AOG Magazine Class News
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USAFA, CO 80840
As you can see, Sid was eminently successful on his sales pitch to me to take over the Class News column. I'm not sure just what he said to overcome my reluctance, but rest assured I'll never forgive him. Actually I'm more than happy to take over the responsibilities for keeping all of you as informed as possible, but--where have you heard this before--I can only pass on what you send to me. Although I sometimes pick up tidbits of information from my agents stationed throughout the AF (better known as the AF Times), and I even occasionally manage to garner a personal interview--and its tough taking notes with a martini in each hand--I still must depend on you for the bulk of my info. Nuff said!
As you might have guessed from reading your sports pages, this has been a most exciting season. Add to that the annual reunion (SMU) and the other reunion (Army), and you can see it's been a very busy (and "wet") fall semester. The annual reunion was a great success. Between the bars at A-Hall, the O'Club, and the Broadmoor, many acquaintances were foggily renewed. Since this was our unimpressive 11th, not too many '60 classmates showed. With our local contingent fully represented, however, we managed a respectable showing at all levels of endeavor.
Speaking of respectable showings, you wouldn't believe Greg BOYINGTON and Mike LOVE, both present for the reunion; they're absolutely skinny (compared to back when). Greg is presently renewing his old love for discipline at the Marine Command and Staff College (Quantico) and--will miracles never cease--enjoying it. When he told me he and Loretta were still speaking I assumed he'd mellowed--an assumption that he, Hal BROST and Bruce MOSIER dispelled by 3 AM over one of Pappy's breakfast concoctions (I think it was fried jalapenos with eggs added for color) plus a little liquid refreshment, of course. Bruce is still pushing TWA out of Kansas City and flying F-100s for the Iowa ANG--just to keep from getting bored I think. Anyway, not only did he recently make Maj. in the reserves but also had a second daughter (vicariously, dummy); so, congrats are definitely in order. The party was so good that night (Friday or Saturday--I'm not sure which) that I don't even know where Mike LOVE flew in from. The only time I saw Mike was as we passed running to and from the john in A-Hall where, by the way, some stud (must have been a cadet) set a new high-altitude upchuck mark on a privy mirror. Come to think of it, must have been a bomber jock, as "whoever" missed the basin by a good four feet. Possibly Mike is at ACSC with Howie BRONSON, as they flew in together. The Bear hasn't changed much--he still looks like he could steal your girl (wife? secretary?) with minimum effort.

Rich CARTER and Roy JOLLY, two local expatriates, also showed to help preserve our image. They both look healthy and prosperous, but I still haven't gotten Roy to retell me any of those jokes I once swore I'd never forget; he keeps coming up with new ones! Dick SCHEHR took the long journey over from Colo. Springs with the news that he'll soon become a high mucky-muck at Lowry--I know he deserves congratulations, and I'll pass them on as soon as I remember what they're for (what a night!). Accompanying Dick were Jim WADDLE and a newcomer to the area (again) Paul SULLIVAN--all Ent-Gents. Charlie LIGGETT popped in from the ROTC detachment at Santa Fe with his lovely wife "fat" Kathy (I only include the accolade, 'cause she threatened to kill me if I did.) Actually, Kathy looks grrreat; so, even though Charlie hasn't changed a pickle's worth and probably won't really turn you on (I hope!), stop and say hello if in their area.
There we were, well on the way to recovery, when along came the Army game, and we started all over again. George FRIES blew in from good 'ol HQ SAC to see the long grey line turn brown; he even showed up at church Sunday morning; that's stamina. George PUPICH flew in from L.A, looking as fit as ever--in fact I'm told Ben tried to suit George up for the 2nd half, and I can assure you the alums present would have welcomed his entry at that point, even if George is an advanced 28 (or so). B. G. KALEY also made the big game. B. G. is now flying for American out of N.Y., lives in Connecticut, and flies F-100s for the Massachusetts ANG--that's commuting. Hardy LEBEL finally dragged himself and family away from the books at DU to make the scene. Many of us emerged sometime after the game at Dick HEAD's where we continued to refresh (or is that deplete), ourselves. Dick put on a great spread and proved that he has a real bar stock--now if I could just remember where he lives.
In between cadging drinks, I managed to get a short line on some of us who couldn't make the trip. It wasn't easy, mind you; did you ever try to write on a napkin with a swizzle stick? I won't try to lay blame for who contributed as there were so many. Anyway, John KUENZEL is at Offutt, Herb ECKWEILER is maxing the graduate-management course at So. Cal., and D. K. JOHNSON is attending the Naval (Naval!!) War College. Dick HILLMAN is still flying Continental for bread and F-102s out of Ontario, (Calif.) for fun. Bert CROFT made flight crew of the year (as 1st Officer) for TWA. Congratulations Bert. Clem DOUGLASS is flying for Western out of L.A. and moonlighting by selling insurance for UNAC (what the heck's a UNAC?) Bill CARNEGIE recently resigned (so I'm told)--where are you BILL? Chuck DIVER is currently pressing on at Malmstrom; isn't it cold up there?
I did get a letter (via Sid NEWCOMB) from Dick MEYER, who has moved down from F-100s to F-111s and is at Cannon--or, as Dick puts it, "Clovis-by-the-sea." Dick dropped a note while SOF-ing it (take notes you guys!) and extends an open invitation to all you vacationers.
So much for unofficial sources-now for the official.
Accolades are in order for Oogie PRINDLE (Hoyt, to the uninitiated), who received (at Scott) the DFC, bunches of Air Medals, and the AFCM for outstanding performance in SEA. George ELSEA garnered his third DFC from SEA at AFSC. Mike CLARKE bluffed his way through the Aerospace Research Pilot School at Edwards with such aplomb that they kept him on permanently. Of course, no applause would be complete without a big round for Tony BURSHNICK and Leon GOODSON, our recent L/C selectees--also, I might add, selected for senior service schools. Hurry up and finish ACSC, Tony, and congratulations to all you guys from all of us. So much for "official" news--see how long this column would be without-HELP!
On the home front (or "meanwhile back at the ranch") Bill OUELLETTE is defecting to the CAF in December, where he'll probably join the French Separatists' movement. Jock SCHWANK was here a couple of days before getting a summons to serve on the Jabara Committee and did an outstanding job. By the way, many of your names came through the committee, and the fact that Neil Crist won it is absolutely no denigration on your outstanding performances--congratulations to you “mystery men" anyway. Sid NEWCOMB is still avoiding me like the plague, and I'm getting writer's cramp. Drop me a line, huh, fellas--even a small note on your change of address card will be most welcome. Stop or at least call (472-0506) Linda or me if you're in or near the area. Hope this finds all of you and yours healthy and happy--Jim.
P.S. Considering the circumstances under which most of this info. was gathered, inaccuracies and/or omissions are readily admitted.