AOG Magazine Class News
160 Arequa Ridge Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Res.: (303) 599-7482
Ofc. ext: (USAFA): 2270
The news is sad for the class of ‘60 this issue. We lost a very good friend and beloved classmate when Mike LOVE died in an F-4 accident at Edwards AFB on March 1st. We’ll all miss him.
At this writing most of us are watching for the Lieutenant-Colonel list with baited breath. By the time you read this,that list will be history. Good luck!
Bruce MOSIER called yesterday and passed on a few tidbits. Bruce lives in Kansas City with his wife and three daughters. When he’s not flying for TWA, he’s attending the University of Missouri where he’ll soon earn an MS in nuclear engineering. Bruce is also a fighter pilot—he drives F-100s with the Sioux City ANG. (Say hello to Arnie Clark for me, Bruce.) He mentioned that Bert CROFT also is with TWA in Kansas City and that two ex-TWA second officers, John PEOPLES and Bill CURRIER, are now full time Air Guard technicians. John is with the Toledo ANG, and Bill is with the New York Guard.
Jack BRUSH, dispenser of economic wisdom here at USAFA, visited the Pentagon last month where he ran into Tom SEEBODE, Miles CASPAR and Al JOHNSON. Toni, was hurrying down a corridor in a great rush, while Miles, a Pan Am pilot and a weekend warrior with the Air Guard, was monitoring the bar at the Andrews club. Jack says that Miles may have discovered the elixir of youth—nothing about him seems to have changed in the past 16 years. Al JOHNSON looks a bit older but hasn’t really changed very much either. Gossip has it that Al can be found on late Pentagon evenings belly-up to a very remarkable bourbon-dispensing Xerox machine. (His AOC is unaware of this.)
Jock SCHWANK, who is teaching psychology here, passes on the following from his Christmas cards. Bill OUELLETTE graduated from optometry school a year ago and is practicing in Brunswick, Maine, where his lawyer is Dick AMES. Bill mentioned that Brian KALEY (another airline type) is living in Connecticut. Charlie LIGGETT, Chief of Maintenance Control at Pease, has a new daughter, Debbie, born in September. Congratulations, Charlie and Kathy!
For a story with classmate interest, get your hands on a copy of the September 1975 issue of Airman magazine. Bob FISCHER—FAA check pilot and USAF reservist—handles a C-141 emergency that will raise your hair. Billy DELONY has PCS’d from Athens, Greece, to Eglin AFB; and Ken ALNWICK has just gone from Florida to Boiling AFB (that was a brief assignment, Ken). If anyone has to face an FEB they may find a friend on the review board; rumor has it that’s George ELSEA’s job at MPC. Russ MACDONALD is now a politico-military affairs officer in Brussels after completing a remote F-4 tour in Thailand. Fred PORTER arrived here at the Academy from Edwards the first of the year—he’s teaching Aero. Chris WARRACK, assistant football coach here, will be PSC'ing this summer to C-141s at Norton.
Last night a cadet was asking me about this column. Seems he’s read it a couple of times and concluded that the entire class of 1960 must be with the airlines and/or the air guard. I told him that was not quite the case, but that the civilians do seem to be better writers and phoners than the “silent majority” of blue suiters out there. How about it guys? I can’t pass any word unless you supply it—my address is above, and my phone is (autovon) 249-2270. Guest columns encouraged.