Checkpoints Class News
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(612) 781-9721
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The bond between classmates is an incredible thing, even after two decades. I can't express what it was like to see so many old faces, to have two former roommates, Rosie CLER and Jon MCCLURE, under my roof. If you were among the 64 exuberant and nostalgic classmates at the 20-year reunion, you know exactly what I mean. It was truly a meaningful and unforgettable weekend. And it was a hell of a lot of fun! If you missed it, I'm sorry--you really missed a lot. We had over 120 people counting spouses, kids, a '60 grad of West Point (Ed Osborne), and one 59'r (Charlie MEIER), three gray tags (Tom Eller, Rees Wagner and Richie Mayo), former Wing Sgt Major, Bill Coltrin and, the one and only, Mrs. McComas. We all partied into the wee hours three days straight, and the bottom line is that we haven't really changed so much. The re-establishment of long dormant friendships was instantaneous, like no time at all had passed.
As you might imagine, I have enough material to fill several columns. Unfortunately, the AOG has space limits; so, I'll just list the attendees and let snapshots tell the story. There were 11 colonels at the reunion including BIANCUR, DE LA CRUZ, LALIME, LOH, LUCK, Ralph MILLER, SCHEHR, SHEETS, WADDLE, WALSH and ZIMMERMAN. Lieutenant colonels at the formation numbered 15; Jim ALEXANDER, CREW, DEEP, GLAZA, HOBGOOD, yours truly, MACARTNEY, MASON, MEINHARDT, NEWCOMB, SCHWANK, SULLIVAN, SWEIGART, WARACK, WATERMAN and WOLFSWINKEL, Seal HUHN was the lone Navy commander, but we had 15 of the commercial airlines' finest: CARTER, CROFT, DOUGLASS, GULBRANSEN, HAERTER, JOLLY, KALEY, KASPAR, MCCLURE, MOSIER, NOGAR, ODENWELLER, O'ROURKE, PUPICH and STACK.
There were three physicians: BRISTOW, REED and DAY; plus 11 retirees: BRUSH, DELISANTI, HODSON, DK JOHNSON, LEBEL, MAYBERRY, Kerry MILLER, PORTER, REKENTHALER, SAVAGE and SCHIELDS. Other civilians (businessmen, consultants, a "practicing eccentric," CPA's and engineers) included ATKINSON, CARNEGIE, CLER, DOYLE, KINGMAN, LOVELL, NEWSON and THOMASSON. (My apologies if I missed or demoted anyone.) There were, of course, many lovely ladies, but neither my allotted space nor my record keeping method permits recording their presence here. Here are a few of the many photos we took:

Nulli Secundus awards given out at the Friday night bash went to Jim GLAZA and Tony LOVELL for most kids (5 each); Ralph LALIME for coming the farthest (Alaska); Dick SCHEHR, most grandchildren (1); Seal HUHN, least hair and Bill HODSON, most hair. CT and Brenda DOUGLASS are shown below receiving their award for youngest child (20 months).

A side benefit to me, is that CT generously volunteered to take this column off my hands. Six years is long enough! Accordingly, his address is indicated up at the top. Put him on your Christmas card list--he'll need material for the next column about the 1st of January.
One of the more popular features of the Reunion were distinctive wine glasses and T-shirts with the Class of 60 crest. They sold like hotcakes, but there are a few left for mail order. Wine glasses will go for $3.25 each or $16 a six-pack, including postage; and T-shirts are $6.50 a piece (specify size, S, M or L). Send address, phone number and your check to Jock SCHWANK, Qtrs 4406J, USAF Academy, Colo. 80840.
Letters! ! Thanks, guys. Steve BISHOP, a UAL pilot in Santa Fe, wrote in from a hotel in Cleveland to lament that flight schedules prevented his attendance at the reunion. His letter reeks with nostalgia: ATOs (Jacobson) and AOCs (Gabriel), Christmas 1956 at Lowry, Colonel Eichelberger and so on. And he also revealed a long standing bet with Cadet Bill GOODYEAR--$100 on who would make chicken colonel first. (No wonder Steve had to fly that weekend.) Another letter of reunion-regrets came from Ted STUMM in Ankara, Turkey. He is Chief of Agreements and Negotiations for JUSMMAT and has had a very interesting tour with a US-Turkish agreement signed in March and a military coup in September.
QUICKIES: Pat SMITH has PCS'd to Torrejon while Charlie HART, recently of Panama, is back in Ohio. Chris WARACK has moved from Norton AFB to Scott. Leaving Maxwell AFB are Don STEVENS, to Wright-Patt; and Howie WHITFIELD, to El Toro MCAS. Doug REKENTHALER is retiring to Falls Church, Virginia; John KUENZEL, to Dallas; Syd GURLEY, to Jupiter, Florida; and Gary CREW, to Denver. Meantime, Jon MCCLURE has opened a law practice in Atlanta; Andy BIANCUR has finished at Yale and disappeared into The Building, J-5; and Mike LOH has moved up to Vice Commander of 23TFW. Finally, rumor has it that Walt SWEENEY is a Baptist minister in Cortez, Colorado?
So ends my final column. Merry Christmas, good luck on the 0-6 list, and lets start planning for the 25 year reunion. Take it away, CT DOUGLASS