Checkpoints Class News
160 Arequa Ridge Dr
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
AV 259-2270
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I feel like a cadet (or War College student) at midnight the day before a term paper is due. The deadline for subĀmitting this column is today; so, it will have to be quick. Unfortunately, none of you strong silent types have called or written this quarter, and my just completed move from Arlington to Colorado Springs kept me from working the autovon. So I'll emphasize business rather than gossip.
Class Crest: Jock SCHWANK is still looking for 20-dollar contributions. He tells me that he has 40 responses so far, and we are about one-third of our way to our goal. The bad news, incidentally, is that our goal receded a bit when the '59rs started a new tradition at their reunion by presenting a $350 '59 flag to the new doolie class. (Jock says that judging by the cost they must have reincarnated Betsy Ross herself to make it.) The good news is that we escaped several hundred dollars of inflation on our crest because Tony BURSHNICK had the foresight to order it last year. But that leaves Tony holding the bag for over a thousand more dollars--let's get him off the hook. If you haven't done so, make your tax deductible checks payable to "The Class of '60, AOG Fund," and mail them to Lt Col Jock Schwank, c/o The Association of Graduates, USAF Academy, CO 80840. If you have already done so, turn your holier-than-thou face to a delinquent classmate--and gently kick his ass.
20-Year Reunion: The '59ers had their 20-year reunion in June, and--by all accounts--it was a smashing success. As you know, Tom BURKE at Andrews AFB is chairing our reunion, and plans are starting to jell. He has 130 rooms reserved at the Raintree Inn in Colorado Springs for the weekend of 26 thru 29 June, 1980. Those dates were chosen after considering school vacations, PCS move schedules, new cadet arrival at USAFA, hotel room availability, and so on. Mark your calendars, plan your vacations and PCS moves. Let's make it a big one! Pikes Peak or bust in 1980! Tom is using the network of regional coordinators Tony set up; so, you will be getting further word through them plus tidbits from this column. PlanĀning is still in the early stages; so, this would be a good time to feed your ideas and inputs to Tom BURKE, AV 858-6184. You might want to contact a '59er at your base or in your area to get feedback on do's and don'ts.
For unknown reasons, the printer decided to crop some people out of the pictures I took at Russ MACDONALD's Woodbridge, Virginia house in February and placed in the Spring Magazine. So I'll try again. Here are the uglies left on the cutting room floor:

Quickies. Dale and Sherry THOMPSON passed through here in June enroute to visit the DK JOHNSON's at Mt Home and prior to departing for Upper Heyford (or is it Lakenheath?). John SCHIRA has PCSd from Langley to Wright-Patt, where he is Director of Systems Logistics. Doug REKENTHALER has moved to Omaha, and Bill TAYLOR has shifted from Kadena to Clark AB. Roger LENT is Chief of OPs and Trng for the 3800 AB Group at Maxwell, while Bill GOODYEAR and AL JOHNSON are sweating the "heavy" academic load at NWC. Jim CLARK is heading up an office at Wright-Patt that is looking for Trainer X, a T-37 replacement. And Pappy BOYINGTON showed by at the '59er reunion, a retiree with a full red beard. Have we more retired classmates? Any with firm plans?
Homework Assignment in Four Parts: (1) Mark your calendars for our 20-year reunion weekend, 26-29 June next year. (2) Give Tom BURKE a call to air your reunion ideas. (3) If you haven't already done so, please send your class crest contribution to Jock SCHWANK. And (4) Let me hear from you so I can pass on news about you and classmates you may have seen--especially if you have not been mentioned in a recent column or if you have moved or changed job. Also, please send photos.