Checkpoints Class News
1846 Baywood Dr
Salt Lake City, UT 84117
(801) 277-1239
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While on an airline layover in New York City, during which my wife and four-year-old accompanied me, we had breakfast with Dick, known now as "Rick," KINGMAN and his two super-nice teenagers, Brian and Justine, who attend private school in Manhattan. He enjoys the unique adventure of "loft" living on the sixth (top) floor of one of the buildings he owns in SoHo ("South of Houston Street--pronounced HOWston--near Greenwich Village") accessible by stairs or, more conveniently, by a private freight elevator. Well on his way to his first million, Rick is continually upgrading the buildings his companies own and manage and has many tales to tell about his experiences with rent control, rent strikers, and the bureaucracy of Manhattan. We had some great laughs remembering experiences as roommates during our First Class year--which we just didn't have time to get around to during the 20th reunion. His class ring was lost in the mud between the confluence of the Little Colorado and Colorado Rivers, but he has faithfully worn Jim LOVELL's class ring since then--Jim hates jewelry. Rick has no car--takes cabs or borrows his workman's station wagon--, still has lots of black hair, and is truly a self-made man in an environment that is completely foreign but extremely appealing to me. You've got to see it to believe it! He's going to come take a raft trip down the Salmon River with me next summer. Anyone else want to come along? He saw Tony BURSHNICK, George LUCK and Ralph LALIME at the 1982 Army-Navy game and is relieved and elated that members of our class have been assigned positions of great responsibility in the Military establishment.

I stopped flying Kansas City overnites just as I was going to get with Bruce MOSIER to be a guest scribe. Maybe, next time. If any of you would like to volunteer as guest scribe sometime, drop me a line. It's really not hard unless classmates don't write. And a fresh perspective is always welcome. Who would believe Garth COOKE is working on a doctoral thesis entitled "Investigations of cell wall destruction of monokeatic parasitic growths in petroleum storage, and its military implications?" Whew. Glad someone watches out for that!
No one got the answer to the picture in our last column--it's Norm HALLER during doolie camp when we reenacted some of our bayonet training. Dave BRADSHAW was my roommate then, Jimmie JAY ('59) was our element leader next door, and Gorto and Englehart were our ATOs. Dave washed out on fourth class academics, but I saw him on Christmas Eve 1964 in Pleiku as he was passing through enroute to Special Forces (Captain, US Army) duty in Kontum. Soon thereafter I was told he was KIA.
Last summer Deke JOHNSON took wife Sally to visit Dale and Sherri THOMPSON at RAF Upper Heyford, where he is wing commander.

On their return trip, they visited Ralph LALIME (with JCS) and George ELSEA (Air Staff) in D.C. Deke also attended a Cotton Bowl (remember that one, folks?) football team reunion at the Academy in late October. He is still working hard in the auto parts business in Boise.
Scribe helper Jim O'ROURKE and I were taken out to dinner at the Fort Douglas USAR Officer's Club in SLC recently by Bob BRICKEY ('61), where we began plotting a mini-reunion of our two classes next summer at AFA while the '59ers have their 25th with the ATOs. Maybe RosAl Productions can set up another toga/mattress party or something--any ideas? Who of you would try to come?
Paul SULLIVAN and wife Dee now live in East Pepperill, MA, where they bought a house to fix up. Paul's an LC on active duty--but no mention about his job. They're enjoying New England. Al JOHNSON just moved to Lowry AFB, "Quarters 1-B;" so, he must be a commander or something. It sure would help me if you guys would send me a letter when you move, and tell me your new job, or retirement plans and activities, etc. Pictures really help. Charlie HART has moved to Springfield, OH. Aaron THRUSH is a stockbroker in Fort Walton Beach, where many of us trained enroute to RVN. And Hardy LEBEL has settled in Rhode Island after being medically retired from injuries received in an automobile accident years ago. If you are a personnel officer somewhere, please let me know about promotions and moves of our classmates.

Greg BOYINGTON and a partner manage a 60-unit apartment building in Oakland which they purchased last year after his retirement. His dad lives in Fresno, and he has two daughters attending college in Sacramento while his 18-year-old son lives with him in Alameda. Roy JOLLY has moved to Houston. Dick HILLMAN has transferred from Los Angeles to Houston to become the director of flying operations for the new Continental Airlines, in charge of pilots, flight attendants, etc. Dick was a DC-10 check captain for Continental in Los Angeles before transferring to Houston.
That's it for now. Keep those cards, letters and photos coming.