Checkpoints Class News
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A nice follow-up note from PJ SMITH to his mention in our last column. Since he's intimately involved with the Torrejon AB Consolidated Command Post, he'd be glad to help locate anyone in the Madrid area: Autovon 723-8545; PSC Box 5146, APO NY 09283. PJ says that Leon GOODSON took over as his Wing CO (401 TFW) two weeks before the ORI! AF Times picture shows Willie looking his young self in spite of his spectacles.
Bill ZERSEN, from LA to Andrews; Mike BUCHEN retired. Les HOBGOOD has been awarded the MSM at Lowry. John MCCULLOUGH is lost--anyone have any word on him?
Mike LOH moved from Vice-Commander, 23 TFW, England AFB to Asst. DCS Requirements, HQ TAC, Langley--living on base. He says its tough transitioning from fighters to a desk--has plenty of room for guests. Roach was good as our memorial ceremony leader at AFA 20th. Jim ALEXANDER is also at HQ TAC. Bill KORNITZER is now the Vice-Commander of the Air Rescue and Recovery Wing at Eglin. Gary SHEETS was awarded the Legion of Merit at Tinker. Charlie HART (my old roomie) moved on base at Wright-Patt. Ron YATES is now Commander of the 4950 Test Wing at Wright-Patt--picture in AF Times looked great.
Dale THOMPSON has settled in at RAF Upper Heyford as Vice Commander, 20 TFW (his third assignment with that wing!) after a year as Director of Tactical Fighter Operations at HQ USAFE preceded by a year as 20th TFW DO--how do you keep track of your HHG, Dale?
Charlie THOMPSON retired after four years as Information Management Division Chief of the Space Shuttle Program, where he was responsible for developing automated information systems for the Shuttle SPO and headed the data-management function. In that position, Charlie must have delved deeply back into his AFA courses in calculus and management to devise a method of employing a large minicomputer as a multiuser management tool--a real bonus for USAF and NASA. After deciding to retire and looking over several job offers, he has found the ultimate in happiness at Hughes Helicopters in LA where he has been promoted to Material Program Manager for AH-64 Advanced Helicopter production. [He] expects a very large Army contract for AH-64s, which will double the company's size in three years.) Congratulations, Charlie! He lives in Manhattan Beach south of LA International.
Steve BISHOP wrote on hotel stationery while on a United Airlines layover in Pittsburgh. He's building a retirement home in Same Fe prior to bidding out shortly to the West Coast side-saddle on the Boeing 767. When I left AF to join the airlines, I found it hard to comprehend the idea of commuting to fly trips--at least half of Western's pilots based in Minneapolis actually live there; most commute in to avoid the harsh Minnesota climate.) Steve tired of 6-month AF TDYs; so, [he] resigned to attend law school. "When I finally regained my senses, I had frittered away 1200 UAL seniority numbers before getting hired." The PATCO strike has taken its toll on us airline pilots (Western will have furloughed almost one-third of its pilots by next Spring--I'm getting close again!), not withstanding deregulation. Steve ran in the most recent Orange Bowl Marathon and manages to win at local tennis tournaments. He ran into Jerry STACK, his old AFA doubles partner, recently at La Guardia after 20 years--looks exactly the same, very happy. Steve tried to catch Bill GOODYEAR in Omaha recently to pay him the $100 bet on who would make Full Bull first, but to no avail.

A card from Clark WALKER reveals that he's the DO at Arnold Engineering Development Center in Tullahoma, Tennessee--way back in the hills. Wind tunnels, engine test facilities, space chambers, hypervelocity ranges, etc. are his forte, including "a chicken gun to shoot at aircraft canopies." Clark says his previous tour was as DO, then Deputy Commandant (to Don Madonna) at the Test Pilot School.
A couple months ago I got a call from Jack BRUSH from New England saying he had some business in the Twin Cities on the way home to C-Springs. So he flew into Anoka County Airport (10 miles north of my residence) in his Aerostar twin and spent the night with us. His interest rate advice business keeps him flying all over the U.S. We hashed over old AFA days and launched him off into the blue the next afternoon. The same hospitality awaits those of you who drop in. Just give me a call.
Dean VIKAN moved from one APO to another in Europe--how about some news, Dean? John MACARTNEY has a guest room in his townhouse on top of a mountain overlooking Honolulu and Pearl Harbor for anyone's use. His son, Steve, a freshman at U of Hawaii shares it with him--is challenged by intelligence management and "gee whiz secrets."
Each quarter I send about fifteen queries (with stamped, self-addressed return postcard enclosed to boot) to those of us whom we haven't heard from in a long time. Response is really poor! If you want to keep this column interesting [and] poopful, please respond when you get a query from me (yes, I'll improve my handwriting, Steve). And the rest of you keep those cards and letters coming. Some pics would help, too. And give me a call if you're in the upper Midwest.