Checkpoints Class News
1846 Baywood Dr
Salt Lake City, UT 84117
(801) 277-1239
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Our annual Register of Graduates didn't arrive soon enough to institute my grand scheme of gleaning info from you folks, so this (as the one before) will be short. To get info, Jim O'ROURKE and I had to call some of you, and it got too expensive to continue, nice as it was to gab, though if you're too shy to drop a line, have your company PR man send me a blurb on you ... If you run into a classmate, drop me a line about him.
Johnnie TOWNSEND chose to retire instead of going to Guam. His last assignment was as a regular LC assigned to the ANG at Davis Monthan, flying C-130 drones--figure that one out, folks! He now buys subcontracted parts for Hughes Aircraft Missile Division in Tucson where the Phoenix, Maverick and other missiles are built. He even buys computer parts to make dumb bombs smart. Three kids--high school to kindergarten; 175 pounds of dynamite; hair has slipped from top of head to chin, mostly grey.
Another guy with young kids is Neal "Bear" REAVELY, whom you probably remember as our best lacrosse player. He and Niki have five kids--son at Montana State and four daughters, ages 20, 7, 5, and 2. Neal will be promoted to full bull in the Montana ANG (F-106s) on the state staff when he stops procrastinating and completes the AWC correspondence course. He teaches junior high school math and coaches wrestling and football in Bozeman. I remember that Neal really loved kids, and obviously still does! Did you know that Jock SCHWANK marĀried Neal's sister, after pilot training?

Did you know that Johnnie TOWNSEND and Reb GUILLOT live in the same town and didn't even know it? Reb coaches youth football and is president of the local recreation association--says he is lean and mean, with all his hair and no grey! He is the commander of the command and control center for the 335th TAC Training Wing at DM. Four kids, 6th grade to sophomore at U. of Arizona.
Karl "Mac" JONES' oldest daughter just made SSgt (USAF) below the zone at Wright-Patterson, where her Lt husband is assigned to the F-16 program. His other three kids are grown and gone, and he's left dabbling in real estate and working as number two man in the Deputy C/S for Test and Evaluation at AFSC (Andrews)--responsible for the space shuttle, etc. He has daily telecons with BG Ron YATES, who has had at least four jobs at Wright-Patterson, his latest being deputy for Tactical Systems in ASD, AFSC (the chief of the office in charge of all the SPOs not large enough to warrant separate command structures).
While in Dallas recently, I called Jerry STACK, our only classmate caught in the Braniff demise. Jerry was out selling real estate, according to his son, who had just come home on spring break from the U. of Texas at Austin. Jim O'ROURKE has successfully transferred from New York to Houston as a 727 captain with Eastern, making his commute from Salt Lake much easier. Jim will probably write a guest column next time, but send your cards, letters, and PICTURES to me, and I'll give them to him. Oh! One last note; Roy JOLLY has moved to Houston; no phone number listed.