THE ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE: Usually called the lightwave, the electromagnetic wave is a reality caused by an electron changing direction regularly so that it is moving essentially in the two directions of the dimension of the wave's polarity. There is no such thing as a photon in a particle form. In fact, the term called the photon is usually misused.
A photon is not a lightwave, but rather, a one-second supply of lightwaves. The energy of a photon is considered to be "hf" where "h" is a thing called Planck's constant and "f" is the frequency of the photon. Frequency is in cycles per second (now called Hertz to honor a man - but the term is meaningless without knowing what frequency really is). This means that the photon's energy is limited to exactly a one-second supply. But the term "photon" is also used to denote the wave generated by a light source which is natural and whose energy is always either less or more than a second's supply. We cannot force a natural light source to broadcast its light for exactly one second. So the equation for the photon's energy is merely a way of comparing the energy in a one-second supply of the wave of one photon to that of another. This is often forgotten by our physicists.
Planck's constant was supposed to be the smallest amount of energy generated by a photon, the part that each lightwave produced. However, it was found that half of Planck's constant could be used as a smaller unit of energy, which is the energy generated in a half-wave of light (electromagnetic energy). Half of "h" is the amount of energy (the real quantum) found in one half-lightwave.
The half-lightwave is merely the acceleration of nether caused by the movement of nether when an electron changes from one direction to the opposite direction of motion. The inflow of nether into the electron is caused by a vortex in one direction (say clockwise as seen from one end of its path) before the electron reversed its path. When the electron's path is reversed, the vortex reverses (becomes counterclockwise as seen from same end of its path). The reversal of the nether flow is translated outward along the infinite flow path of the incoming nether, so the energy of the nether acceleration is moved outward as h/2. This happens many times in one second to produce the photon energy in the equation, E=hf. The result is that any receptive electron (one which can naturally vibrate at the same frequency) will be jiggled back and forth to receive the energy in the photon.
The nether acceleration which moves outward, moves outward in a circle, like the ripple seen when a pebble is dropped into a still pond. Like the ripple generated by the pebble, the nether-wave strikes objects which are capable of reflecting and bending it. However, the wave does not lose its "connectedness". It simply becomes a bent and distorted circle.
This quality of connectedness and the geometry of the wave cause some unexpected phenomena. If the energy of all of the waves in a photon is absorbed at one point in their distorted circles, the whole group of circles loses its energy instantaneously. This means that if a photon-absorber were absorbing photons at a particular frequency, and another photon absorber for the same frequency, located many lightyears away but closer to the source, began to absorb the same photon transmission, the original absorber would immediately cease to receive the energy. This is the reason behind one of the "paradoxes" of quantum mechanics. It also presents a means for almost instantaneous communication over many lightyears of distance.
Light is always affected by gravity, but this is not readily apparent when it passes far from gravity funnels. When light passes near a gravity funnel, it is either "bent" (pulled inward) or kept from escaping (as in the case of a black hole). Nether velocity at the surface of the earth is only about seven miles per second, but in a black hole, it can exceed lightspeed and light cannot escape.
A small book was needed to tell the whole story of light. However, this minimal explanation will suffice for now.
TIME: There are at least six kinds of time, and our language is so limited that only one word is used for all six. First, there is duration which is needed for existence to continue, Second, there sequential time which causes our sense of cause and effect or our linear existence. Third, there is real time which is the time line that I think of as the fourth dimension. Fourth, there is the illusion which makes up our usual perception of time, based upon motion: "r=d/t" where "r" is rate, "d" is distance, and "t" is time (such as miles per hour, feet per second, etc.) - the measure of time by the use of motion. Fifth, there is submicroscopic time which is the rate of change of components in nuclear, chemical, and biological processes - often altered by such things as refrigeration. Sixth, there is subjective time which is affected by our length of conscious memory and our current activity.
RELATIVITY: Einstein's theory of relativity was devised to explain why the transforms (math) of Lorentz worked in certain instances. Einstein proposed his theory of relativity and it was accepted by some. But from his last papers at Princeton when he was working on light as a tensor wave moving through a medium, he appears to have lost faith in relativity as it was then understood.
Special relativity is based upon the concept of the universe having no inertial frame of reference, so that everything is relative with the speed of light as the only constant. In such a universe, there is no medium through which light can travel.
Assuming that there is no inertial reference frame, the water stirred vigorously in a cup of coffee would never rise on the sides of the cup because pure relativity means that the coffee could be holding still while the cup revolves around it. In other words, there could be no such thing as centrifugal force which definitely depends upon an inertial reference frame.
With no medium for light to use as a wave, we can have relativity as presented. But with a medium for light to use, everything becomes relative to the medium. Something called "time dilation" must exist, but not for the reasons proposed in the theory of relativity.
With everything being relative, a spaceship could travel at near lightspeed away from Earth and return. Due to time dilation, those in the spaceship would have aged less than those on Earth. This is the supposed scenario according to most interpretations of relativity. But time dilation could occur as easily on Earth as on the spaceship. If everything is actually relative, which is the case according to the theory of relativity, we could assume that Earth is moving away from the spaceship just as easily as we could assume that the spaceship is moving away from Earth.
TIME DILATION: What is known as time dilation means that time supposedly slows down with increased velocity. This has been proven by placing an atomic clock in orbit about the earth and by other means. However, time dilation is caused by motion being relative to the nether rather than for the reasons given in the theory of special relativity.
Light has a certain maximum velocity with which it moves through the nether (which is caused by the reactive speed of the nether), it is like our ripple from the pebble tossed into the pond. If the ripple were moving on the face of the water flowing in a river, it would still move at the same speed relative to the water in the river, but it would move at a different speed relative to the riverbank.
A ripple crossing a river from source near one bank would be slowed relative to a point on the other bank directly opposite to its point of origin. The motion of the river would �bleed-off� some of the velocity of the ripple according to a certain Lorentz transform (which comes from the Pythagorean theorem). This is what happens to create time dilation. The faster the flow of water in the river, the longer the time taken for the ripple to arrive at the point opposite.
A spaceship in motion relative to the nether might just as well be nether in motion relative to the spaceship. Time types four and five (see foregoing paragraphs regarding time) are based upon velocity within the nether, which is proportional to the maximum lightspeed possible within the nether. Due to the apparent flow of nether past (and through) the spaceship, the maximum speed of light, relative to the spaceship, is less than it is when the spaceship is at rest relative to the nether. This slows time types four and five according to the appropriate Lorentz transform. This is the real cause of time dilation - not the theory of special relativity. Other effects of velocity relative to the nether include changes in mass and length of the spaceship, again calculated by the Lorentz transforms.
If this is not very clear in its brevity, there about five pages of detail on this subject in book four of the series called Behind Light's Illusion which include all the math and a diagram.
CREATION: There are a number of scenarios in which the universe is produced from nothing. These are conjecture (educated guesses) with details that are too numerous and detailed to be discussed here. However, they tend to create a more logical atmosphere for the presence of nether. These scenarios are presented in the fifth book of the series.
THE RULEMAKERS' WAY: The explanation is so because it is a rule.
A rule may be nice, but it is not an explanation.
THE POLITICIANS' WAY: Some so-called explanations are composed of words empty of meaning. They have the sound of an explanation but, upon analysis, prove to be nothing but buzz words and misleading concepts.
Other explanations are presented as being the thoughts of experts, learned men, and authorities - and are therefore truthful and deserving of belief.
One should examine what is proffered with one's own reasoning ability to see if it falls into the foregoing categories.
OCCAM'S RAZOR: This is also called the "law of economy". It was presented in Latin and translated into English. In English it states: "Never multiply explanations or make them more complicated than necessary. It is vain to do with more what can be done with less".
When applied to science, it means that a the theory which explains things simply and directly is preferable to one which is less simple and direct.
When applied to a unified theory, the theory that is entirely consistent in explaining ALL facets of observed phenomena of the universe, without needing revision with each new antagonistic observation, arguably is preferred over a hodge-podge of desperate attempts at explanation.
Theories should avoid complications whenever possible.
THREE FILES: Everyone needs three basic files for the information presented to them.
The first is for things you know are false - the bullshit file. Things should be filed there only after they have been carefully examined and found wanting. It is needed so that one won't be taking valuable time in the future to re-examine other incoming items like those in the file. However, this file must be used with care and with proper discrimination so that one can tell if there are significant differences between the items in the file and the incoming items.
The second file is for things you know are true. This will probably be a very small file because only very carefully considered items qualify for it. Most truths are based upon other truths, and the programming you have had must be examined in detail to see if your basic truths are really truths.
The third file is the big file. This is the one filled with information which you are unsure of at the time. You keep the file because future information may shed some light upon the truth or falsity of items in it. Whether you know it or not, you have this file and spend much of your sleeping time looking it over in light of newer information.
IN CLOSING: What follows are the things in nether theory which I have mentally filed since I began to look at it in 1964.
1. We live in a nether universe. To me this is simple fact. Today, there is a lot of doubletalk from so-called scientists who need to give it other names for their theories to be acceptable. It is called the "tensor field", "space", "flux field", "dark energy", and other names in attempts to disguise it, but it is still nether or dynamic ether and it is still there. Furthermore, it does not care what we puny little creatures call it, what we think of it, or whether we even acknowledge its existence.
2. There is an inertial reference frame to our universe and the precepts of relativity are wrong. Neither a vorticle nor a galaxy can exist without centrifugal force, and centrifugal force cannot exist without an inertial reference frame.
3. The universe exists due to imbalances, and should continue to exist, in one form or another, as long as imbalances exist.
4. There is a vacuum at the center of each vorticle as opposed to the nether pressure. This imbalance, which I call a pressure differential, creates the energy which is responsible for everything in the universe.
5. The time-types given are valid except possibly for the speculative part of "real time".
6. Time dilation and its consequences are facts. Time dilation only occurs, in a form we notice, for anything moving at substantially high velocities relative to the nether.
7. The Lorentz equations as they apply in relativity are correct, but the correct relativity means that all is relative to the nether.
8. The universe is expanding at a slowly accelerating rate.
9. People have a tendency to move toward truths when they are presented, and a way of resisting less truthful propaganda even under extreme pressure. They may give lip service to lies, but deep inside, they will keep the truth.