Since Ace set up this webpage, a number of things have come to light.

1. The Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887 was duplicated many times by many people with more and more elaborate equipment and this continued through 1932. Why did more people wish to do this experiment? Because the MM experiments definitely did show the presence of ether even though the ether velocity relative to the earth's surface was far less than expected. The later experimenters were thinking in terms of an "entrained" ether that tended to move with the surface of the earth. The results of the later ether detection experiments indicated a change in relative ether velocity with altitude, as well as a repeated seasonal variation.

2. In 1914, Sagnac used an apparatus similar to the MM type, but which sent light in both directions upon a square closed path. This apparatus rotated so that ether at rest relative the earth's surface could be detected by a phase difference in the light beams that moved in opposite directions. The experiment was a complete success which was verified later by others. The ether definitely did exist. Today, engineers use the "Sagnac effect" in designing navigation equipment for transoceanic aircraft, nuclear submarines, and communications satellites. Engineers have always been pragmatic.

On the other hand, many scientists in 1887 and in subsequent times did not want to believe in the existence of an ether. They used the excuse that the relative ether velocity was too low, and managed to convince others that they were correct in believing that ether did not exist. In 1905, Einstein provided them with more ammunition when he published his special theory of relativity--even though Einstein himself did not have issues one way or the other. From that time on, the true results of all ether detections experiments, including Sagnac's, were suppressed. (If this idea of suppression seems difficult to believe, I can verify that it does indeed exist. I can even spend an hour explaining how and why it works--and no, it is not a conscious conspiracy. Perhaps a conscious conspiracy would be easier to overcome.)

3. For many years, Einstein's special theory of relativity has been on the way out. More and more experimental data indicate that it is wrong. However, not all of the equations that have come from it are incorrect and the correct ones should not be thrown away by those who find SR (Special Relativity) distasteful. Nether theory (advanced dynamic ether theory) shows that there is another kind of relativity: everything is relative to the nether (dynamic ether).

4. There are numerous people who are aware that a dynamic ether exists and that Einstein's theory of relativity is flawed. However, these people usually have a problem with the concept of gravity as a nether (dynamic ether) funnel. The concepts of ether flow into matter, and a fourth dimension (time) are more than they can accept.

5. There is a changing climate in physics, whether the mainstream theoretical physicists choose to acknowledge it or not. The change means that certain concepts in nether theory require greater emphasis--such as the electron as a vortex, the dynamics of vortices, a new kind of relativity (all is relative to the nether), the nature of time, and the consequences of very fast motion within the nether.

To address the foregoing for an internet audience, I have created a personal website to complement this one. There are three essential sections at the new website: (1) Emphasis and details on the nature of matter and gravity, (2) flutes and flute theory, and (3) personal biographical information. Even though you may be familiar with nether theory from this webpage, there are elements of the personal website that may clarify or amplify what you already know. For those of you without sets of the little books on nether theory, some of the back-up info in the books can also be found on the personal website.

Thanks again, Ace.
