Checkpoints Class News
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It was only natural that my exemplary academic performance while at the Academy--a record which has still remained virtually unequalled throughout all these long years--would ultimately lead to my present role as the so-called "scribe" for this most prestigious of all alumni publications. After all, I was in the top 98% of the class.
I'm back in Denver, having sold my company in Lansing, MI, several years ago. Married to Karen (Conant) of Grand Island, NE, for 23 years, and we have two children: Scott's 22 and was born in Pensacola; Brandy's 21 (her passport reads: Aza Kuwae Chatan-Son, Okinawa-Gunto, Ryukyu Islands)--both are at the University of Colorado and ride buffaloes to class. Brandy's in the School of Journalism (she wants to be "rich and famous"); Scott's a high-i-q-er" (must have gotten that from Karen), somewhere between a freshman and receiving his doctorate, and approaching an academic career with all the zest and zeal of his studious father. I own a management-consulting firm which performs business and market planning for emerging enterprises and small businesses, assist with financing for new companies, while also teaching management classes for three local community colleges and conducting seminars for the SBA. (One of my recent students was Bob Taylor, who taught us chemistry as a captain back in 1956.)

Al JOHNSON returned to Denver in August '83 as vice (what a great title for him) commander of the Technical Training Center at Lowry AFB, reporting to Maj Gen Usher. He's also brought his wife, Gale, while his 21-year-old son Mike tackles Yale--majoring in business and recently returning from several weeks touring Italy. Daughter Dana's 22 and majors in something-or-other at George Mason University (they don't have a football team). Gale works in downtown Denver, has an excellent job as the personnel staffing director for HUD, and was originally from Al's hometown of Hammond, IN. Al recently returned from a trip back to see his parents--who now live in Demotte, IN--and went right by my parents without stopping to even say "hi." His hobbies are pretty much limited to "mowing the grass around Quarters 1-B," and admiring his National Defense Ribbon (with clusters).
Al, Gale, Karen and I recently went to a Denver Gold game (the 'Gold' is a parvenu cadre that plays USFL football). It was fun, but Al and I suffered from some minor form of stomach malady and dyspepsia afterwards--don't know it if was the bottle of hot red wine, quart of vodka, bloody Marys, case of beer, hotdogs, liter of cold white wine, 1/5th of peppermint schnapps, pickles, martinis, pizza at Carbone's, or the afterdinner brandy's. (Our calls for that next week were being forwarded to the "detox" center at Raleigh Hills Alcoholic Treatment Center). The month following our recovery, Al and I revisited the old Scotch and Sirloin at 12th and Grant near downtown Denver, subsequently burnt some burgers at his house, and he then capped off a superb evening by taking me to the Lowry O-Club (which was closed--on a Friday night!).
The new intelligence DCS for the Space Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command at Peterson Field is our own newly-promoted brigadier general, Earl S. VAN INWEGEN. Van married the former Pat McFadden of Whittier, CA, in 1960 (she's a graduate of CWC), and they have two children: Kristin's 19 and a freshman at Santa Clara University, 1st team soccer and a business student; Curt's 23, graduated from Loyola-Baltimore in 1983, and is now working as a business analyst for TRW in the Springs while living with his parents. Pat's an outside sales agent for a travel agency, works her own schedule, and she and Earl just returned from nine days in Puerto Vallarta. (They were there about the same time as my son, Scottie, who returned with 2nd degree burns from too much "sun-time." Van looks just like he always did when he was bruising our opponents in AFA football.
I received some interesting mail by way of an article entitled "The Predictive Power in Relative Strength & CAPM," and was so tantalized that I called the author, who holds an M.S. from M.I.T. (it's a new eastern school without accreditation) and a doctorate from UCLA (that's a small school on the West Coast which has hippies and a basketball team). After wallowing thru standard deviations, decile annualized excess returns, beta corrections, and delay weights, I learned that John Stanley (Jack) BRUSH is President of Columbine Capital in Colorado Springs. CC sells "data that dollar managers seem to need to manage equity portfolios", deals with 35 banks and insurance companies from San Diego to Zurich, and travels in his own AeroStar. Jack's wife, Jeanne, is director of nurses close to Altus, is home one week out of four (that's the way to keep a marriage)--they've got a commuting arrangement. Jack's hobbies are limited to trying to make a million dollars so that he can pay for the airplane and perhaps get another, plus a little light jogging. His further ambition is "having a heart transplant from a Samoan when he's 91."

Clem DOUGLASS called Gordy FLYGARE at Tinker while on an OKC layover, only to find out that he had departed the day before to Saudi Arabia on his last mission with AWACS before he retires. Gordy and his wife Ann were married in 1962 at Tinker and have spent the last 10 years there. (Wasn't that where his father finished up his career, also?) They have two girls, and are sponsoring a young Ethiopian man whom they met during a two-year tour in Africa during Haile Salassie's reign. (Still got all those old Bix Beiderbecke albums, Gordy?)
A very nice letter from my old friend on the dance committee--Les HOBGOOD, formerly of Austin, Texas ... "Marilyn and I came here from Denver last July to take over the 86th Combat Support Group (also base commander and deputy community commander) at Ramstein AB, Germany ... saw Dale THOMPSON last fall when Upper Heyford lost to Ramstein in the USAFE football super bowl. Today, Mike LOH crawled out of a C-5 for a three-day stay here looking at USAFE operations. One of my first duties as Ramp Meeter & Greeter was sending Leon GOODSON off on a trip. Standing around the bar one night last fall I bumped into Dick HEAD ... the biggest show in USAFE this year was the Notre Dame-Air Force game. We were riveted to the set 'til the final play. A truly great season for a great team. Marilyn and I are beating up the autobahns and byways in our little red Porsche. We skied Italy in January, saw the tulips in Holland, skied Garmisch in December, sucked suds last October in Munich--generally having one hell of a good time."
Formerly of Smyrna, DE, is our child-genius Gordon Stanley SAVAGE, Jr., who now works for Hughes Aircraft as a computer programmer--since getting out of Uncle Sam back in 1980--where he designs computer systems from the "ground up." His wife Carol works for Vicorp Engineering, and they have three offspring. Keith is 23 and a computer operator working for Stone & Webster in Denver, while taking a "Computer Sharing Services Instruments" course. Shannon's 13 and in junior high school and somewhat of a gymnast.
And from McClellan AFB: "I just received the Winter issue of Checkpoints, and I sure enjoyed the column, especially the pictures. I hadn't heard anything about 'Rick' KINGMAN in a long time. I'm leaving here the end of this month, where I've been the 41st Rescue and Weather Reconnaissance wing commander, to go to Hulburt Field as commander of the 2nd Air Division." This, from Bill (Corny) KORNITZER, originally of Bennington, VT.
George FRIES gave us all a little update on his life for the last several years: "After one year of climbing mountains in Korea (80-81), it's time to return to CONUS and Langley AFB. Left Langley and the Office of Data Automation in May 80 to run WWMCCS ADP in the Republic for a year. Then I came over here to Stuttgart and the Data Services Center (HQ USEUCOM) to set up a theater intelligence network and manage the ADP hardware for C/C&I at this site." (Note: I'm certain that some of you military types know what those anagrams and military scrabble means, as I sure don't). "Have walked over 5500 kms in the past three years, including doing the Nijmegen March in Holland twice (200 kms at a crack) and walking Denmark last summer (305 kms. in seven days)." George has a seven-month old daughter and is now looking forward to a second career upon his retirement as an LC. (Keep on trucking, GJC.)
Interrupting a visit by his grandsons of 1 1/2 and 2 1/2, Rich CARTER filled me in on his life by telephone. Wife Annette just had her picture in all the local tabloids for selling over $2 million in real estate up in Genesee (just west of Denver). Whilst consuming his vodka, he told me about retiring from Continental as a captain. [He] has, for many years, been engaging in buying/selling companies and manipulating stocks. He deals with penny stocks and venture capital, has recently made some very nice buys in both the automotive lubrication and electronic burglar alarm systems, and seems to be on his way to the land of the wealthy. Daughter Carlyn's 23, ... got married in June at St. Paul's Church and is a med student with a 4.0 at Regis College (where'd she get her brains, Rich?). Son "Rock" is 22 and was recently promoted to vice president at Mountain States Stock Transfer.
POTPOURRI: Dave REED is either married? A heart specialist? An anesthesiologist at Rose Medical Center? In New Zealand? Or, none of the above. Doug MILLER is back in Washington, DC, having been transferred by Martin-Marietta to a position affiliated with the FAA. But, where is Bill ZERSEN? Denny HANEY's daughter's at USAFA and an all-American swimmer. Walt FUTCH's with M-M at Vicksburg. Vic BOUQUET's in Santa Maria, tax consulting. Fred Howard PORTER III is a systems designer and consultant with his own company in Colorado Springs, and his wife Mary Lou helps him. Dean BRISTOW is a doctor of urology in Utah, got out of the service in 1967, and he and wife Sandy have four children: Christy's 20 and at USC; Catherine's 18 and graduating from high school; Dana's 14 and Michael's 10.
QUESTION: Who's been with United Air Lines for 18 years, including 16 years "side-saddle", and is presently a first officer living up in Boulder? Went to the University of Maryland before the academy, and played tennis at AFA? Wife is Roberta from Albuquerque, who's a professional concert pianist, ballerina, and yoga instructor? They have five children. Who else? Of course, it's Steve BISHOP.
If you were to call (303-388-8159), you'd probably end up talking with Pete BURTON, former Dartmouth stalwart and a leading member of USAFA's ski team from days and remembrances of things long past. Pete got out of the military in 1969, performed consulting in managerial training, and is now executive director for Campfire's 600 six-year-old girls here in Denver. His wife Bev was a freshman at USAFA's high school in 1960, and is now a manager at the University of Colorado's health sciences center hospital. He has no hobbies, leads a boring life, and when asked if he had children, replied: "None; no, not really."
After 20 years in the service, Cres SHIELDS got out back in 1980 as an LC and now owns and operates a real-estate company in the Springs "Shields and Hunton" (his wife Mary's maiden name), which is also affiliated with a national r.e. organization. 21-year-old Creston is a Nautilus manager in the Springs, and his daughter Nicole (20) is a stockbroker for E.F. Hutton in Jackson, WY, when not chasing the boys. Cres sees Bill HODSON frequently, golfs, skis, plays squash, and stated that his recent contacts with numerous '61 grads indicated that they wished not to be excluded from any future RosAl productions.
Our only living active duty member of the U.S. Navy, Mr. ROBERTS, was recently back in Denver but didn't contact me. Academic "whiz" that he was while at AFA, Phil's daughter Leslie is only 14 and will graduate from high school next year after skipping a couple of grades and going to summer school for "advanced-mathers" in Santa Barbara. Her sister Laura's 18 and will enroll in Cal Poly Tech this fall. Phil's still a JAG on Treasure Island and a captain, been married to Susie for 21 years, and "doesn't feel good unless he jogs."
We were all quite sorry to hear about Hardy LEBEL's son, Tom, who was 15 and declared missing from the yacht race in which he was participating from Bermuda to Nova Scotia.
A nice note from my first roomie, John MACARTNEY, who lent me the use of his home at our 20th, and is transferring from Hawaii to Washington, DC, where he'll be commandant of DIA's Defense Intelligence College (congratulations, Mac, that sounds like a responsible position). Roy and Barbara JOLLY visited him in December of last year, and they had dinner at Chris WARACK's house, with Chris's wife Pat cooking up a super gourmet meal. Roy is chairman and president of the "Big Tree Group" in Houston which deals in investments, and Chris is commander of the 619th Military Airlift Support Squadron, and has a son at USAFA.

The postcard from San Salvador was signed by Ken ALNWICK and Dick KNOLL ('65) and contained this cryptic message: "Greetings from the garden spot of Central America. El Presidente is looking for a few good men. Any takers? Flak vests provided free of charge." And, moving down just to the north and over the border is Bill GOODYEAR, who retired the 1st of May to operate a gold mine (?) in Arizona (previous mailing address was Bellevue, NE).
He's alive! We've found Mike BUCHEN! If you don't believe it, call him at (213) 640-8909. Mike dropped through Denver last month, and we got together for a drink (Nobody has just one drink!). His wife Bebe's a former school teacher and has started a new career in Civil Service, 21-year-old Chris will get his M.E. from Stanford in '85, and their daughter Gretchen (18) will go to UCLA as a business major and busies herself giving trumpet lessons and playing for the L.A. Junior Philharmonic Orchestra. It's obvious that Mike is proud of his family, and rightfully so. Mike sees a lot of Herb ECKWEILER and Tony LONG, and occasionally sees Dick Petroski (remember him? former A/2c in the cadet mailroom?). Mike's a senior staff engineer with Martin-Marietta in El Segundo, CA, and visits Denver almost twice a month.
Several of us attended an exploratory meeting for the purpose of planning our 25th reunion in the fall of '85 on the 9th of June at AFA's O'Club, and the following were in attendance: GLAZAs, BURSHNICKs, BRUSH, SCHWANKs, KENDALLs, CREWs, SCHEHRs, BRISTOWs, PORTERs, MAYBERRYs, VAN INWEGENs, and CLER. The next meeting is scheduled for August 26.
There have been some requests for Al and I to conduct a RosAl extravaganza for our 25th. Initial projections are that a really good party could cost a few bucks; so, we'd like each of you to send us a copy of your most recent and audited financial statement in order that we can determine just what you can afford. Nothing "heavy," but a few of the initial ideas we've come up with include blowing up Lowry AFB, chartering six 707's (make that nine) and crashing them into Vandenberg Hall, relocating Pikes Peak to Tucumcari, and stealing a space capsule with the help of Karl BOBKO and flying it to Tananarive, with a cocktail party enroute. I might also add that any blast conducted would possibly include alcoholic beverages, even though Al and I have very strong religious convictions about and against "demon-rum." We'd propose including the classes of '59--'62, and profits would go to either the AOG fund or to our own class coffer. For those of you who are concerned about the deleterious impact of excessive alcoholic consumption, Al and I are negotiating a blanket purchase order with "Rent-A-Drunk," which will provide surrogates to drink while you pay and watch them stumble towards their hangover.

And now, a little nostalgic trivia quiz that will hopefully take you down memory lane. (Written responses required by January 1, 1985.) (1) Name the two praetorian guards at the Roman Blast; (2) Which of our classmates who resides on the East Coast still visits Blackwell, OK? (3) Riddle: who was first and last in our class? (at the same time?) (4) Was it true that entrance to USAFA required candidates to be of "high moral fiber?" If so, in what manner did Deke JOHNSON obtain a waiver? (5) What color/manufacture/body style was Dick HEAD's car, upon leaving USAFA? Al JOHNSON's? Phil ROBERT's? Florian MEINHARDT's? (6) What was the first name of the father of our famed and athletic classmate from St. Mary's, OH? What graduate award did he win? (7) At what hall did we stay when we were in Washington to march in Ike's inauguration in 1957? (8) Who did Dale THOMPSON accompany at the 1959 Miss America contest? Who won the "Ghoul-pool?" (9) Name the location of RosAl's first production. (10) What unusual and gross event is transpiring on page 161 of our 1960 yearbook? (11) Who in our class holds the record for the most "turnouts" while still graduating? (12) Is it possible to have a good party after life in the military? (13) Whatever happened to our classmate who won the "Dr. John Oliver LaGorce Award?" Who cares? (14) Who was the only person in our class who could sleep with his eyes open? (15) Who are the two cadets in the Ft. Benning picture above? (16) Can you name all three RosAl parties? Note: Answers will be in the next issue, with the winner to receive an autographed photomontage of Casimir Myzlinski and Archie Higdon hot-tubbing at the "Friends and Lovers" motel. 2nd prize: one week in Ponca City. 3rd prize: two weeks in Ponca City. (In the event that nobody wins it, the whole class has to go to Ponca City.)
The scribe for our next column will be the entire RosAl team, which of course includes that known literary talent, colonel-extraordinaire, holder of numerous combat decorations, and my beloved friend and partner in various nefarious enterprises--John Allen (Al) JOHNSON, and his helpers: Snoopie, Dozie, Rudolph, Esmerelda, Grumpy, Thumper, and Rumpelstiltskin.