Checkpoints Class News
1435 Reed Street
Lakewood, CO 80215
(303) 232-2949
Quarters 1-B
Lowry AFB, CO 80230
(303) 322-0135
If you have access to any of the orginal images, please contact the webmaster
Thanks to C.T. III DOUGLAS, who has been extremely helpful in providing us with assistance as guest scribes. He and Brenda just returned from their second honeymoon--14 days in France, Italy, Yugoslavia, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, and Lichtenstein. His comment: "Now I know why our classmates like European assignments." They traveled with eight other airline types and left young C.T. IV with the grandparents in Minneapolis. Clem spent a weekend with the Utah Army National Guard out in the boonies of some proving grounds with an "A" team--he's now making the claim of being the lowest ranking member of the Class of '60 as a CW2 flying Caribous with the 19th Special Forces Group (commanded by Major Bob HOLT, a Salt Lake attorney from the Class of '70). C.T.'s still with Western, lives in SLC and sounds like he's truly enjoying life.
Answers to last issue's "trivia quiz:" (1) ECKWEILER and BOYINGTON. (2) Name withheld. (3) ZIMMERMAN. (4) Yes. Confidential. (5) Blue TR3-A convertible. Grey MGB roadster. White Ford, topless, White Olds conv. (6) Dave. N. Jay Boots Award. (7) Suitland. (8) Anita Bryant. Cadet who dated Miss NYC. (9) Denver Turnverein, 16th & Clarkson, Denver. (10) Too gross. (11) GILLIS. (12) Yes. (13) WHITMAN. (14) FLYGARE. (15) Amos and Andy. (16) Wing Ding, Roman Blast, Roarin' 20s Blast.
I (Rosie) delivered the two-hour keynote address opening the "Veteran's Small Business Conference" for 350 Vietnam-era veterans. Jim MACK ('62) came up at breaktime and reintroduced himself. He and Tim GILMARTIN (also '62) are furloughed from Continental, and considering several business ventures. A certain John Scarlett was also there, and told me that he was a high school classmate of Bruce MOSIER. Guess that must have been back in Erie, PA, eh Bruce?
Back in Denver is Gary CREW, who has been at Martin-Marietta for a couple of years in their small missile systems and draws pictures of MXs in flight. Son Jeff's 23 and a junior at CU's Denver campus in business information systems. Brian is 16 and a sophomore at Arapahoe High. Wife Barbara's in real estate, and they celebrated their 24th wedding anniversary on the 9th of June. Since leaving the service in 1980, and before, Gary's done a lot of work on various presidential campaigns--his conversation includes modest references to Ford, Carter, Air Force One, et. al. (Looks as young as if he was back in 6th Squadron.)
Working in Colorado Springs for General Electric is Dick SCHEHR, while wife Fran is busy acting as contractor for their new home in Monument. Three children: Richard (23) operates a junkyard (recycling facility for rejuvenated auto parts) in Denver, Daniel (22) is doing construction work, and their daughter Christine (19) attends college at UCCS. Dick got out in 1981, fishes, works on the non-profit U.S. Space Foundation, and graciously buys all of us rounds of drinks when we get together.
Frank David MAYBERRY is a systems engineer ("that's about all I can say"--hush, hush) for Hughes in Denver and has the enviable schedule of working five days on and five off. He and his wife, Eve, (a Mary Kay cosmetic salesperson) have just formed the American Service Corporation which owns a carwash, and they're also in the process of buying their fifth rental property. Frank's justifiably proud of his 20-year-old daughter, Kari, who just completed her training with the Air National Guard at Keesler in electronics warfare maintenance, for which she received 30 college credit hours. His son, Tristan, is 16 and a high school sophomore majoring in "punk rock" at Heritage High.
Jim GLAZA works for E.F. Hutton (notice how quiet it gets when you say that) in Colorado Springs. Linda's the secretary in the AOG office, and they've got more kids than you can count. Steve's 23 and works for May D & F, while also attending the U. of Colorado on their C-Spgs campus; Douglas is 21, and works up at the Keystone ski resort; Eddie's 20, working in construction; Shari is 17; and Matthew is 15--both are attending Academy High. Jim and Linda recently returned to Bay City, MI, driving back a motorhome for the 50th wedding anniversary of Jim's parents. I must add that Linda is a great help for propagandizing our AOG and '60 reunion events.
If you need computer software design, contact Fred Howard PORTER III, formerly of Raleigh, NC but now in the Springs at (303) 623-8081. MSEE, BSES, AIAA, SETP, ALP, PASCAL, ALGOL, Mary Lou, and author of numerous flight-related publications from his test pilot days.
D. Leo WALSH sent a nice letter: "... I recently returned from an event which merits reporting. Bill GOODYEAR retired, and it was quite a ceremony. General B. Davis presided to a full house in the SAC theater at HQ and had some real nice comments. Bill's last assignment was as assistant DCS/Plans at SAC ... I am sure he will do wonderful things in his next career(s), but it was a sad moment for us who are left to defend the country ... My little family is once more packing up. We are going back to SAC HQ (for the third time) ... Liz has already rented a house ... 29117 Daniell Circle, Omaha, NE 68123." And, Bill GOODYEAR can be reached in Prescott, AR, at (602) 445-8400.
Ben FURUTA's a consultant, most recently for a computer-driven laser-video imaging system at the Science and Mathematics Teaching Resource Center in Los Angeles--employing its most sophisticated accoutrements such as a holograph, biological incubator and assorted discs, a project sponsored by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. (Puff, puff.)
Some of us attended the recent 25th reunion for 1959's class and enjoyed seeing some of the "old guys" (drumroll, please). The Academy Room at the museum was dedicated on Lowry (with RosAl's own Colonel JOHNSON coordinating), and it's fun to look at the old photos dating back to 1955. The Class of 1959, by the way, has loaned, interest free, $1,000 to our class fund, an act of incredible largesse. Thanks, 9'ers.

POTPOURRI: Tony BURSHNICK abandoned the reins as commandant and left in July for Scott AFB as DCS Logistics, MAC. Sid NEWCOMB left his ROTC assignment at Michigan State University and now lives inside a postal box--PSC 3206, APO Miami, FL 34002. Phil MEINHARDT stopped at Lowry AFB for some investment advice on his way to a new assignment in the U.K. as chief of Command Post. Joe DESANTIS called Al to tell him he couldn't stop laughing over the last column. Mike BUCHEN's 21-year-old son bought a 1965 Corvette with his own money after asking his old man who was "not interested." Mike's daughter Gretchen made the UCLA band. Herb ECKWEILER's handling his job with the Harris Corp.
Many of those in 6th Squadron from 1956-8 will recall Noble Blan, a great friend who loaned us the use of his house. Noble died several years ago, but his wife, Audrey, still lives at 724 South Osage, Denver, CO 80226, (303) WE4-8878, and it would be a thoughtful gesture if some of us dropped her a note. She's retired from her job at Gates, and I've looked thru hundreds of pictures of us which she's retained over these years.
We held a meeting on Sept. 8 at the Academy's Lawrence Paul Lodge for purposes of further planning our 25th Reunion--October 3-6, 1985. Attending were Fred and Mary Lou PORTER, Dick and Fran SCHEHR, Jock and Hope SCHWANK, Earl and Pat VAN INWEGEN, Wayne and Barbara KENDALL, Jim and Linda GLAZA, Al and Gale JOHNSON, and Rosie and Karen CLER. Committees established: Steering--CREW/GLAZA; Wives' Activities--Karen Cler and Barbara Crew; Logistics--KENDALL/SHIELDS/SCHWANK/BRUSH; Rembrances--SCHEHR; Football Game & Activities--VAN INWEGEN and SCHWANK; Finance--BURTON and SAVAGE; and Major Events--RosAl Productions. The "opener" is registration on Thursday, cocktails at Arnie's with continuous slides. Friday is golf, "State of the Academy" address, tour of the zoo, evening social. Saturday--USAFA vs. Notre Dame, followed by a RosAl production (to end all blasts) at a site designated after we locate an establishment who's not heard about us. The big thing is just getting together. Your input and comments and old pictures and attendance and ideas are important; so, activate your pens or typewriters or secretaries, and let Jim GLAZA or Gary CREW know that you're coming. Mike LOH is our East Coast coordinator to cajole attendance in that area, and George PUPICH has the West Coast. Volunteers for similar roles in S.W. and N.W. Conus? Note: Dick SCHEHR can use any and all of your old photos showing all the really neat times we had at the Academy. Pics of the Roman Blast? Our Europe trip? Ponca City?
Quote of the Week: "Can't we have a reunion without going back to the Academy?" (name withheld by request). Bye.