Checkpoints Class News
6520 Delmonico Dr, #102
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
AV 259-2270
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20 Year Reunion, Sept. 18-21. Jock SCHWANK and I are scrambling to get ready. Rooms are reserved at the Raintree Inn ($44 double), a banquet room is set aside for Thursday night, T-shirts and wine glasses have been ordered, and plans for Friday night are pending. Results of the survey sent out in June indicate a large majority of classmates plan to attend, most accompanied by spouses, a few with children. (Family members and guests are welcome at all Homecoming and Reunion functions, Goose. All graduates will form up in-ranks (uniforms for active and reserves) for the Saturday morning memorial ceremony--spouses will be spectators there, participants everywhere else.) The surveys also show preferences for: two '60 functions with Thursday as banquet night and an informal dinner program rather than a distinguished speaker. We will be getting a mailing to you shortly with more details, reservation forms and so on. Your task: Mark your calendars, make your transportation arrangements ASAP, and be here in September! It's going to be a blast-and probably our last real get together as a class--don't miss it.
Fund Raising: Jock is rolling in dough since the direct mail appeal in May. We need $2200 for our class crest (to be dedicated at the reunion, 20 Sept) and about $400 more for our class flag (to be presented to the Class of '84 during the Acceptance Parade on 9 August). As of this writing we are at the $2300 mark and climbing. If you haven't already done so, please send your 20 buck (or more), tax-deductible check to Lt Col Jock Schwank, c/o The Association of Graduates, USAF Academy, CO 80840. Mike LOH, DO of the 23rd TFW at England AFB, whose son is a doolie, will make the flag presentation. (Syd GURLEY, by the way, also has a son in '84.)

Bill CARNEGIE sent this photo of Fatmac along with his reunion survey. Because of the survey and also because I sent postcards to 10 classmates long unheard from, there's lots of news this issue. Vic THOMAS wrote from Nellis AFB to say that he and his bride, Sandy, are PCSing back to the cockpit, C-130's at Dyess. Also returning to the cockpit is Gordy FLYGARE, soon to be flying the AWACS out of Tinker AFB. Down at Holloman AFB, Sid NEWCOMB is pushing papers as well as T-38 chase planes around the Missile Test Range. Did you mean to say you are also driving F-16s, Sid? As near as I can determined from AOG computer runs, about 25 to 30 of our number retired in June. Retirees at USAFA were Cres SHIELDS, Jack BRUSH, Bill HODSON and Fred PORTER. Gordon SAVAGE is another retiree. He wrote from Fort Hood saying that he will be taking a position with Hughes Aircraft in Denver. Gordon also has located one of our "lost souls" for us--Tony BILELLO, last heard from in 1965, is living in Denver. The fellow driving the Bentley 38 World Cruiser, below, is none other than Nels DELISANTI--President of West Wind Yachts, Ltd of Tacoma, Washington, and recent retiree from the USAF. Also retiring among the ashes of Mt. St. Helen is Jack HARDISON, investment broker.

Les HOBGOOD writes from beside his pool in Lubbuck to say he's happy as a pig in s___ as Commander a T-37 squadron at Reese AFB. He passes the word that Joe HIGGINS is the T-38 CC (?) at Williams AFB. Ken WERRELL dropped a note from Radford College in Virginia where he has been teaching history since 1970 and has just been appointed a full professor. Ken also said at he'd heard that Ken ALNWICK was going to Maxwell as part of the research institute being set up at AWC. Paul VALLERIE is still enjoying Kirtland AFB but could get PCS'd to Andrews soon--where he ran into Ron PATCHETT on a recent TDY. Dean BRISTOW is in Payson, Utah fixing "plumbing" (he's a urologist) and planning on being here for the reunion. George FRIES no sooner got to Korea last month than he showed up here to borrow my car. I took this photo in my living room.

George is Director, Joint Command Information Systems in Seoul when he's not galavanting around on TDY boondoggles. He says that Tom and Carol SEEBODE arrived in Seoul in June to take up duties as J-1 for US Forces, Korea. Bob SAPP is also in the land of kimshi working in C-3, Combined Forces Command. Finally, George said that Denny HANEY has returned to SOS as a Wing Chief. Jim and Linda GLAZA are still in Hawaii where he has just taken on a new job--Deputy for Protocol (2-year extension)--and she is working for an oceanographic research firm. Their home is open for visitors from the mainland--USAFA plays Hawaii on 29 November. Dave REED is back from New Zealand and Australia where he was honored as an FFARACS (Fellow Faculty of Anesthetists of the Royal Australian College of Surgeons). After a year as an Assistant Professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, he is now in private practice in Denver. Dave hopes to be returning to the South Pacific in a few years. Meanwhile, Navy Commander "Seal" HUHN has requested special recognition at the reunion for the only classmate still on duty with the Navy. Apparently Seal is unaware that another Navy Commander, Phil ROBERTS--Circuit Military Judge of the Northeast District--is PCSing this summer from Philadelphia to Treasure Island (San Francisco) to become a judge of the Northwest Circuit. A former C-121 navigator, Phil took permissive leave in 1963-66 while his wife put him through Law School at the University of Colorado. After a tour as an Air Force JAG followed by a couple of years in civilian practice, Phil returned to active duty in 1971--as a Navy JAG (USAF wouldn't give promotion list credit for AF Reserve time; Navy did). Gary VAN SINGEL called the other day from Newaygo, Michigan where he is in concepts and estimating for a conveyer belt firm. His wife, Marilyn, has opened a Wildlife Art Gallery on Hess Lake, and they have a motor home available for classmate guests. He had recently run into Jim BUJALSKI who works for Aerojet in Sacramento, California.

The young man with the mustache is chicken-Colonel Bill OUELLETTE, Hq Chief of Staff, Maine ANG. In real life, Bill is an optometrist in Brunswick. Our illustrious class president, Tony BURSHNICK, meanwhile, has just left Yokota, Japan and gone to Travis AFB where he is the new Commander of Airlift (read Wing CO). He mentioned that Ron SANDHOLZER had just arrived at Yokota to be Chief of Ops for the 475th AB Wing. Rosie CLER has sold his Michigan-based RV manufacturing business but is still living in Lansing. He has two sons in college: one, a sophomore at Michigan State; the other, a freshman at Western Michigan University. From Charlotte, North Carolina comes a press release announcing that Jim THOMASSON was elected Builder of the Year by the 535-member Home Builders Association of Charlotte. Jim is very active in business and civic affairs and is currently serving on the Boards of the American Heart Association and of Lowrance Hospital. Denis WALSH wrote in from Maxwell to say that he is PCSing from AWC to SAC Hq at Offutt, where he is bound to run into Bill GOODYEAR who is moving from the National War College to Offutt. Denis also mentioned that Don STEVENS is moving from the AWC faculty at Maxwell to Ron DEEP'S turf, the AFIT faculty at Wright-Patt. Denis also said that one of their guest speakers this spring, a genuine expert from the pentagon, was none other than Earl VAN INWEGEN, whose outstanding lecture was highlighted (much to the student body's delight) with some constructive criticism of AWC. Finally, Dale THOMPSON wrote from jolly old England to say he is leaving the best job he ever had, DO of the 20th TFW. He and Cherie are moving on to Ramstein, Germany, where he'll be Director, TAC FTR OPS for USAFE.
And that finishes the longest gossip column ever. Thanks for all those letters and phone calls! See you in September. You'all come now, ya hear!