Just collected the January 3, 2004, issue of Science News. The first little article in it, Topsy Turvy, has some new findings on the proton and the neutron.

1. The down quark can have more energy than 60% of the total for the proton.

2. The down quark spins in the opposite direction to that of the proton.

This is in accord with the model of the proton on page 40 of Book Six of the BLI series and it is giving them a real problem with their fundamental theory. Can't say that I mind them having a problem.

Along with this, they are also realizing that they need to revise the theory of quantum chromodynamics (what you were talking about when you mentioned that "color" could be attributed to the direction of one quark relative to the others - three colors are three directions at approximately 90 degrees to one another).

Also, there are some new findings that severely upset the Cold Dark Matter Theory. My website has shown the math to prove that there is NO cold dark matter. Its supposed presence is the result of the accelerated expansion of the universe as shown by the discoveries of a man named Mordehai Milgrom prior to 1982. At that time, no one had any idea the universe's expansion was accelerating, so the correct explanation was not found (and has still not been found except by me and maybe few others of which I am unaware). So I am hoping that what they now know will rid us of the dark matter idea completely. It is all wrong.
