second printings should be much better. In fact, the list of helpful people includes some of the class of '60 as well as others who are more interested in truth than profit. Knowing the way most of you feel about truth, I am now asking that if you find any errors of which you think I might not be aware, in either the books or in these pages, please let me know.
Thanks to all, for the help so freely given. Man's flight through life is, in truth, sustained by the power of his knowledge.