NETHER QUALITIES: If we could feel the passage of nether as if it were a wind, we would not feel it in quite the same manner as we do wind. Nether at a constant velocity is not changing anything--nor is it being changed. There is no energy involved. Nether motion relative to other nether motion is exactly that--relative. Once it is set in motion, nether has no friction to prevent it from remaining in that same motion. If we were moving in a spaceship in space, free of any gravity funnel, we could coast along forever as long as we do not meet with any obstruction. The vorticles of which our spaceship and everything in it are composed are moving relative to the nether that is what we call space. Nothing is causing a change of relative velocity, so we do not even notice the nether.

On the other hand, if our spaceship were to accelerate constantly at one "g", we could walk on the trailing wall of the cabin of our spaceship and feel just like we were walking on the surface our planet. The nether is moving past our spaceship as we see it, at an accelerating rate. The same thing happens when we stand on the surface of the gravity funnel we call Earth. Here again, the nether is moving past us at an accelerating rate of one "g".

"Accelerating" means creating a change in nether velocity. When changes are made, energy is required to make them. The accelerating spaceship is no longer coasting along, it must be using energy. The same is true of gravity. This force we call "gravity" is accelerating the nether and it must use energy to do so. The energy that is used is caused by the pressure difference between the nether of our universe and the vacuum into which the nether disappears.

We can feel the acceleration of nether around us as either acceleration or gravity (which is also acceleration). We cannot feel constant velocity of nether around us. Once nether has stopped changing its velocity, it continues to do whatever it is doing. As it was put by Newton in his original laws of motion, "Every body perseveres in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a right line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces that impress thereon." The nether conforms to this law and is, indeed, the partial cause or transmitter of this law. In other words, things do what they are doing until something else changes them. This is what I call a passive law. Why would anything change unless something causes it to do so? At any rate, this passive law governs nether motion.

MASS: Nether is the true primal Mass. When using nether Mass in ordinary writing or in an equation, it will be capitalized herein as opposed to our mass which is the mass in the equation E=mc2.

To show how Mass and mass relate, we must realize that Mass moves into a vorticle of mass all the time. So mass is actually Mass/time. The more Mass that moves into a vorticle in a given length of time, the more mass the vorticle has. There is substantially more Mass moving into a proton, for instance, in any given length of time, than is moving into an electron in that same length of time.

THE DYNAMICS OF A VORTEX: A vortex is the result of mass or Mass accelerating within two dimensions toward a center in which it must turn at right angles to its original direction/directions of motion. For instance, in the case of the whirlpool that exists when your bathtub is draining, the water first moves in directions which are parallel to the plane of the bottom of the bathtub. It accelerates toward the drain. At the drain, it turns at right angles to its original directions of motion (perpendicular to the plane of the tub bottom) to form a whirlpool.

The water has inertia which causes it to prefer to remain moving in directions parallel to the tub bottom. But the water pressure versus the relative vacuum of the drain exerts a force which causes the water to move down. The inertia is then a force which makes the water move horizontally while another force makes it move downward. So the water at the drain moves both horizontally and down. But while it is attempting to turn downward, it tends to overshoot the center and then curves horizontally to come back again. The motion settles into the usual shape of a whirlpool. All of this applies to any particular cubic increment, which we might call Tom.

At almost the same time, but slightly later than the time that Tom is moving southward toward the center of the drain and downward, another cubic increment of water we can call Joe is moving into the drain as well, but Joe is moving westward and down. Joe is moving at right angles (westward) to Tom so that two equal vectors of horizontal force, pushing at right angles to one another, cause Tom to take a course that is 45 degrees from a line drawn from the drain center outward and passing through Tom. Of course, Joe has Mabel pushing him and Mabel has Alice pushing her and so on.

The dynamics of inertia and the masses involved work outward so that, at each point, the radial force pushing toward the drain center and the tangential force pushing at right angles are equal. Thus, at any point, the motion of the water is at 45 degrees from the radial passing through that point.

As the water falls into the drain, it takes a path that is more downward than horizontal. The farther down it goes, the more pronounced the downward direction.

THE SPECIAL DYNAMICS OF A VORTICLE: A vorticle is special example of a vortex. What applies to almost any vortex also applies to the vorticle, but the vorticle is different in some other ways. First of all, the speed of light is the result of a wave motion that is based upon the fact that nether can accelerate at the speed of the light in directions radial to the light source and tangential to the light source (this will be explained in detail later). This makes it able to accelerate at a resultant speed that is equal to the square root of two times the speed of light. In other words, the reactive speed of the nether is actually the speed of light times the square root of two.

At the center of the vorticle, the nether has been ruptured to allow flow into another dimension (again, this will be explained in detail later). The speed of the nether moving into the vorticle is the speed of light times the square root of two. If the Mass of nether moving into the vorticle were suddenly stopped, so that the mass that is the vorticle is converted into energy, the total kinetic energy of the Mass/time is what is converted. The total Mass/time is mass, m. Kinetic energy is (1/2)mv2. And at a point near the vorticle center, the nether is moving horizontally at 45 degrees to the radial with each contributing radial horizontal force equal to the speed of light. So the speed of the nether at this point is the resultant of two speeds which are both equal to the speed of light, "c". This means that the speed of the nether here is the square root of 2 times c. So in the kinetic energy equation E=(1/2)mv2, v = c (sqrt 2). Remember that "sqrt" means square root. The mass of the vorticle is m and this is the amount of Mass/time that is being stopped.

Then v2=[c(sqrt 2)]2=2c2 and E=(1/2)mv2=(1/2)m(2c2)=mc2. So we have the familiar energy equation of Einstein's, E= mc2. All vorticles conform to this energy equation.

The fourth dimension is not something that you can see in the normal sense. It is at right angles to the usual three and might be said to be a form of time. The nether would seem to be exhausting itself into the past. However, this is better explained in the part of this dissertation regarding time.

The fourth dimension is at right angles to ALL of the usual three dimensions. This means that a vortex taking nether into it can be oriented in any way at all from our standpoint. The hole into the fourth dimension looks like a round hole. One side of the hole is our space of nether. The other side we cannot see because it is in the fourth dimension. On our side of the hole, nether flows into it in a fashion similar to what would be seen if we had a large tank of water with a very small round hole in the bottom of it. The water from the sides creates a turning, twisting mass of water which translates upward into a column. It a high tank, the whirlpool never opens at the top.

You may wonder why this vorticle does not have a spherical center hole as opposed to a circular center hole. At this time, I do not know except to say that any dimension has two directions. North and south are the two directions of one dimension. East and west are the two directions of another dimension. And up and down are the two directions of another dimension. Vorticles are always formed in matter/antimatter pairs. Matter has nether flowing into it in one direction of the fourth dimension while antimatter has nether flowing into it in the opposite direction. When the pairs are formed, the nether flows into them from the sides while the pair is still part of the same swirl of nether. So it appears that there is a circular hole into the fourth dimension because half of the fourth dimension (one direction) is missing (it is part of the twin antimatter vorticle).

THE CREATION OF THE ELECTRON: An electron is formed when two gamma rays meet head-on. Along with an electron, a positron is formed which is the electron's antimatter mirror image. Neither the electron nor the positron can be created separately. In fact, so far it appears that for every vorticle of matter there is an antimatter mirror image which must be created simultaneously with the creation of the vorticle of matter.

A gamma ray is a high-energy electromagnetic ray. Where two gamma rays of the same polarization meet, there is a rhythmic kneading of the nether and a strong shearing force due to the two pressure waves (accelerations) of nether coming together at twice the speed of light.

The complete dynamic geometry of an electromagnetic wave is extremely complex. However, the wave is essentially composed of two half-waves. At any particular point located at any particular distance from the source of the wave, the first half-wave is causing the nether velocity vector to be pointed at 45 degrees to one side of the intersecting radial from the source. At this same point, the second half-wave abruptly alters the direction of the nether velocity vector to 45 degrees to the opposite side of the intersecting radial. The first half of the second wave abruptly alters the direction of the nether velocity vector once more, and so it continues until the natural photon has passed.

The radial component of both directions of the nether velocity vector is the same, so there is no radial acceleration. However, there is a tangential acceleration with each change in the vector's direction. It is this tangential acceleration from each half-wave that moves outward at the speed of light, forming what we call a series of electromagnetic waves. In the case of the gamma rays, the tangential acceleration vectors move outward at lightspeed, forming the gamma rays.

The tangential accelerations of one gamma ray may be opposite in direction to those of the other gamma ray. The resulting accelerations of the nether, at the place where the waves meet, cause a rhythmic pulling and shearing that stress the nether and our space of three dimensions strongly enough to rupture three-dimensional space. Thus, a hole into the fourth dimension is formed in our universe. The nether begins to flow into this hole. The tangential components of each gamma ray, at the time the hole is opened, are enough to create sufficient centrifugal force within the inflowing nether to keep the hole open. Now the hole is kept open by the inflow of nether, and the inflow of nether is maintained by the hole being kept open.

In reality, two holes are opened. One hole goes in one direction of the fourth dimension, and the other goes in the opposite direction of the fourth dimension. The result is a cylinder of swirling nether which has a hole at each end. In the case of an electron/positron creation, both vorticles have very little mass, and the natural movement of the nether will cause the two holes to drift apart, quickly forming an electron and a positron.

QUARKS AND GLUONS: Holes formed with more nether flow into them are more massive and less likely to drift apart. In fact, they may need to be pulled apart for true separation to occur. This is what causes a "gluon" to hold a newly created quark/antiquark pair together. The gluon is merely the swirling inflowing nether between the holes which constitute the pair. The inflow is caused by the vacuum of the holes, and it is the vacuum effect translated into the inflowing nether that causes the holes to try to unite--hence the effect that is called a "gluon". Quarks and antiquarks cannot exist alone because they are merely the holes which have been divorced from their inflowing nether. Without the centrifugal force of their inflowing nether to keep the holes open, the holes close and the result is the demise of both quark and antiquark. On the other hand, the so-called gluon, which is made of frictionless nether, can continue to swirl for a time and even have its ends connected to make a thing called a "glueball". A quark and half of a gluon make a complete vorticle (transitory type).

CHARGE AND THE WEAK FORCE: The electron, once created, has a charge which we call negative. The positron also has a charge, but it is positive. Vorticles, in general, have charges because the charge is caused by the tangential component of the nether flow into them. This nether flow into them extends to infinity. Its radial flow is what causes gravity. Because the vorticle's vortex of nether extends to infinity, the effect of the vorticle, its contribution to gravity and its charge, also extend to infinity. So we might say that each vorticle is infinite in size, and that each vorticle is part of every other vorticle. Only the centers of the vorticles appear to be separate from one another. It is really the portions of the vorticles very near their centers which current-day physicists call subatomic particles. For brevity's sake, when I speak of a vorticle herein, I will be speaking of the portions of the vorticles very near their centers.

In quantum mechanics, vorticles are often thought to be waves. Vorticles are in motion and this motion causes a vorticle's proximal inflow to alter it course with the alteration moving outward as a wave. Thus, the vorticle will appear to be a wave.

Vorticles tend to align themselves with the surrounding nether flow so that the flow can go directly into the hole that is the heart of each vorticle. This is typical of the energy-conservation of the nether. The effect of this phenomenon is that vorticles which have a relatively close proximity to one another will be roughly aligned in the same direction. The inflows are then caused to repel or attract so that like-charged vorticles tend to push themselves away from one another while unlike-charged vorticles tend to pull themselve toward one another. However, this attraction can only work up to a point because nether into them is blocked when they are too close and they resist coming closer as the result. This phenomenon of close repulsion has been called the "nuclear weak force".

Charge might be best explained by thinking of two gears. When both are turning clockwise, they cannot mesh (as with like charges repelling). When one is turning clockwise and the other counterclockwise, they can mesh (as with unlike charges attracting). The vortices of the vorticles turn either clockwise or counrterclockwise as they pull in the nether. When two can mesh, up to a point they tend to grasp the same nether--which pulls them closer together (attracting). When they cannot mesh, they tend to compress the nether that is between them--and attempt to separate further from one another (repelling).

THE STRONG FORCE AND BINDING ENERGY: The old strong force was, by definition, that which binds vorticles in a nucleus. Now it is also that which binds quarks within a proton or neutron. Essentially, it is the same as what was called the binding energy.

When vorticles are close enough to one another, they block a part of the nether inflow. Because nether inflow is how we measure mass (m=M/t, where t is time), the blockage of the inflow causes a reduction of mass. When this reduction of mass is converted to energy via the equation E=mc2, we have what has been called the "binding energy".

ELECTRICITY, FLUX FIELDS, AND ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION: When an electron is forced to move quickly in a particular direction, it orients its nether inflow side (its mouth or funnel top) in the direction of its movement. This conserves energy because the nether can flow directly into it. When many electrons are forced to move quickly in the same particular direction, they all orient their mouths in that direction. This is the case of direct electric current in a wire, which we call DC.

With many electrons moving along the wire and all having their vortices aligned in the same way, a "flux field" is formed. The flux field is simply the inflow of nether into the electrons that are all oriented in the same direction and are strung out along a wire. Looking at the cross-section of the wire from one end, would be like looking at a whirlpool from a point directly above it.

When we alternately reverse the electric current in the wire, we have what is called alternating current (AC). Because the vortices of electrons exist out to infinity, the flux field (which is the same thing) also exists to infinity. It is this flux field that creates what we call radio waves. Radio waves are polarized in the direction that the wire of their antennae are aligned. However, the wave that moves outward is perpendicular to the direction of polarization and moves in what is essentially a plane with a thickness approximately equal to the length of the antenna.

When an electron falls from a higher energy state to a lower energy state about a nucleus, it vibrates. As it vibrates, it creates electromagnetic waves of very short wavelength which are polarized in the direction of the electron's vibration.

MAGNETISM: When DC is present in a coil of wire, the inflow of nether into the moving electrons may be divided into three basic parts. There is the part outside the coil, the part inside the coil, and the part which is moving either into or out of the coil. The same density of inflow must attempt to exist inside the coil as outside. However, the volume of space inside the coil is much less than the effectively infinite volume outside the coil.

Nether unsuccessfully attempts to maintain the same pressure throughout, but it cannot do so when the same volume of nether must pass inside the coil as outside. So the nether inside the coil is concentrated and is under greater pressure than that outside the coil. The tendency is for the nether pressure inside to cause the coil to explode outward. A high-intensity electromagnet is composed of a series of coils. In experiments made with high-intensity electromagnets, they do indeed explode unless the current is introduced only briefly, allowing the inertia of their mass to maintain their integrity.

Natural bar magnets of the type with which children play are similar in nature to electromagnets--but the electrons, in this case, are moving about their atomic nuclei. In the case of the bar magnet, the inside is what is in the metal, and the outside is what is outside the metal. Although the nether compression is slight in the bar magnet, it is still enough to cause the effect of like-poles repelling and-unlike poles attracting.

The nether at the magnets' poles is at the stage of being compressed into the inside of the magnet. When like poles of two magnets are placed near one another, the inflow of nether is compressed even further. This compression is contrary to the nether preference for maintaining the same density throughout. Therefore, the poles repel one another. When unlike poles of two magnets are placed near one another, nether compression near these poles is reduced and there is promise of further pressure reduction if the two magnets can be joined as one, north pole against south pole. So the unlike poles are attracted to one another.