AOG Magazine Class News
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As this is being written it is late September, another football season is off to a bumpy start, the new “doolies” have just joined the Wing, the Aspen are starting to turn and the year’s first snowflakes are falling on HERMAN HILL, above the cadet area.
I really felt good recently when I received a nice letter from Elizabeth WALSH thanking me for the 20 year-old photo of Denny reporting to Lowry in his Naval cadet uniform--Thank you, Elizabeth.
Tony BURSHNICK called last month. He’s just finished War College at Maxwell and is now the Assistant DO of the 443rd MATW at Altus AFB. Tony passed on the following tidbits: Charlie WATERMAN is also at Altus in the Wing Inspector office, Don STEVENS is at Scott AFB in the operations research business, and Tom BURKE is in Brussels trying to sell AWACSs to NATO.
Reserve Technician, Group D.O., and Thud-driver Roy JOLLY spent a night at my house two weeks ago. He and two wingmen from Tinker were taking part in a close support drill at Fort Carson. There’s much news from the JOLLY household. Barbara has given up her job as a 4-H administrator, and she and Roy have just moved into a new home in Edmond, Oklahoma. In addition, it’s possible TWA may be recalling Roy shortly--in which case he’ll fly for TWA out of San Francisco but probably continue living in Oklahoma and driving F-105s with the Reserves at Tinker. Now are you ready for this? Pops has gotten religion! He and Barbara have both become Mormons. Roy also passed on the word that Denny HANEY is now at Tinker with the just-formed AWACS wing.
QUICKIES. Dick HEAD has returned from the Philippines, where he commanded the 510th TFS. He’s now at NWC. Elaine and the kids are staying at their cabin in Breckenridge, Colorado, this fall and will join Dick in Washington in January. Cres SHIELDS, who teaches math here, is building a beautiful new home in a wooded area just south of the Academy. Yours truly spent the summer as a sailplane IP and also took up a new sport--white-water rafting. Earl VAN INWEGEN and family (Ent AFB) spent a day on the Arkansas River with us in August. Dale THOMPSON has PCS'd from AWC to the Pentagon, JCS (J-3). Dale, incidentally, was a Distinguished Graduate at Maxwell, as were classmates Tony BURSHNICK and Bill KORNITZER. Don WOLFSWINKEL has, I have heard, gone on a remote assignment, leaving a new bride behind in Charleston. Paul SULLIVAN has also joined the ranks of those assigned remote. Sully has PCS’d from Ent AFB to Shemya AFB in the Aleutians. Dr. Dave REED has, according to his change-of-address card, moved from one street to another in Aukland, New Zealand. Bob FISCHER, an FAA check pilot, has recently moved from Pennsylvania to Fairfax, Virginia. An engraved message from Ned WHITMAN announces the opening of the law firm of Burke & Whitman with offices in Suffern, New York and New York City.
GUEST COMMENTS. Jock SCHWANK has kindly consented to pass on some news about folks he came across or heard about this summer. Take it away Jock:
"During a 6-week TDY to Wright-Patterson I had a long visit with Ron and Carolyn DEEP in, of all places, the clothing sales store. After his stint in AFIT, Ron was apparently in need of some new uniforms so he could fill his luxurious role as a T-39 pilot with the MAC Det at WPAFB. Seems that Ron will be there for a couple of years finishing up on his flying gates before he officially puts his PhD to use.
"Also spent some time with Dr. Wayne KENDALL who is back in a blue suit and working with the Aero Med Research Labs at WPAFB. Next time you see a news film on acceleration/deceleration or other types of medical research, look for Wayne supervising in the background. Or, if you’re ever sick at Wright-Patterson, you just might run into him at the hospital where he pulls some duty in his spare time.
"Also spent some time this summer with brother-in-law Neal REAVELY and family (including a new daughter, Becky Jo). Neal had flown back East to be the feature speaker at his Corunna, Michigan, high school 20 year reunion. He is still flying for the Montana Guard as well as teaching and coaching in Harlowton, Montana. He says the fishing and hunting are really super out his way, including some unbelievably large trout (there must be some compensation for living in the plains of Montana.)
"Also recently received a call from Ted STUMM. Ted is currently flying C-5s out of Dover and apparently thoroughly enjoying it. Among the other enjoyable tidbits Ted passed on was the location of a long lost soul: Dr Jon DAY who is practicing his dental wizardry in Charlottesville, Virginia. Since this is the last column before Christmas, we’ll close with a happy season’s greeting from all of us stationed at the Academy."