AOG Magazine Class News
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Are you 40 years old yet? I am.
Just talked to Ken ALNWICK at the Pentagon. We were musing about our age. About 90 percent of all the people in the US armed forces are younger than we are. Most of them, in fact, are 10 or more years younger. Think about that!
Very little news reached me this time, and even the tidbits I usually glean from press releases and change-of-address cards were lost in mailing to the National War College where I have just arrived for a one year assignment.
Les HOBGOOD dragged his trailer through Colorado Springs in June enroute from Maxwell to a flying job at Reese. The picture was taken at a get together at the VAN INWEGEN's.

We ate Pat's super hors d’oeuvres, had a pot-luck dinner, consumed lots of wine and generally had a fun time. As we ate on the patio, we could see parachute flares floating down over Army night maneuvers at Ft. Carson. Shades of Nam.
Reb GUILLOT dropped me a note to say he was graduating from the NATO War College in Rome and PCSing to the Fighter Branch, Hq Allied Air Forces, Central Europe at Ramstein AR. He said that the War College was great but that he had had his watch, wallet and class ring stolen from his hotel room while TDY in Amsterdam. Let us know how Jostens handles your ring replacement order, Reb, and thanks for the letter.
Did you catch the photograph of Frank MAYBERRY in the June 26th issue of AF Times? Frank--a communications officer at Incirlik, Turkey--was second (out of 263) in the "Great Race" marathon held there in May. He averaged seven minutes per mile (against a l0Kt headwind) for the 12 mile course. Congratulations old man (42). I'm impressed!

I telephoned as many of our Washington-based classmates as I could reach this afternoon to gather the following bits of news: Ken ALNWICK has been running the AWACS Task Force since March and expects to be at the Pentagon for at least two more years. Bill GOODYEAR has been Chief of the Force Analysis Division (PACS) since January. He mentioned that Denis WALSH, who was an FB-111 squadron commander at Plattsburgh, is now the Deputy Base Commander there. Denis and Liz were in Washington this spring for schooling on the fine art of commanding an air patch. Also, Bill said that Steve BISHOP was flying for United Air Lines out of Miami, while Ted HOPKINS is President and General Manager of the Industrial Bottling Division of Gould, Inc. in Langhorne, Pennsylvania. Ted and Dawn have a very nice home out in Bucks County. Richard HEAD has just gotten a great new job. He is the Military Assistant to the Honorable Stanley Resor, whom the President just nominated to be Under Secretary of Defense for Policy. Doug REKENTHALER has one more year to go in his job as Assistant to the Chief Scientist of the Defense Mapping Agency. Bill KORNITZER is Deputy Chief of the Rated Management Division (XOOTD). Ron YATES is the F-16 PEM, and he had heard that Dean VIKAN is the new ADO of the A-7 wing at Myrtle Beach. Dean just graduated from ICAF. Dick SEXTON is in the Air Force History office writing up the history of the air war in Northern Laos. George LUCK is in Bomber Requirements, Al JOHNSON is exec at L&L, Dale THOMPSON is at the National Command Center and Howie WHITFIELD is at Marine Corps Headquarters.
If it seems to you as if the same old crowd gets mentioned in column after column, you're right. They're the people who contact me, or whose paths cross mine, or whose phone numbers I happen to have. I'd really like to include more people--get in touch, please! The next issue will be written shortly (three or four weeks) after you receive this. How about it Rosie CLER, Charlie HOLMAN, Fuller ATKINSON, Walt SWEENEY, J. P. BROWNING et al.?
By the way--did you hear the one about the '59r who shot an arrow into the air? He missed.