Checkpoints Class News
3305 Edgemere Ave, NE
Minneapolis, MN 55418
(612) 781-9721
Howie WHITFIELD is back flying as CO of a CH-46 Marine Medium Helicopter squadron in Orange County, Calif.--after 4 years of staff work and Air War College. Says he's feeling the urge to settle down and civilianize and is in a quandary with DOPMA requirements if he's promoted to full bull. Does that sound familiar to any others? My rude awakening to the civilian world came when, upon separation, I found I was almost too old to get an airline job; then, after getting hired, I found myself furloughed for 20 months during a recession. Do any of you have similar tales of civilianizing you'd like to share?
Rumor has it that Howie BRONSON is moving from DO at Bitburg to DO at HQ USAFE. PJ SMITH wrote from Torrejon that Willie GOODSON is his new Wing CO--they hadn't seen each other in 18 years. You're guaranteed a good time in Madrid--just call PJ at home at 741-0129. He has two kids in college--does anyone else?
Last March John MACARTNEY spent two weeks serving on the major's promotion board at Randolph, where he ran into Les and Marilyn HOBGOOD. Les will soon PCS from Reese to Lowry, where he will be Deputy Base Commander. (GOOD OLD LOWRY--bayonet training, ATOs, and shined hat bills and shoes!) Phil COOKE was also on the board and, according to John, hadn't changed in twenty-one years. (Phil, John and I suffered through doolie training together--same flight.) John is leaving AFA for Camp Smith, Hawaii to run an intelligence-analysis shop at HQ PACOM ... he said Jock SCHWANK is PCS to Air War College. We seem to have lost track of John SCHIRA, Charlie SANDS, Johnnie TOWNSEND and Bill TAYLOR--please let me know about them.
Jim SHIER left active duty in 1975, earned an MBA from U. of Missouri, and now works as a cost accountant for a small company that is a trade shop for the printing industry in Dallas--where he lives with his 14 yr. old daughter. His firm does specialized finishing work for the printers who service Dr. Pepper, Coors, Pepsi, etc. with posters, brochures, etc. used in ad campaigns.
Tom SCHLECHTE has settled down now as the manager for international sales for Atlanta Filter in Lakeland, Florida. He says, “In plain English, that’s selling commercial water refining gear to EPA-intimidated businesses!” He’ll be a grandfather shortly. (And I’ve got a 2-year old!). George FRIES has traveled 16,000 miles by air and another 5000 by car on a PCS from Korea to EUCOM HQ in Stuttgart, where he will be working with an automated intelligence system for the next three years. George and Tom SEEBODE used to jog together in Korea--Tom is the J-1 the USFK Staff. George just found out that his ex is getting remarried, and that his oldest son will enter the Coast Guard Academy this year; Congrats on Both, GJC.
Mac MACFARLANE called me from Naval War College, VA in response to my query about a change of address he submitted to the AOG. He's taking his family to Kadena to become ADO (and eventually DO) of the 18th TFW--Congratulations, Mac! One of his four sons will remain behind, entering AFA Prep School this Fall. (He and Rita also have a girl in college, who will be accompanying them to Okinawa a “travel sabbatical”). Mac had just seen Brian KALEY, an A-10 Squadron Commander for the Massachusetts ANG in Springfield. Seems that Brian is entering local politics in New England.
SHORT NOTES: Jim ALEXANDER, to Scott; TJ STUMM from Ankara to Robins; George ELSEA from Kalkar to Pentagon; Bob DAVIS retired; Steve BISHOP (UAL) moved from Miami area to Santa Fe, New Mexico (to fly on West Coast); Wayne KENDALL from F-111 in England to Dayton, Ohio; Bob HEIGES from Gilroy, Ca to Beavercreek, Ohio; Don WOLFSWINKEL moved on base at Charleston AFB; Mike LOH from Langley to Alexandria, La.
Please keep responding to the post cards I send out every month so we an keep this column going with good, fresh news.