Checkpoints Class News
6520 Delmonico Dr, #102
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
AV 259-2270
REUNION. As you read in the last column, we have moved our reunion to coincide with homecoming. That makes it 18 - 21 September, with our main to-do on Thursday evening, the 18th. Mark your calendars, make plans, steal money, whatever-just be here!
CLASS CREST. Keep those 20 dollar checks rolling in: Lt Col Jock Schwank, c/o The Association of Graduates, USAF Academy, CO 80840. Jock passes on his thanks to all who have given twenty (or more). About a third of you still are delinquent. Please take care of this, soonest.
A nice note from family-correspondent Ann GURLEY says that she, Syd and daughter Karen (12) will soon be retiring and moving from Scott AFB to Stratford, Connecticut where Syd will be a Production Test Pilot for Sikorsky Helicopters. About the same time, their son Kenneth will be joining the Class of '84 here at USAFA. Paul VALLERIE writes that he and Kay have moved from Offutt to Albuquerque where he is the new Director of the Aerospace Studies Group at Kirtland. That is the remnant of the team of German V-2 scientists who were brought over after World War II. While Kay teaches in a private school downtown, Paul loves his job riding herd on prima donna scientists, 10 military and 18 civilian. He says he is on the lookout for sharp young analysts--Capt/Major types, 26XX and 28XX. Bill KORNITZER called in from Charleston AFB where he is DO of the 437th MAW. He passed on the word that Don WOLFSWINKEL now commands the 20th MAS, a C-141 squadron at Charleston. Meanwhile, Russ CURREY wrote in from Little Rock, where he has just finished up four years in the C-130 crew training business, moving from Flight Commander to Deputy Group Commander. Now he is undertaking a NATO staff job in Norfolk, Special Assistant to SACLANT. He had seen a number of classmates lately: Jim THOMASSON, he says, is building and selling half the homes in Charlotte, while his neighbor Kirk CANTERBURY still has his hand in competitive swimming. Dale MAYO, up in Pennsylvania, is moving up from Flight Engineer to Second Officer with PanAm. Gerry DE LA CRUZ is still teaching at Armed Forces Staff College, while Tony JONES is in the Titan Wing at Little Rock ... Denny O'KEEFE, who is with Systems Command in Washington, is starting to think about retirement.
QUICKIES: Jim ALEXANDER has arrived at Langley following a remote tour at Osan, Korea. Frank MAYBERRY was pictured in full color on the front page of the 18 February AF Times. He was (as usual) running, an escort for the Olympic torch which was being relayed from Greece to Lake Placid via Langley AFB. Howie BRONSON is now the DO of the F-15 wing at Bitburg. Incidentally, his younger brother, Mike, one of my students, is a straight-A International Affairs major and will be a summer intern at the Pentagon. George LUCK has PCS'd from the puzzle palace to Castle AFB, while Jerry MASON has arrived at Norton AFB after a tour at Clark.
BOTTOM LINE: Write, call, send checks and photos. Plan on the September Reunion. See you there!