Checkpoints Class News
1200 South Wadsworth Boulevard, Suite 206
Lakewood, CO 80226
(303) 936-5522
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As only one method of "profiling" current attitudes preparatory to our reunion, FOG (Fraternity of Grads) commissioned Price-Waterhouse to conduct a survey of all 1960 graduates, and the following is a pr´cis of their results: 41 have grey hair; 13 have no hair. 12 don't chew gum; six don't have the teeth to chew gum; 26 couldn't spell gum; 63 admit to drinking martinis; 38 do, but won't admit it; 74 subscribe to Playboy; one gets a complimentary copy of the Plain Truth; three now can't read; I never could read; 96% possess the trait of non-pareil intellect; the other 4% got lost immediately following graduation; almost all were found to be either incredibly or moderately funny (one wasn't). A trait noticeably absent amongst those surveyed was: HUMILITY.
Missives From Mates: Heard by letter from Russ MACDONALD: "I will be leaving the Joint Staff (J-5) after three years as branch chief, Regional Negotiations ... had lots of TDY in good places ... completing my 7th year in DC ... settled in a nice house, and we were able to get all three kids through the same high school ... going to become the AFROTC Detachment commander at VPI in Blacksburg, VA ... Barbara and I look forward to the change of pace, and our oldest girl is engaged to a Marine 2nd Lt, and they plan to get married next May after she graduates ... our avocation is a 1957 Thunderbird."
A card from Dean BRISTOW: "We have been in Payson (Utah) for seven and a half years ... Christi is a 20-year-old junior majoring in music education at Utah State University, principal instruments are the cello and piano ... Catherine, our bagpipe player, is 18 and working as a 'mother's helper' in Scarsdale, NY, and Dana (14) is as tall as her mother ... apparently set aside her ambition to be an NFL quarterback in favor of more attention to the curling iron ... Michael (10) just signed up for Payson's youth basketball league, and started piano lessons ... wife Sandy retired from being high school PTA president after a very productive year ... I'm still the local 'plumber,' and once a month put on my blue suit and serve as the Air Force Reserve urologist at Hill Air Force Base."
Ted HOPKINS dropped me a nice letter: "I've missed a few formations ... coming out with my wife Dawn for the reunion in October with Jerry and Marsha DAILY. Jerry is a partner (CPA) with Touche Ross in Chicago ... got a note from Dick HILLMAN (he and Midge are also planning to attend). Dick is chief pilot for Continental ... I'm married with three children. Dawn comes from Moline, IL; went to school at the U. of New Mexico; and we were married in Germany in 1964 ... two boys, a girl and 437 various strange pet animals ... Dawn is a calligrapher and the happiest person I've ever known ... boys 18 and 16, and Daddy's darling at 12. As a family, we have been: sailing, soaring, scubaing, skiing, and ballooning. I was the first American to attend the Outward Bound Mountain School in England ... looking forward to the reunion."
And, it's always good to know that a tall general can still write his own letters: "I'll have the film (Scribe: he's talking about clips from the Roarin' 20s) in the mail just as soon as I can find them (Scribe: leave it to a general not to be able to find something unless his aide-de-damp or 'batman' is standing by). Glad to hear the reunion plans are coming along fine. Karen and I hope to be able to join all of you. Have you told Marc ANDERSON why you need the tank?" Anthony BURSHNICK, of course. (P.S. As far as the tank is concerned, Tony, we need six. Remember?)
Letter and long phonecon from/with Vic BOUQUET ('61) who started with our class. "Diane and I are in Santa Maria, CA ... retired two years ago as an 0-6, after refusing a staff planning job in the AF ... got involved in a company with Diane making women's apparel ... Vicki (23) graduated from college and is at Security Pacific Bank ... Son Mike's 21 and a junior at Cal Poly majoring in business, while Matt's 18 and a freshman in engineering technology." (Good to hear from you, Vic, after 25 years.)
An enjoyable telecon with the C.T. and Brenda DOUGLASS III family revealed that C.T.'s still with Western, recently promoted to first officer on a DC-10, traveling to Hawaii and Mexico. The family (including sixyear-old CT IV) returned to Minneapolis in June for a visit.
Serious Notes: As noted in the last column, Ron LANMAN ('59) has recommended that our fieldhouse be named in honor of Val BOURQUE. If you support that measure, write to: Mr. W.V. Hanchey, Secretary, USAFA Memorial Board, USAFA 80840.
General Jerry O'Malley (former ATO, and speaker at the '59 25th reunion banquet) and his wife Diane were killed in an aircraft accident in April. A memorial fund has been established, and donations may be forwarded to the AOG (disposition of the funds will be decided by the O'Malley family).
Trivial Cadet '60: The game of absolutely obscure and totally meaningless cadet knowledge. Everything you've forgotten about the Class of 1960, and some things you never even wanted to know.
- 500 puzzling questions, baffingly arranged on 100 cards.
- Five tantalizing categories-T&A, S&M, B&D, UFO, N&N.
- Hermetically-sealed in a handsome box, for use in retirement.
- You'll be an expert on our class, prior to the 25th reunion!
- Just imagine yourself astounding a classmate. Wow!

This game is not offered in stores. You'll become a funny person and the hit of any party. People will like you, and you'll become attractive in only 24 hours. Your friends will be amazed. For only $9.95, this game will cure warts, acne, aching joints, and podiatric ailments. Send contributions to AOG, ATTN: TC-60, USAFA 80840. This is a limited offer.
Bulletin: As a service to the U.S. Postal Service, we are seeking information on the following "Wanted" individuals:

25th Reunion: A note from John Denver: "Dear Rosie: Thank you for the letter and invitation to perform at your reunion. As much as I would love to be there, my schedule has me working in New York on a Broadway play at that time." Darn. Drats. Also turning us down was Johnny Carson, whose secretary called me and said: "Thanks, but, no thanks." We haven't yet heard from Izzy, Curly, and Moe. Even Willie Nelson hasn't responded. But, we're still hopeful.
Festivities start at 3 p.m. on Thursday, October 3rd, with registration, and close Sunday, October 6th, with a brunch at Mitchell Hall. (Various enjoyments are in between, and the party may be held on Friday evening, since the game might be nationally televised on Saturday evening).
To date, we have 120 classmates who've confirmed attendance, plus about 90% of their wives or friends, for a total of 220-230. By now, you should have received another questionnaire--if you haven't returned that, do it TODAY! Or, call Jim GLAZA at 1-800-525-2223 or (303) 598-7534. Dick SCHEHR still needs photos of those "good old days;" so, mail any pictures you have to him c/o the AOG office.
We all might have our reasons or lack of reasons for attending or not attending the reunion. I think it's best stated by a very serious Deke JOHNSON, who gave me permission to quote his feelings and comments: "Just saw Nels DELISANTI, and he'll be coming. At our 20th, I roomed with the "Seal" (John Henry HUHN). Hadn't known him very well when we were at school. During the reunion, I got to know him better and to discover what a fantastic guy he really was. Now he's dead, and we'll never see him at another reunion. If that's not a good reason for seeing our classmates now, while we still can, I don't know a better one." (Scribe: Thanks, Deke. As Seal's very close friend, I can tell you without embarrassment that I got off that phone from talking with you, and reflected for a long time.)
3-6 October 1985
Send your reservation in NOW!

Potpourri: Ted STUMM's moved to Pope AFB, NC as a colonel, former address was in VA ... Tony JONES moves from Andrews to 4664 Rockvale Drive, Las Vegas (close to Howie BRONSON?) ... Barbara and Gary CREW saw George FRIES in Honolulu in June. George's going to Korea as an 0-6, W WMCCS to Seoul(?). Said to ask the Roach (LOH) if he was still trawling in the Blue Onion ... Col William R. (Frenchy) OUELLETTE has been appointed the new Assistant Adjutant General for Air for Maine by the governor. Prior to that he served as the Chief of Staff for Air ... Mike BUCHEN's in/out, in/out of Denver, recently saw Herb ECKWEILER, who's still at Harris Corp ... Gregory BOYINGTON, Jr. (wasn't he the tall guy with the famous father?) is at P.O. Box 1309 (must be a tight squeeze), Alameda, CA 94501 ... Gen VAN INWEGEN's really in Switzerland ... Bill TAYLOR's moved to WPAFB as associate dean of their engineering school, and has a son who graduated with the Class of '85 (class standing: 34) ... Rich CARTER spent a month in Houston for Continental updating himself in the DC-10 (he also knows Steven Speilberg and Ann Margret).
Al JOHNSON's son Mike just graduated from Yale (a small eastern school) in pre-med, and promptly departed for Paris ... Jock SCHWANK's retirement ceremony in June included Mrs. Mac in attendance and a Legion of Merit for Jock (congratulations). Numerous grads were there, and Gen Scott performed the honors. Jock was also recently elected president of the AOG ... Jim GLAZA was elected to the AOG board ... my daughter Brandy just graduated from C.U. (where the buffaloes roam) in journalism ... Jim ALEXANDER moved from Las Vegas to 2733 Powhatan Drive, Sumter, SC 29150 ... Joe DESANTIS ('59) saw Tony BILELLO someplace ... thanks for the 30-minute phone call, Whale (GONSKY). The charge (to me) was $32 ... Loretto Heights and CWC are trying to identify/locate their grads who married cadets. If your wife went, tell them to contact their schools, since the AOG can't give out that information.
Wayne KENDALL's retiring, and going out into the "real world." ... Pete BURTON owns a horse called "Sunkist" in LA. Frank and Eve MAYBERRY went to Jamaica in March, both got recent promotions at Hughes and Mission Viejo; daughter Kari's now at U.C.D. in EE ... Jim O'ROURKE's in SLC (and coming to the reunion) and a captain with Eastern. Jim and wife Bev have four offspring (as well as four children): Leslie (21) is a chemical engineer with Amoco, Debbie's (19) at the U. of Utah, and their 16-year-old fraternal twins Jim and Jeanine are in high school.
Quotes of the Quarter: "The man who says 'no' to champagne says 'no' to life." (The Deer Hunter). "The man who says 'no' to our 25th reunion is a wanton churl." (Sammy Emeritus).