The 45-year Reunion
June 2005
In an effort to reduce the nominal 10% that somehow never get the word, I take this pen in hand. As most of you are aware our 45th class reunion is scheduled for 14 - 20 June 2005 and not in September as with previous reunions. A letter to that effect will be published electronically and by mail within the next week or so.
The decision to try a reunion in June primarily came about as a result of the weather we experienced for the 40th. Shortly after the 40th in November, 2000 we ran a survey of the class concerning a date for the 45th. Seventy-eight class members responded. (40 preferred June; 24 preferred September, and 14 had no preference). Based on that data it was decided to try, at least the next reunion in June.
That decision was announced in the spring of 2001 and has served as the target for all planning. Since then the dates have been variously published on the AOG website, and in CHECKPOINTS in the calendar of events and the class column
Some of you have expressed thoughts as to the processes involved with the June dates. Now you know the whole story. I hope to see each and every class member at the 45th in June. I know the date will inconvenience some, as would any date selected. Therein lays the rationale and justification for the consistent 10% figure.