AOG Magazine Class News
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20-Year Reunion: We need to get a committee underway and going on preliminary arrangements. The '59rs have been busy on their plans for a year and a half. I will be the Colorado Springs coordinator (or one of them), but we need some more volunteers, including a chairman. Come on guys, someone step forward. Joe DE SANTIS, who can be reached at the Pentagon, (Autovon 224-8155), is eager to share his experience with us. The '59 reunion will be this June.
Speaking of Joe, he arranged a January luncheon for the classes of '59, '60, and '61 at the Bolling club. About a dozen from each class turned out, including Russ MACDONALD, Richard HEAD, Ken ALNWICK, Bill GOODYEAR, Bill KORNITZER, Doug RECKENTHALER, Dick SEXTON, Howie WHITFIELD, Dale THOMPSON, Tom BURKE, and George and Carolyn LUCK. I am sorry to say I had to arrive late and leave early, and I didn't get a chance to pick up much gossip. I promise to take care of that when the Washington contingent gets together again at Russ and Barb MACDONALD's in February.
Christmas cards indicate Reb GUILLOT and family are alive and well at Ramstein, while Roy JOLLY is still commuting from Oklahoma to his airline job in San Francisco. (There were other cards, but I neglected to set them aside for this column.)
Ron YATES, who has been the F-16 PEM on the Air Staff, PCSd to Wright-Pat to the F-15 SPO. He's the Deputy Program Director and says its the "best thing that ever happened to me." Doug REKENTHALER is also escaping the nation's capital this year. He went to Offutt AFB in January.
Gerry DE LA CRUZ has joined the faculty of Armed Forces Staff College where he teaches management and strategy. He likes everything except the requirement to live in base housing. Gary SHEETS is new in The Building where he is busy and enthusiastically putting together a proposal for a follow-on strategic bomber! A USAF press release congratulates Gary for winning the 1978 Air Force Historical Foundation Award for his thesis last year at AWC. Gary mentioned that Ralph LALIME has recently taken command of an F-4E squadron at Elmendorf AFB, Alaska. Ralph and Darlene bought a house in Anchorage and are doing great.
Anne and I went up to West Point for the Army game in November. Other than that, it was a fun trip. Ted and Dona STUMM were there from Dover AFB. The Falcon football team flew into town in a Norton-based C-141 piloted by the 63rd MAW Vice Commander, Tony BURSHNICK, and the 14th MAS Commander, Chris WARRACK. Also in the stands were Brian KALEY, who lives in Connecticut and flies for the Massachusetts ANG and American Airlines; Andy BIANCUR, who is at Yale in an AFIT program studying international relations; Tom BURKE, who recently PCSd from NATO in Brussels to Andrews AFB; and Jim PEEL.
Rich CARTER, thanks for the letter! Rich is flying as a captain for Continental Airlines, and he and Annette are building a house in Genesee, west of Denver. He passes on the sad news that Tony Darnell, who was yearbook photographer at USAFA in our time, was killed in an auto accident. Also, the dorms we lived (?) in at Lowry II were recently demolished. Rich says he bought season tickets for Academy football last year and missed every game. No wonder! Among other activities this year, Rich founded Solar Industries, a corporation that went public in May and has set records as the most active stock on the National OTC market. He is working on converting a high rise apartment building to condos and says he is also starting still another corporation.
Bob ODENWELLER is another of our airline brethren with a busy schedule. Bob is a stamp collector. I mean he is really a stamp collector! He has the world's finest collection of New Zealand stamps, worth over a million dollars (and appreciating by as much at 50 percent a year). He has been to Buckingham Palace to contribute to the Queen's collection, has published numerous articles on philately and is working on a book. Last September in Prague he was elected to head the Commission for Traditional Philately of the International Federation of Philately. Congratulations Bob!
Promotions: Congratulations to our newest colonel selectees, Al JOHNSON, Gary SHEETS and George LUCK.
In From the Cold: Rosie CLER has made contact! Rosie got out of the Navy in 1964 and has been in the recreation vehicle business. Until recently he was managing a plant for Fleetwood Enterprise in Ohio. Now he is President and Board Chairman of his own company, Century Industries of Webberville, Michigan, which manufactures quality travel trailers near Lansing. The company brochure Rosie enclosed shows his 1972 yellow Morgan roadster and two Cler boys. Rosie: You can go on using that coat hanger, for the time being, but don't forget you will have to return it someday. The grapevine tells me that Charlie FOLKART is living in Massachusetts, flying for TWA out of New York and has an MBA from Harvard. Remember Ed WHITE? He was a classmate and football hero who resigned our third class year. I ran into him at a Christmas party in Rome, New York (small world). Ed entered the Air Force via ROTC (and four more years of football) at Penn State. He has been twice promoted BTZ and is now commander of the B-52 squadron at Griffiss AFB.