Class of 1960 Business

Heritage Trail Project
Dear Classmate:
27 September, 2008

Last January I sent you a comprehensiveupdate on our 50th Reunion Class Gift--the Heritage Trail Project. The original concept revolved around our finalfive-year class fund raising effort. A copy of that letter is available on our class website if you need to refresh your memory on the specific details.

As you know, for reasons over which we had no control, we chose to complete the work in segments. Our cost to complete Phase I (Yellow on this Diagram)

totaled $117,332. Attached are a couple of photos showing Tony Bilello and friends show-casing the completed first segment work.

We hope to contract Phase II (Purple on the diagram) in the Spring completing all we can with the cash resources we have at that time. Our close working arrangement with the contractor has paid off, as reflected in these pictures. Solid Earth Inc. continues to be very accommodating and willing to do everything they can to give us the best for our dollars. I assure you that by the autumn of 2010, our Heritage Trail Project will closely resemble our original conceptual goal, and it will be something the entire class will be proud of.

I thank each and every one of you who have already contributed to this project. Please continue to honor your pledges and even consider paying them off early. For those classmates who are one of the 75+ who have not made a financial commitment to our last large class project, I sincerely ask you to reconsider your decision. The cost of materials has skyrocketed since we began this project and we desperately need your help. Your participation will truly make this a "Class Project".

Thank you for your time
Andi Biancur

January 2008
Dear Classmate:

Several of our classmates have asked for additional information on our 50th Class Reunion Project--The Heritage Trail Walkway. It is difficult to clearly define the project in exact detail since it is the initial portion of an incrementally developing concept that will evolve as history and tradition dictate.

I will attempt to clarify those aspects of the project that I can and provide periodic updates outlining progress, along with photos, as the concept becomes reality.

Heritage Trail Gift Opportunities:

  • Vietnam Memorial $1 million
  • Unnamed Memorial (2) $500,000
  • Distinguished Graduate Heritage Endowment $300,000
  • Honor Code/Core Values Memorial $250,000
  • Heritage Trail Walkway $250,000
  • Class Memorial (multiple) $100,000
  • The vision for the Heritage Trail places key importance on celebrating the lives and accomplishments of graduates--men and women who have done great things in service to their country. Included on the trail is a memorial park, which will eventually include statues, walls, plaques, and pavilions recognizing Academy graduates and their significant combat involvement from Vietnam through the current War on Terrorism. The trail will also recognize the many great accomplishments of graduates in other career fields.

    As written in the original brochure, the Heritage Trail is an incremental project composed of several "Gift Opportunities" (some listed above). The first part of the trail, Bridges, ponds, etc. was already done and in place at out last reunion.We are "just building a sidewalk". However, it's not a sidewalk to nowhere. The first additional project, the Vietnam Memorial, was adopted by several classes (it's quite expensive...more that $1M) and was on track before the BOD debacle. The class of '74 built the replica of the wall of honor as the appropriate entrance to the Memorial Park. The next thing was to build the walk way so that the other nodes and memorials could be conceived and funded. We adopted that project. So, in fact, the walk would lead directly to the Vietnam Memorial which was to be constructed shortly after our project. It is hoped that will excite veterans of other conflicts to support class projects to memorialize their combat experiences. The walk way also includes some infrastructure to include provisions for electricity and water (drip system for the landscaping) and provisions for future computer connections at other nodes. It is a "build it and they will come" thing.(Our cost includes all of the appropriate "landwork", which means initial grade and flattening, etc. The classes will be responsible for the actual concrete pour for their specific nodes.)

    By the way, the distinguished graduates will NOT be part of the Memorial Park. They will be recognized along another future walkway leading to an overlook in the direction of the Officers' Club. All of this is depicted in the master plan retained at the AOG and the Academy.

    After consultation with Ron Yates (then an AOG Director) and following a guided tour of the project site undertaken at our 45th Class Reunion in 2005, the class decided to undertake the Heritage Trail Walkway. This decision was almost completely based on the prediction of the amount of money we could raise as a class over the intervening 5 years between 2005 and our 50th Class Reunion in 2010.

    We started the fund raising campaign immediately after the reunion for several reasons--first, we realized the necessary sum was significantly above any previous request and additional time would facilitate achieving success. Second, we believed that a campaign covering a 5-year period would be less burdensome on individuals. And third, if we could accumulate funds early in the campaign, and using a pay-forward option then offered by the AOG, we could take advantage of current construction costs and realize the greatest return for our dollars. In other words, we were aware that material and labor costs would escalate over time and the sooner we could get on contract, the more economies we could achieve

    With the change in AOG leadership, we were forced to re-plan. We had to delay contract signing until we were assured the new Board of Directors would continue to support this incremental project. Then, because of re-budgeting necessities within the AOG and the loss of their ability to pay an early contract in full and recoup their funds through future pledge completion, we have been forced to split our project into a minimum of two phases. We will proceed under the first phase until our on-hand funds are exhausted then structure a second phase contract to complete all of the work envisioned under our particular portion, the $250,000 Heritage Trail Walkway.

    Rest assured we are working closely with the contractor, Solid Earth, and the AOG to achieve all the economies possible. The AOG and the contractor continue to be very accommodating in making every effort to assist by working economically. Each phase may take longer but the only deadline we have to meet is project completion in time for dedication at the 50th Reunion. More importantly, our portion, the walkway, provides the lynch pin for the entire Heritage Trail. All succeeding class projects involved with the trail are hinged on the base being established.

    I am attaching a aerial depiction of the Heritage Trail Walkway Project. Granted, it is not very descriptive. Since the trail began as a vision, is being "carved" out of the natural surroundings, and since succeeding elements are to be designed by their sponsors; it is not possible to provide any exact descriptions or photographs.

    Thank you for your time and understanding.