Checkpoints Class News
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Another of our classmates has fallen. Seal HUHN, one of the truly nicest guys I've ever known, died of a heart attack on October 18th in Monterey, CA. It seems like yesterday when we who attended the 20th reunion were joking with Seal about our memories of doolie training and his ultimate decision to join the Navy. Although he had lost a little more hair, he was his true jovial self, very proud of his affiliation with AFA and the Navy and loaded with stories and good humor. Seal is survived by his wife, Judy, two sons and daughter. His last station was Virginia Beach (do you remember our Class visit to Virginia Beach during a summer orientation trip?). Condolences can be sent to Judy at 1041 Yardley Landing, Virginia Beach, VA 23462. Word of his passing came to me through BG Tony BURSHNICK, Commander of the 60th MAWg at Travis. Thanks, Tony, and congratulations for becoming one of our first two Class of '60 generals! Lest we forget, others of our class who are no longer with us are Reed WAUGH, Sam WATERS, Don WARE, Don THURMAN, Bob SAPP, Eddie MORTON, J.D. MILLS, Jabo MCCAIN, Dick MATTHEWS, Mike LOVE, Dave LACHELT, Johnny JANSEN, Mike HYDE, Jim FEY, Brian DEEM, Bob DAVIS, Dave BURNS, Fred BOUTZ, Val BORQUE and Jim ANDERSON.
By earlier correspondence, Tony wrote that he had recently run into Dave SWEIGART at Scott, who is waiting to see what assignment the Colonel's Group has in store for him. Also at Scott is Chris WARACK, who has moved from Command and Control to the MAC IG. Pappy BOYINGTON went up to Travis from his business around Oakland to attend the initial meeting of the Northern California Chapter of the AOG. Seems he had some thought-provoking questions for the guest speaker, Bob BECKEL. "It was obvious that Greg hadn't lost any of his talent for keeping the administration honest.

Ted HOPKINS in Cleveland was recently promoted to group vice president for the Sherwin-Williams Consumer, Chemical Coatings, Automotive Aftermarket, and Container Divisions after joining the company in early 1980 as president and general manager of the Consumer Division, the company's largest manufacturing entity. Now a young grandfather (three times), Ted spent seven years in the AF, got an MBA from USC and has held several important managerial positions in industry for companies such as GE, Rochester Instrument Systems, and Gould, Inc.
Willie GOODSON is our other new BG. Congratulations, Will! Charlie HART bought a farm near Columbus, OH--next assignment will be Korea from WPAFB. Mike CLARKE has moved to Fort Walton Beach, FL (you Vietnam Vets remember that place); Clarke WALKER, to Tullahoma, TN as DO of Arnold Engineering Development Center; Paul SULLIVAN, from Boston to E. Pepperell, MA (what's there, Paul?); Marty RICHERT, from Andrews to Greenville, SC; Reb GUILLOT, from Davis-Monthan to Tucson, AZ; Ralph LALIME, to Holloman as DCO, 479th TTWg. Hoyt PRINDLE was awarded the Defense Meritorious Service Medal at McGuire. Hal BROST [moved] from Centerville to Whitehouse, OH (what's there, Hal?); and Bill ZERSEN moved to Springfield, VA and is now Director of Space Systems at HQ, AFSC.
A note from Jim ALEXANDER says that he's really enjoying his assignment as Deputy Director for Advanced Projects for the TAFIG near TAC HQ--and bought a new house in Yorktown, VA. Don WOLFSWINKEL has moved from Deputy Base Commander at Charleston to the same job at Travis, the "land of fruits and nuts." He plays golf now instead of basketball. Dave WIEST is a custom jeweler, silver and scrimshaw--business name: The Fine Line--married, no kids, and very happy down in LaLuz, NM.

Jim GLAZA came from Honolulu to his fantastic retirement ceremony at AFA, after which AF beat Army at home--what a weekend! Bob BECKEL presided over the ceremony, which was attended by Jack BRUSH, Gary CREW, Jock SCHWANK, Dick SCHEHR, Cres SHIELDS, Dave REED and Kerry MILLER. Jim is firmly ensconced in C-Springs as a financial services rep. for E.F. Hutton--total financial planning with emphasis on tax shelters.
Dale MAYO lives out in the country near Ottsville, PA and flies as a senior L-1011 flight engineer for Pan Am (15 years) out of Kennedy. He just retired from USAFR as an Academy LO. He and Russ CURREY attended Bob SAPP's memorial at Myrtle Beach. Says that George LESTER, Miles KASPAR, Bob RAGER, and Gary GULBRANSEN are all with Pan Am but never sees them. Dale and Edie have three kids and a foster child, flies his Stearman (NEVER FOR SALE), two 150's, a 1962 Navion and part of a Cherokee 180. "I did regret leaving USAF for a long time, but if the new pay keeps generals from making over $50,000, guess I won't complain too much. I can't imagine the frustration the active duty guys endure these days." Well, folks, I was getting ready to make captain with Western only to learn that I might be on furlough as you read this--just got to get that business started! Anybody else?
This photo of Ron YATES was accompanied by a note saying that he expects to taxi the Wright-B Flyer soon--loves his job as Commander of the Test Wing, flying nine different types of aircraft.

Bob ODENWELLER, a JFK-based F/O with TWA, has becomes recognized authority in the world of stamp collecting and is well known as a collector, exhibitor, researcher and official. Bob represented the USA as judge of Philatokyo '81, one of

the major international philatelic competitions. In 1980, his gold-medal New Zealand collection won the grand prize in the international honors class. Bob specializes in stamps of the British Commonwealth and the USA. He is fluent in 14 languages now, including Japanese (self-taught), and used English during a visit to Buckingham Palace recently where he had the rare privilege of viewing the Royal Family's stamp collection--the most valuable such collection in the world. Bob, himself, has a private stamp collection so valuable it must be secured in a bank vault.
Keep those letters and photos coming. Happy New Year!