Checkpoints Class News
3305 Edgemere Ave, NE
Minneapolis, MN 55418
(612) 781-9721
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OUR 20th CLASSMATE HAS FALLEN. Everyone's friend, Bob SAAP, (new Colonel) died of a heart attack on Sunday, Feb. 8th at Yong Sun, Korea. Bob had just returned to Korea from 30 days leave with his family in Myrtle Beach, S.C., where he had been an A-10 squadron commander. (His wife, Helen, can be reached at 729 Hemlock, Myrtle Beach AFB, S.C. 29577.) I remember long discussions with Bob while cadets about his desire to become a fighter pilot. And he did just that! A true pro, Bob SAPP. I ran across Bob back in '65 in Vietnam where we were both FACs, and he couldn't wait to leave the 0-1 and get back into fighters. Lest we forget our other classmates who have died, you might sit back and remember: Jim ANDERSON '73, Reed WAUGH, '70, JD MILLS '68, Jim FEY '65, Val BOURQUE '64, Mike LOVE '76, Dave LACHELT '63, Don WARE '63, Eddie MORTON '69, Jabo MCCAIN '16, Fred BOUTZ '64, Bob DAVIS '75, Don THURMAN '71, Sam WATERS '74, Dave BURNS '64, Brian DEEM '66, Dick MATTHEWS '67, Jance JANSEN '66, and Mike HYDE '66.
We toast our hearty comrades
Who have fallen from the skies
And were gently caught by God's own hands
To be with him on high.
To dwell among the soaring clouds
They've known so well before,
From victory roll to tail chase
At Heaven's very door.
As we fly among them there ...
We're sure to hear their plea,
Take care my friend, watch your six,
And do one more roll for me.
By CDR Jerry Coffey, USN,
written while a POW in Hanoi
Lew PRICE is an engineer for the phone company in charge of building construction in Sacramento until his new business (with his ex-wife's husband) called "Eternal Enterprises" gets on its feet. They write (Lew's job) and market correspondence courses in astrology and sell folk flutes, books, and a variety of other products associated with astrology by mail order. I remember Lew's interest in physical sciences--he'd be a great astrologer! Their latest student is a Catholic priest with a degree in divinity and a Ph.D. in Psychology who wants to learn astrology for pastoral counseling.

Jim O'ROURKE wrote (shortly after our reunion last year) "For years now, I have operated under the mistaken impression that because I was no longer in service (pilot w/EAL) those of you who remained were not interested in me. It became very obvious at the reunion that the bonds we share of friendship are tied through our common experiences at the Academy, not what we have done afterwards. Those of you who missed this reunion, if you passed it up because you thought you might not "fit", missed a most refreshing renewal of old ties and good times. With that in mind, the proposed 'super-reunion' of '59, '60, '61 and ATOs could well be the best get-together that ever will take place at Aluminum U. With four or five years advance notice, everyone should be able to adequately prepare for it and join in the festivities." Please let Jim or me know of your feelings about this (J.C. O'Rourke, 11905 SW 107th Ave., Miami 33176.)
Jerry CASKEY now lives in Lafayette, La; Dean VIKAN is at Ramstein; Bill TAYLOR has PCDed to Wheeler AFB in Hawaii; and John SCHIRA has become the Director of Logistics (TAC SYstems) of AFALD/SD at Wright-Patt. Bill GOODYEAR is now Dep. Dir. of Force management, DCS/Plans, HQ SAC; and Garth "Cookie" COOKE has become the Chief of the Engineering Division, HQ AFLC, where Charlie and Lind HART are based. Gerry STACK is a pilot with Braniff in Dallas; Bert CROFT is with TWA in Kansas City; Ed NOGAR is with American in Dallas; Bob ODENWELLER is with TWA in New Jersey; and George PUPICH is with Western in LA. Bob NEWSON is President of his own company in Redwood City, Ca.; and Jim THOMASSON is a homebuilder in Charlotte, N.C. That wraps up the information we acquired from the 20th reunion.
Tom SCHLECHTE has settled down now as the manager for international sales for Atlanta Filter in Lakeland, Florida. He says, “In plain English, that’s selling commercial water refining gear to EPA-intimidated businesses!” He’ll be a grandfather shortly. (And I’ve got a 2-year old!). George FRIES has traveled 16,000 miles by air and another 5000 by car on a PCS from Korea to EUCOM HQ in Stuttgart, where he will be working with an automated intelligence system for the next three years. George and Tom SEEBODE used to jog together in Korea--Tom is the J-1 the USFK Staff. George just found out that his ex is getting remarried, and that his oldest son will enter the Coast Guard Academy this year; Congrats on Both, GJC.

Mac MACFARLANE called me from Naval War College, VA in response to my query about a change of address he submitted to the AOG. He's taking his family to Kadena to become ADO (and eventually DO) of the 18th TFW--Congratulations, Mac! One of his four sons will remain behind, entering AFA Prep School this Fall. (He and Rita also have a girl in college, who will be accompanying them to Okinawa a “travel sabbatical”). Mac had just seen Brian KALEY, an A-10 Squadron Commander for the Massachusetts ANG in Springfield. Seems that Brian is entering local politics in New England.
SHORT NOTES: Jim ALEXANDER, to Scott; TJ STUMM from Ankara to Robins; George ELSEA from Kalkar to Pentagon; Bob DAVIS retired; Steve BISHOP (UAL) moved from Miami area to Santa Fe, New Mexico (to fly on West Coast); Wayne KENDALL from F-111 in England to Dayton, Ohio; Bob HEIGES from Gilroy, Ca to Beavercreek, Ohio; Don WOLFSWINKEL moved on base at Charleston AFB; Mike LOH from Langley to Alexandria, La.
Please keep responding to the post cards I send out every month so we an keep this column going with good, fresh news.