2007 AFA - Army Football Game
November 1-5 2007
Go Air Force!
If anyone has other photos of these events that they wish to share,
please send them to the webmaster
This is at the Brush's party just before Elaine Brush demonstrated her unique cake delivery system, i.e. doing a free-flight over the lower stairway. Nurse Carole B. provided immediate care until the medics arrived with red lights flashing to haul Elaine off to the nearest medical facility. We were very relieved to be able to greet Elaine a few days later, nearly-fully recovered, at the Mosier's 45th anniversary party.
The Bloody Mary king of all tailgates.
Jon McCollough and Brian Kaley discuss world affairs (as related to fishing in Alaska).
Jurassic Park. The "Jurrasics" need the balloon to find the place.
Marty Hiatt (Querry) enjoying herself at the game.
Early next morning we take in the view from Glaza's picnic rock.
After yet another big bash, the clean-up man gets cuddled.
Ron emphasizes a point to George and Les.
Mary Waddle and Brian Kaley in and with good spirits.
Jon McClure chatting with Sue Stone Woodward (General Stone's daughter).
Some people just get in the plane and fly to the reunion. The lucky Lucks
Ending a long day with another good wine.
Couples at the Friday night dinner. You should recognize them all by now.
A different kind of couple
Carole and Andi are missing. Carole took the pictures.
See Checkpoints Dec. 2007 for IDs.