AOG Magazine Class News
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USAFA, CO 80840
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Well, another academic year is underway here at USAFA, and I am in the odd position of writing this column before Homecoming, though I know you won’t see it until after. Hopefully many of you will have seen each other there.
The only change in classmates here over the summer was the addition of Cres SHIELDS to the Math Department. Cres returned from Arizona State. Earl VAN INWEGEN is nearby, though in Space Plans at HQ ADC. Earl left AFSC at Norfolk.
We had a chance to talk with Don STEVENS recently when he was here in conjunction with career briefings for cadets. Don is at Scott now, working in HQ MAC. Those at Scott with him include Nels DELISANTI, Hoyt PRINDLE, Ken BIEHLE, Andy BIANCUR, and Bill KORNIIZER. Sounds like old home week. Don and Joanie just had a baby girl in August, and Don came around with pictures.
Some of the summer moves include: Greg BOYINGTON from MPC to the Naval Supply Center at Oakland. Greg is USAF-CAP Liaison Officer there. Fred WALKER left Griffiss for Bangkok, where his is commander, DCA-Thailand. Dean VIKAN went to the Pentagon from AFIT. He is on the Air Staff. Tony LONG is now at Hickham after leaving MAC-THAI. Jim ALEXANDER stayed at Kadena but has a new job as Chief of Ops Plans. Clem DOUGLASS is in Los Angeles with AFALO.
Also Garth COOKE left AFIT for Warner Robbins, where he is an engineering manager. Don WOLFSWINKEL is at Charleston AFB, Johnnie TOWNSEND is with the National Guard Bureau, Gary CREW is with MAAG in China, Dale THOMPSON is with HQ USAFE IG at Ramstein, and John SCHIRA is at Cannon AFB. Finally Marty RICHERT has recently taken over as Chief of Academics at Williams AFB.
That’s about the size of it this time around. A few more letters from you all would make this job a heckuva lot easier.